“Prepare for the time of the great famine” — food for thought

Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine
90 min readMay 24, 2016


Prepare for famine. This engraving from Goya’s Disasters of War of starving women was inspired by the terrible famine that struck Madrid in 1811–1812. Perhaps a disaster doesn’t have to be disastrous if we are prepared.

(Part 4 of 5)

What the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, told from 1970 to 1989 about preparing for the great famine


“What will cause this famine?” a man asked the spiritual messengers of God, May 1, 1970.

“Man shall cause this famine,” came their answer.

The words that were spoken may ring true to the reader as one becomes more aware as months and years unfold.

Here is one possible thought.

Henry Kissinger notably said:

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

The first warning of a great famine was on U.S. Mideast involvement. In 1970, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, cautioned that if U.S. took certain actions in the Middle East within 10 years it might lead us into war. (See part one).

Then, in part two, we were warned of inflationary depression. The first of the famine shall come in the form — Because you have, your society has inflated itself, it should come, therefore, in the form of depression.”

In part three, the spiritual messengers of God gave guidance about preparing for famine––begin with safe drinking water.

Should electricity go off, municipal water wells or farm pumps might not be able to provide water. Radiation from nuclear war could contaminate rivers, ponds, pools and other water sources. Another might be pollution or contamination, as happened in Globe, Arizona in the late 60’s.

After the U.S. Forest Service had contaminated Pinal Mountain above Globe, Arizona, with Agent Orange, a desperate family came in 1970 to ask the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, for help and healing. While they were being given this, Aka provided guidance about ways to purify or to find clean drinking water. Some of their loving guidance might be helpful to others.

After many natural disasters, such as a flood or hurricane, or after man-made disasters, clean drinking water may be unavailable. It’s in the aftermath when people get sick. So, it’s always important to have safe drinking water. (See part 3).

The next need for which to prepare is food. (Part 4 is this article.) In it here are many instructions the spiritual messengers of God gave to help us prepare––by storing food, seeds, tools, and knowledge––and learning of wild edibles that grow in our locality. Aka tells of our other needs for which we need to prepare, such as our spiritual ones.

These many good suggestions the spiritual messengers of God offer may be considered as “food for thought.”

And finally, part 5 holds this important message: “If prayer from the many should come forth, the Seventh Seal should not be opened”.

Angels sent from God come to shepherd a flock (of all those who wish to listen). They see our needs. They openly and lovingly offer guidance and hope to all people, and seek to provide for us in more love than we can imagine. As you read their loving words to people gathered to listen from Arizona, or those who wrote in questions from other places, remember to make your plans for the region where you are. Or consider coming to join and work with us.

On August 1, 1986, the spiritual messengers of God said: You have the changes of the seasons. You have the summer, which is a time of growth. You have the fall which is a time of harvest. You have winter, a time of rest. And you have the spring, the time of new life….But what matters most is the place where you stand where you’re happiest, where your soul scores [soars] to the heavens, that is what matters — where your soul finds gladness, that you walk in the sunshine, that you walk in the evening, that you walk in the nighttime, unto all times with gladness in your heart, allowing each day to become new and reborn again….

There shall be times when provisions of storage shall be needed. And we have told you this. We do not want you to preserve the food so that it cannot be used. We have told you, preserve and store so you may help those in need. A need of a desolate family without can come every day; it’s all around you. Serving the need of others — but remember you must serve yourselves. This is not a greedy or selfish thought. These are thoughts of necessity. If you were to clean your neighbor’s yard, clean yours first, your own. And use the same with storing. If you should [have] your neighbors store, store yourself first, and by example your neighbors shall know that they need a year’s provisions.

We say unto you, your spirits are strong. That yet war is about you, plan for peace, but know this, as we have told you; if you should live in a place where an earthquake should occur build a house that shall withstand an earthquake. It is the same way with other catastrophes. We have told you before that where water flowed, no water shall flow. The plight that is upon the earth and has hidden and struck the land is but part of the whole.

This is the manner of love in which these words are given to you.

The first month of their coming, the spiritual messengers of God warned us to prepare for famine. It must be important for us to hear.

April 29, 1970, Aka was asked, “”Do you have something for us?”

The spiritual messengers of God answered: As I have said before, the time of the Red Horse is here.

I have said that the Horse will attack the Bear [Russia]. Now, I will warn thee that the Eagle [U.S.A.] shall join the Bear. The fuse is lit. And as it burns, it may consume thy earth. As in all things, a free choice — there are chances still that this shall not happen. But from the extra claws the Eagle will attach to itself, it does not look like it shall avoid these wars. Therefore, the crucial time shall be in the next ten years. [Note: this was discussed in the first part, “Prepare for the time of the great famine” — the first warning, on U.S. Mideast involvement.”]

Prepare thy group for its coming. Prepare for the time of famine.

“The time of whom?”


“Phantom?” (Rod, who asked these questions, that he couldn’t understand the word. In the U.S. in the 1970s, the thought was so incomprehensible to him.)

Nay. The time of the great famine.



At a later time instructions shall be given to the preparation for this time.

The instructions Aka gave in the months and years that followed are gathered here for you to read.

May 1, 1970, Aka was asked “about some information on the storing of food in preparation for the famine.”

The spiritual messengers of God answered: Yes, this should be done. But in thy preparation, store seed, store it preferably in airtight containers, that no air may enter….Store also, in containers, no flour. Store either rice or corn. This also, if possible, the air should be taken from the containers that it is stored in. The preparing of certain fruits and vegetables, as thy call it, either in canned goods….Also…thy should get a script of thy known herbs of that location.

“What location?”

The one around thee of both the desert and the high land, preferably the high land. This will be safer in the days of famine.

“All right. What will cause this famine?”

Man shall cause this famine.

Photograph showing starving children during the Russian famine of 1921, caused by man.

June 9, 1970: Now, we see a question in thy minds of famine, of the day of famine.

If what is in the mind of some men of this earth plane at this time, this famine shall be created for a short period. [From] the positions of the mountains [south and east of Globe, Arizona], the worst of this shall go over [you]. Store seed of all natures. Store grain. Store as much dried and preserved fruits, vegetables, as thy can. Certain information has been placed in your hands at this time. This information has come from what thy call the Mormon church. They, in their own way, are preparing for this day of famine, for their prophets have told them of such.

October 5, 1970:”Aka, at this time, could you give us any more information as to the storing of food and our storing of water?”

At this time in which thy should ask, we have said unto you, store of the seed, store of the dry fruits or vegetables. Store in such a way that thy may replant and re-grow, and replenish your earth. Remember, this time we prepare you for is a time that man shall make, not our Father.

The time we prepare you for in the time of One, in the time of the Messiah, this is the time of our Father. For this time, all you shall need shall be furnished you.

But for the time of the Beast, prepare for this time. The time shall be lean, a few months. And this time shall be known in your time as four years, six months. During this time, you should be prepared to provide for yourselves.

We would suggest, for your seed, prepare a place in the ground which is both dark and dry. We should say the same for thy food; prepare a place that is both dark and dry.

Some seeds for both planting and eating

Now, we should say unto the water. We have told unto thee the fashions of purifying your water. Now we should tell unto thee, keep ten 1,000-gallon containers in storage. But do not do this until we tell of you. And as we tell of you this, then do it at once, for the water on your earth for a short time shall be foul, and no man, beast or animal, or the bird, or the fowl, or even that of the sea shall be able to drink of this.

April 30, 1971: Now is the time to make the preparations to store thy water, for thy needs shall be soon. Now is the time to store thy food…to store of the seeds of all plants.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

May 2, 1971: Prepare thee for the famine. Store of the food for each man, woman and child upon thy earth; store food for one year of your calendar. Store seeds that thy may replant and replenish the earth. Store the seed of knowledge that thy may take this [on] to thy descendants of all forms. Store pure drinking water, and this should be done to sustain you for six months. Store farm implements; tools of all nature and kind.

A collection of various garden tools. Photo by Spitfire at en.wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17928636

May 2, 1971: “Of the storing of the food for the famine…I have one short question. We are now storing dehydrated or freeze-dried foods; is this bad?”

This is good.

Freeze dried bacon bars. Photo by The Failed Photographer, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=16135384

June 18, 1971: Store, as we have said before, knowledge for the time of the famine.

June 25, 1971: For man shall lay waste unto his land. Then we say unto thee, store thy knowledge.

September 5, 1971: Store of [the] knowledge, the seed of knowledge, that thy should not lose this time again and go backward unto what thy were, for those who should be born of the future time, they shall be of yourselves….

Then, we should answer this question unto the storing of food. And we see that thy grow impatient for its need. And as we have said before, if thy should go into the desert without the provisions of water and food, and therefore, die for lack of the same, should thy blame thy Lord for this? Nay. Then prepare for this time. Remember, with thy free choice thy can change of your future….

But we should suggest that among thy groups thy should order of these provisions together, that thy may in this proportion have of these things….

Store of thy food in many places, within thy group, but order of the proportions of the same as a group. But also, if one should leave of thy group, make certain that this one should take with him provisions for his family….

For the time of the need, our Lord says, “BE PATIENT, AND PRAY THAT THY SHOULD NEVER NEED OF THE SAME.”

November 19, 1971: And now, as we have said before, we shall tell thee of the time of the famine. Now is the time of the Red Horse….

But if the Eagle [U.S.A.] should fly first, if the Eagle should guard and do the duty that it was made to perform — we see in the minds of some of your people the thought not to protect that proportion of Israel. This must happen, for it is part of God’s plan. But the fuse is lit in that proportion known as France, and is growing steadily toward Israel. If this should ignite, so should your world ignite.

And we say unto these people of your group, prepare now for the famine. Prepare a way for others. Store of the feed. Store of the seed. Do this in a gradual manner. And fear not, for the angel of God hovers above thee.

March 30, 1973: Prepare for the day of the famine, but do not do so in a reckless manner. Lay aside ten percent of your income each month. Put this into a group fund for buying. But buy these things in a sensible manner. It is not necessary that you should build a pyramid for storing. Build yourselves a vault, placing it in a dry place. Store theses things in quantity.

The most famous picture of the Great Depression — a mother of seven children by Dorthea Lange. Picture from the FDR, courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.

The first of the famine shall come in the form — because you have, your society has inflated itself, it should come, therefore, in the form of depression. Plant food things that thy can rely on to grow in your locale. You know of these. We have placed forth upon your earth an abundance of water for the cleansing of the land….If your budget shall not allow of ten percent, then place five percent, but do so in a sensible manner, and do so in a manner that each should pay their own share. Rotate your stock….

Take upon yourselves one task at a time and do it well. And your Father shall provide, and your storehouse shall not become empty.

Put forth the effort that is needed, both in the building of your spiritual selves and the building within your group. Bring strength forth and unity. Plan together, but be joyful unto one another….Now is the time to grow from the good soil. Lift up your hearts.

But for those who should stand and only find fault and do nothing, nothing shall be provided.

“I have one question about the depression. When will this come, and how long will it last?”

We shall tell of thee things. But first, pick up your hoe, and show us the faith.

May 25, 1973: We have told you of the famine to come. Do not run around as hysterical children. Do not destroy those things that you have built. We shall guide you. Take each step in a sensible manner. But remember also the feeding of your families, the seeing to their needs, is just as important as the preparation for that time, and it is in part of itself.

Photo of Female Worker in WPA Lunchroom, Great Depression Era

If a man should say unto himself, “The Lord, God, has told me of this time of famine; so eat not, my children, for we must save for this day.” And so he saved. And yet, the day of famine came, and the children had withered and died. So, he looked upon his storehouse, and he ate and slept and traded and bartered during the famine. Yet, he looked upon a neighbor who had also prepared for the famine, and his neighbor’s children were healthy and happy. And he went unto the neighbor, and he said, “How could this be? How could you provide for the famine, and yet, your children are strong and healthy?”

And the neighbor looked upon this man and said unto him, “Our Father did say on us to prepare; but not to become hermits, not to provide the needs of our children, and not to provide the happiness with their hearts that was needed, and not to deprive ourselves of these things.”

And the man said, “But how could you do both?”

And the man said, “Walk with me unto my storehouse, and we shall see.” And they walked with him into his storehouse, and there were many provisions. But within each of these were those things that this man could grow again. Within each of these were foods that he could eat from day to day as he stored. And then the man said unto him, “Let us go unto your storehouse.”

And yet this greedy man hesitated for anyone to see his treasure. But yet, because he sorrowed for his children’s death, they went unto his storehouse, and there they found each nook and cranny filled with much grain and much substance. But the neighbor did clear away the surface, and there he found many fat rats who had eaten all of his storage.

Farmer in despair over the depression in 1932.

Now you say unto us, why should we say these words unto you? We speak in this manner. There shall be many who should come unto you and say, do this, and do that. Store this, and store that. You within your minds shall know of those things to store. But we say unto you, store not that that you could eat today, as well as tomorrow, but store that — first, in such a place that the rats cannot enter, second, in such a manner that it should last over a long period of time. And worry not that those should laugh at you for doing so, for remember, there were many who laughed at Noah….

Build shelters for your animals, and do so immediately.

A reporter for the Arizona Republic newspaper had this question, June 1, 1973: “I purchased a gun recently after considering doing so for a long, long time, for a long time. Do you have anything to say about that?”

We see thy purpose. A gun, as you would say, a weapon, a weapon can come in many forms. It is the use of the same that could bring destruction unto yourself. We should say unto you, protect thyself, but give unto God that which belongs to God, give unto your fellow man that which belongs unto your fellow man. and give unto yourself that which belongs unto you. But do not become confused which belongs to who. As words are weapons, use them well….

For if thy build of sticks and mud they shall wash away, if thy shall build of stone and timber they shall remain, but yet add steel unto thy stone.

The American Silver Eagle was first coined in 1986. In 1970, an ounce of silver cost $1.63, and an ounce of gold was $35.00. By 2014, the price of silver was $19.64 while gold was $1,280 an ounce. Some say the price of precious metals reflects inflation of the dollar. Aka said the famine would begin as an inflationary depression brought on by man.

July 9, 1973:“Are gold and silver coins a good investment now?”

We should say go unto the silver. Worry not about the gold. We should also say, provide that that you should store of foodstuff. You shall find this knowledge within the readings that shall be put at your disposal. Store of this. Then, in the time of famine, you may barter and trade, and therefore, you may have the gold and the silver and something to eat also. But provide that not only for yourself, but for others.

July 12, 1973: Be not unto that of the person who should store of all things just for their selves. Unto those things of knowledge that thy should store, give into all mankind.

The Jerusalem artichoke, also called sunroot, sunchoke, earth apple or topinambour, is a species of sunflower native to eastern North America, and found from eastern Canada and Maine west to North Dakota, and south to northern Florida and Texas. It is also cultivated widely across the temperate zone for its tuber, which is used as a root vegetable. CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=81358

August 3, 1973: “Yes, Aka. You spoke of storing Jerusalem artichokes. This last year we attempted to. We have many planted, but we don’t know how to store them. Could you tell us how?”

Yes, we shall answer within this manner. This must be dried with your ultraviolet light, or dehydrated in small pyramid-type state. This knowledge you already have we have given of in previous readings. We shall state in this manner — that that food that should be dehydrated in this manner stores within it all of its value, that that is dehydrated within the pyramid state.

When Ray awoke from trance, September 4, 1973, he described what he had just seen in a vision. The tape recorder was turned back on as he said, “…are the circuits that are producing electricity.”

“Like a farm windmill?” a woman sitting by him asks.

“Like a farm windmill. And some of them were not over six-foot tall. And some of them were taller, but they weren’t — oh boy, hmm — I saw them mounted on top of houses! And I saw — hmm — I saw them mounted and there was like a huge condenser, and not a like a huge one, it was just a condenser, but when the juice flow broke at a certain point it would cut in like electricity. But you were using this until it — in other words, you were using, you had electricity sitting out there, but yet these things produced electricity until the current, until it — “

“Built up?” a man says.

“Built up. But it had battery form, storing juice. And — hmm — something like the transformer or something. I don’t know. There was so much there so fast that I — hmm.”

“Do you think everyone was using these for power?” the man asks.

“I don’t know. But they were using them. And they were mounted on top of the houses and rooftops.

And first, and then I saw — oh, boy, too much at one time. And I saw a crystal thing, looking things, that were gathering some type of — and I knew they were producing power. And I saw — there were about five or six different things; I was seeing one right after the other. They all were circuits and — diodes and — they were entrapping….

“They were very cheaply constructed; it was a very cheap thing.”

“Like the ones they use in Australia, two-bladed?”

“Not that many blades on it.”

“Like a water windmill that they use, with a lot of blades?”

“Uh huh. But the blades were balanced to where if there was the slightest breeze, just a whisper of a breeze, it would start it to turn. It had weights, offset weights on it, once a breeze started it it would continue, almost perpetual motion.”

“Do you mean a flywheel action, to keep it coasting between rests?”

“[Wheel weights]. I don’t know, I’ll have to sift it out. I’ll have to do it later. There’s just too much at one time; I couldn’t grasp it all. There’s just too many things. If I saw it once I’ll see it again.”

From cactus flowers, cactus fruit grows.

November 2, 1973: We have told you of the storing of many things. We have placed before you each of these. We have also told you that the monetary value that should be needed shall be before you as the times are needed, that the needs shall be taken care of, not the wants. Therefore, in your preparation, prepare for the needs.

For seed was strewn upon the earth in heavy harvest, therefore, to lay dormant until the time it was needed to grow again, and so it shall be. For even though there shall be pestilence and famine, new seed shall rise from the earth and growth shall come forth, for our Father shall prepare a way for His children in this manner.

You shall find that nations shall fall, yet rise again from the dust. But those that shall rise shall be better nations because they have fallen. And new governments shall be born within governments, and so it shall be within your own. So fear not this trying time.

November 9, 1973: But be not as the greedy one did so during the famine, who stored just to be storing. Store not from greed, but from need.

We have told you before to store as a group, in group form. We told you to give unto that of ten percent for the storing of the food, for those who could. For those who could not, let them give five. For those who cannot, let them give that unto which they can. If they can give labor, let them give labor. Let each give in his own way. But store in a manner that you may feed all. And fear not, for we shall replenish your storehouses, for the loaves of bread shall not run out….

But we say unto you, prepare therefore for his second coming — and much as his own apostles did so, for upon his resurrection, they knew him not — for Thomas he had to produce wounds that he should believe. Shall you be the same? Or shall you be ready for his coming? For there has been a thousand years of peace promised upon your Earth, a new Heaven and a new Earth. Prepare [so], therefore, within the same. Start that preparation within yourself….

Now is not the time for separate paths. Come unto one in your food storage. Be as one. Pool your knowledge. Pool your resources. Bring them together. Do unto these things and we shall see of thy needs.

Those who are native know the desert, not as a barren wasteland, but as a place of abundance.

December 7, 1973: Thy have thought within thy mind of the storing and the preparation of your food substance for the time of the famine. We shall answer in this manner. We have told you before to provide for your family, but your family shall be of great multitude, for each within itself shall be brother and sister. Cast aside within thyselves, and act in accord with God, and you shall find the answer, therefore, within yourselves.

Hot metal work from a blacksmith. Photo by Taken byfir0002 — Own work, GFDL 1.2, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=136199

December 28, 1973: Slowly, as in the days of Pharaoh, the famine is close at hand. Therefore, in your planning, plan to store knowledge, for without it you shall be nothing. In your storing, store that of the making of metals of all kinds, of the making of machinery and the component parts of all kinds.

Your laws of physics, as you should know them now shall drastically change, and new knowledge shall come forth. Your laws of medicine shall drastically change as you know it now, and new knowledge shall come forth. New forms of electrical power shall be sought out and found now. The use and harnessing of cosmic generators shall be placed into use of the same.

We shall say unto you these words, the wind passes upon the earth and comes free unto all from God. Harness the use of this into the making of electricity….

A windturbine

Do not panic. Do not throw caution to the wind and throw your dollars behind it. Your dollars, your monetary value, shall be worth its value. It shall be highly inflated, this is true. But do not throw all things aside. Store of your currency as well as your food….We shall leave with this message. Your new Messiah now dwells upon your earth in child form. He shall be protected. Glory be the name of the Lord.

June 7, 1974: [Said to one person] You have designed the canisters; you have designed the handles to go upon the canisters….For as the ark should set forth, and the foodstuff and the medicine and the knowledge should not be lost, these canisters were built before.

Your famine shall not come forth in the manner unto which you think….You have sought to build refuges, places to hide. And who may hide from God? [See The Revelation 6:16.]

Places of learning are a wonderful thing. Places of hiding, of throwing humanity and mankind to the wolves that you may be saved, you are only repeating your karma once again….

If prayer from the many should come forth, the Seventh Seal should not be opened. We say unto you, take unto the words of Jonah, read them carefully, and you should know, therefore, that your thought forms may not only change matter, but may change the mind of our Father, God, also. [See The Revelation, chapters 7–11, and Jonah, chapter 3.]

Be transformed; therefore, turn around.

June 20, 1974: For famine shall ravish the earth, and men shall kill for bread….

Beware, for soon across the lands shall come the mighty storms — hail, rain, wind, all of these things. Prepare your homes, and prepare those things you should have in store, that they should not be destroyed of these mighty storms….

As the storms should come forth, great fires shall sweep the lands, destroying much life before it. Cities shall burn in its path.

June 29, 1974: We have given thee a way to prepare for this. But we say unto you, do so, yet in a sensible manner. Do not be as the man who was so busy storing that he forgot to plug the holes that the rats should come in and eat what he had stored.

Build upon this foundation we have given unto you. Become that within yourself as the Seven Spirits of God upon the earth. Build forth a new earth and a new heaven, and all shall rejoice.

Fear not, that though chaos may be around you. We have seen to your needs as we promised in the beginning. Your wants and your needs are two different things. Your needs shall be provided as raindrops upon the desert. Yet they shall be provided for….

Within each of you we have bestowed certain gifts. These gifts, as A Rose without Thorns, should mature and blossom. Take jealousy from thy hearts. Accuse not lest ye be accused. Judge not lest ye be judged. We say unto you, restore the Tablets in their original form.

When we first came unto you we said there was a chain of Thirteen that had been broken many times upon the earth, and each attempt to build it, it had been broken again. [See Acts, chapters 1 and 2.]

Build it once again upon the earth, and peace shall come upon the earth. And where no rivers have flown rivers shall flow. You lands shall no longer be parched, but shall blossom forth and bear fruit.

Give forth love, as the waters of the river should give forth life. Give forth hope, as the raindrops should fall upon the desert.

Give forth faith, as a plant should have the faith from seedling to grow into maturity.

For those who ask for healing in our Father’s name, it shall be given. For we shall heal not only the body, but the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body, that all may come in accord with the same.

But we say unto you, for those who can give, let them give. For those who have but one teardrop to shed for our Father’s light, it shall be enough.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Now is the time of the Cherub.

Photo of a pantry by Downtowngal — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=29263964

July 8, 1974: You are entering into that of an inflationary depression. Crop failure across the land has multiplied unto the same. Your dollar has inflated itself beyond comparison and shall continue for a period of time to do the same….

Yet we say unto you, store, therefore, unto seed and grain. Store, therefore, unto the foodstuff, of both fruits and vegetables of all kinds. Store in such a way that you may take from your storehouse and replenish as time goes forward. And in this manner you shall be prepared for the same. But as your dollar inflates, that that you buy today, you shall pay more for tomorrow.

Phto by ErikvanWees — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=25870552

August 15, 1974: For upon thy earth should walk the Seventh [Fifth?] angel. [Note: See The Revelation 6:5–8.]

And you should say unto us, “What this could mean unto the earth?” And we should answer unto you into this manner. For it should mean pestilence and famine. That that man has placed into the earth should come forth. That that man has placed into the heavens should come downward.

Rain shall not fall, but when it comes it shall come in abundance. Crops shall not grow. All of these things man has done unto himself.

For we should tell thee the parable of the Seven Spirits of the Lord, and as they placed there forth within your atmospheric that that would produce the clouds into which the rain should be carried about. And therefore, each was different and separate, and each did serve its own purpose. And therefore, the earth was green and fertile, and all things came in abundance.

And then man came forth. And day by day and year by year, he has polluted the land, the sky, and the earth beneath the land. At first he learned to rotate his crops to rebuild the land, but then he found, through the use of chemical compounds, that he could force the growth of the plant life, he could change the genes within the plant life. And these were good, for these were intended.

Then man became lustful. And as he became lustful he tried to make the earth produce more and more, beyond its own endurance. And therefore, the land polluted into itself.

We shall tell thee of another time, of a land of Egypt, when famine did come upon it. And in this land God sent forth in dream form he who should dream the dream [Pharaoh]. And then He sent forth the one who should interpret the dream [Joseph]. And in both God’s work was done. [See Genesis, chapter 41.]

And we say unto you, your earth could feed the world in bountiful form without such as this.

The Agricultural Act of 1956 created the Soil Bank Program, which removed farmland from production in an effort to reduce large crop surpluses after World War II. Land deposited into the Soil Bank was then converted into conservation use. Farmers were paid to let their land lie unplanted for 10 years while it restored itself. Photo of unused farmland covered in wildflowers at Circleville, UT, by Barbara Whitney — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=38977013

Many have asked, “Then what is the answer for such?” And we say unto you, as you in this land of your Americans have put forth what you call, soil banks, take these from the soil banks and put them into production. Take the land that is no longer productive and lay it aside that it may restore itself. Plant upon it these things that will put back into the soil and not take from it. If such is done, if man in his lust should stop, then the famine would stop.

But all is in free choice. Should you go onward with your lust as you have, man shall die away in a polluted land where nothing grows. You have changed your cosmic radiation, or cosmic bombardment, unto the earth form, which all mass and all form should come from. You have polluted the sky in such a manner that no longer is there an even balance. Therefore, a form change should take place. For those who can adapt themselves to this form change shall live. But many thousands shall die. And yet, the thousands shall be into millions upon the earth.

We have placed before you means to overcome and change your own environment. Yet you have heard us not. We came before you and told of you of the coming of the famine, and to store, and yet, you heard us not. Now we say again unto you, heed our words. Store of grain, of tools. Store of seed. Store of knowledge. Do of these things, that your civilization should preserve itself, that it should not crawl back into the caves once again, that it should not revert itself totally back unto the animal form that the spirit first found it in.

Take lessons from your clouds. Know that each is different and each is changing. But a cloud can go not where it is not wanted. It can only come unto the lands for those who should give praise unto the Lord.

Yet, you have used up your water from the earth, your natural storage tanks. And your ground should settle and cause earthquakes within the same unto this land….

And we say unto you, cleanse this land or it shall be cleansed for you. “For not one pebble upon the earth shall be left unturned.” For now is the time of the Cherub, and the Cherub shall carry the great Sword, the sword that should cut two ways. One side of the sword should cut away land, and cleanse it. The other side should cut away those who have the mark of the Beast, the thieves. And we say unto you, look unto yourselves. Cast aside your greed, your lust, your envy. Look unto your brothers and look unto your sisters in such a manner that you should be as a mirror. Do unto them as you would wish them to do unto you, and you shall change the destiny of this land. If this is not done, then as we have said before, the land shall be cut. [See Matthew, chapter 24 and The Revelation, chapters 13 and 19.]

The view from Marine One en route to Firebaugh, Calif., February 14, 2014.

September 12, 1974: Across thy land and across the world so should stand the Fifth Angel. And thy should say unto us, how this should affect the world? And we should answer unto thee into this manner. Pestilence and famine shall coveth thy Earth. First, by drought, then by storm, so should your food provisions be wiped away.

And you say unto us, “Why should this happen?” We should answer back unto you, for we have warned you, your Lord, God, has warned you, and your prophets have warned you throughout the land that the time was at hand. We say unto you, it is not too late to store thy needs. But your crops shall be lean each year. First you should plant them and they should die of thirst. Then you should plant them and the water should drown of them. Your winters shall be harsh. Where no water has been before, water shall flow. In lands that nothing grew, flowers shall bloom across the earth. Yet, you shall not know the time of planting and what to plant. You shall run and hide thyselves, yet there shall be no place to hide.

And then shall come forth upon your Earth he who is already born, the one that shall bear the name of the Anti-Christ. And the seven nations shall rise, and they shall represent the seven horns or crowns. And they shall multiply into ten, and from the ten they shall choose their leader, who shall become the Beast, and the Beast should take power from them, and should feed off of them. And the rule shall be light and lean, and all things shall be done to preserve this time.

But yet again, then the one, the long-waited one, shall come forth. When the earth shall run red with blood and smolder, he shall lay his gentle hand upon the Earth and the Earth shall rise again as though from the dead. And all nations shall bow before him. And for those that do not wear the mark of the Beast, there shall be a thousand years of peace upon the earth. But think not as you would count; think as a thousand years, those thousand years shall be multiplied into a thousand, for each day shall be of a thousand years. [The Revelation, chapters 13, 17, and 8–23.]

Many of you shall be, in this time of famine, sure that the earth shall destroy itself. And we say unto you, nay.

But all of the things that we have said can be prevented, for we are here but for one purpose. That purpose is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And in that preparation the Lord, God, should send His messengers forth to prepare a way within each of His children.

There shall be those who should not listen. There shall be those who shall not see. There shall be those who shall stand and say, “What foolish talk is this?” But the earth shall be cleansed, either by men or by God. The choice is yours….

We have come not with words of doom. We have shown you the paths that lie before thee. The choice is yours.

Find the true meaning of the word of love.

November 9, 1974: We have told you of a coming famine, and the famine is at hand. We have told you the things to store. Yet if a man should work from dawn to dusk and only store in his warehouse a small proportion, give prayer upon that proportion you have stored, and the Lord shall replenish that proportion tenfold.

November 29, 1974: For we should say, hark, into thee, for if the Eagle [U.S.A.] does not spread its wings and give the protection unto the land of Israel then your days of famine shall worsen. Each day shall lead into another, each becoming more desperate into the next. We have told you before, to prepare for the famine. We have told you the length of time of famine. It is at hand. It is now….

Many in your land now grow hungry for need. We say unto you, make the extra effort to put stores in your storehouses. Put tools, seed, each of all kinds….All things that we have prepared you for, throughout, the twinkling of the eye, is now the time to bring them forth into fulfillment. Store of all things, but do them with caution. Do not be as the man who should store for the sake of storing. Emphasize in your newsletter quite strongly the needs….

Oasis CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=42254

April 5, 1975: Many shall say, “Woe, what shall happen into us in this time of famine?” And we shall say unto you, your needs shall be provided, but know the difference between your needs and your wants. If you should go unto the desert, and there to find an oasis, and there to find the shade of the trees and a beautiful stream, if the wind should come and dry up one half of the oasis, but leave you a proportion, during the good times you shall take much. During the bad times you shall take less, but it shall be enough. In this you will find that the land shall learn from within itself, that nations shall learn and shall grow strong within themselves. Neighbor shall learn to rely on neighbor. No longer shall be the time when you should live next to thy neighbor and not know of them. All of these things shall come about. And yet, there is but another famine that shall come in later years. And you shall learn from this famine. If you do not, then you shall perish in a polluted land where no flowers at all may grow.

April 26, 1975: Prepare now for these lean years ahead, but prepare by preparing your people. Take forth your teachers’ courses that more teachers should come forth, and more ministers should come forth….

But strengthen thy warehouses and fill of them with seed and tool. We say unto you, prepare not but one warehouse, but three, and then we shall say unto you, prepare more.

How many weeks or months of supplies might be needed? Photo by de:Benutzer:sjr — de.wikipedia (selbstfotographiert), CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=331081

May 3, 1975: Advise your people to keep enough food and water, clothing, and the essential medications on hand, that they may remain in one place until it is safe for them to journey or for you to journey forth to bring them into safer land.

May 7, 1975: If you went into the desert without food and water, and looked into the heavens and said, “Lord, I have been lazy and not provided the food and water; provide me, therefore, with food and water,” should the Lord, therefore, provide the food and water? Or should He provide thee with the knowledge to obtain the same? In this manner, so it shall come. Full direction and farther direction shall come from time to time as the need should arise. But we shall answer fully your question. We have promised with the word of our Father to take care of the needs, not of the wants, for the use and construction of this work. And so it shall be. But for every laborer who should lay a hand, they are worthy of their pay. Therefore, we shall provide with the necessary means of their livelihood.

May 31, 1975: You shall build storehouses, and many things you shall store. But as the need should arise for each thing, a way shall be provided.

June 28, 1975: We say unto you, yes, those times we have told you about shall come forth, but do not cease to plan for tomorrow. Prepare, store, but do not make that all of your life, but part of your life.

If you may send food to Ethiopia, also prepare and send food here at home, and start. Feed the nations, for this is a test for you….

If you give, give with your heart. Give that which you have. Put into storage that which you have here. Give what you can unto the third of the world which now dies of starvation. Let it go as a gift of love, and know that what you have done is a gift of love.

We say unto you, yes, the time of storing shall be in many forms….

For the land at hand is not enough, and time shall come and time shall go, but the greatest time shall be the laughter you have in your heart, and the tears you shed for your love. There is the love that comes from brother to sister, the love that comes from father to daughter and mother to son, but there is love that comes from one part of mankind to another that does not ask the color or race or religion of a man or woman or child, but only knows that it cannot see them suffer, that no man may suffer. Know it in truth.

What is your test? Do you not see it? Can you not understand it?

August 2, 1975: But we say unto you, abundance and harvest has been placed at your doorstep. Bring these forth. Your desert and your mountains are but pastures for your feedings. Gather now, for soon shall be the lean years. Gather in abundance. The food has been provided, as was provided for Moses and his people.

We say unto you, as the laws of the Lord were handed unto Moses, it should say unto you, “Thy shall not kill.” Prepare, therefore, in such a manner that thy should covet not that that belongs to thy brother, but thy should be able to give unto thy brothers. But stand firm. Give unto that that thy may be able to give. But thy people must survive. That the work must go on, we shall provide that that is necessary for all. Fear not.

We shall tell unto thee of the parable, the parable [for] the time of preparation.

For the prophet did come unto the land and say unto the people, “Prepare now. Bring forth your storages of many forms — of food, of medications, of tools, that these may be used in the time of need.”

The people did scoff upon him. Yet a few did listen and they did prepare their storehouses. The others went forth wasting in a continuing manner all that was provided for their storage. In the fields and in the valleys grew abundance of food. They did not harvest it.

And then came the times of drought, [a] famine did strike upon the earth. The few that had gathered began to feed their people.

Those that had not gathered at first were sorry that they had not prepared. And then they became lustful and did prepare to covet that that belonged to their brother.

At first, their brothers gave that which they could, keeping that aside to feed their own. And they did dig wells, and they did build dams to catch the sparse water. And they did turn forth their seed to plant new land.

Yet those who should not prepare stood idle, and yet demanded food. And those who had prepared and were working said, “If you should not work, you shall not eat.”

And so those who had not prepared plotted, therefore, to kill those who had. And they did come forth into the fields that were planted. And the fields were lush and ready for harvest. And they decided to burn the crop, and therefore, to burn the people. But the wind did shift and devour them.

Now we say unto you, was it what you would call luck, or was it that the people who had prepared had prepared more than just food and provisions? They had prepared their minds in such a manner to control the element.

If you should store, we have said to store knowledge. This is the source of knowledge….

If a fire can consume, so it can protect. Build the fire with your minds in such a manner that as one [twig] should stand it can be broken easily, but [as] many stand together they cannot be broken at all.

By Enricoslasheric — Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6697490

Soon, we have provided the way that new water storage shall be made available — in soul Ray’s mind he has long planned a thing of pleasure, yet it should serve a dual purpose. Within the planning he has also planned the means to purify the water that should lie within the pool and build a structure above the same. The structure shall serve into two purposes, a shelter for the water, and a greenhouse for the plants.

Dry velvet mesquite seedpods

So we should say unto you, gather your harvest. Prepare, therefore, to gather of the mesquite bean. Clean your crushers, that the mesquite may be crushed first, and then brought forth and placed into the grinding unit. Prepare that the sun, with the use of the nylon screening, can be used for drying decks. Sell not of your honey, except within your own organization, that it may be stored in [the] like manner. The harvest shall be good.

Prepare both axe and hoe that the ground may be tilted [tilled?].

A mobile solar-powered emergency generator. Photo By Foncesoulstudio — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=24483497

Emergency generator systems should be brought forth. These may be obtained through your war surplus purchases.

As the land should continue to crumble in the land of California, many shall flee the land, both jobless and without food. For those who are willing to work, accept them into your fold. For those who are not, let them pass on. But do not be, and divert yourselves back, to that of an armed camp. Prepare in such a way — your ammunition shall be sparse; therefore, we say unto you, take forth and bring forth that of the crossbow. Do so now.

You have other questions, ask.

White Oak acorns by Dcrjsr — Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17402473

“Aka, do you have any advice as to how best to deal with the acorns, for human consumption, that are in abundance now?”

The acorns should be gathered, and therefore, treated with salt, crushed — after the treatment and the drying process is done, treated in a salt solution, crushed, and then, therefore, prepared for storage.

“Do these contain too much tanin for safe consumption?”


“Should they be leached?”

They should be leached in the salt solution, and then dried and then crushed. You have other questions, ask.

Photo of a woodpile by BKP — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=30543915

“Yes, [6–284–3] asks if you have suggestions regarding the fuels that we should store — types and amounts?”

The fuel should be stored in as great a quantity of wood as possible. Gasoline shall be made available. Butane shall also be made available. But wood is your greatest asset. The storing of charcoal is also a necessity for the working of metals. There are abundance of coal deposits nearby. These should be sought out and located. There are certain plants, desert plants that should contain oil. They grow in abundance in your area. The oil should be extracted and stored. These can be made readily into fuel of many types if they are brought forth at correct Fahrenheit of the same in the leaching manner.

By Kenneth Bosma — Seeds on a Female Jojoba Bush, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11908393

“Are you referring to the Jojoba?”

Yes. All that is needed is but around you.

Your efforts should be [stemmed] throughout your newsletter. But as we have said before, there will be many who shall not listen. Let those who should join together do so. Lay your days aside that storage in the right commodities can be gathered, processed, and stored, in the proper commodities.

We would suggest that you should pertain your questions tonight upon this subject.

February 14, 1976: For those who should ask, so should they receive. For those who should ask guidance, so should they receive. But for those who should ask for knowledge, so should they receive, but in the proportion they have asked….

The greatest knowledge to be gained was in the knowledge, that [within] the readings. There is a time for all things. There is a time for the healing of the body, the soul, the spirit, the mind, the immortal body. But one should lead into the other. In doing this, and in our main purpose, that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have brought forth in the form of parables much knowledge. It is looking into these parables and finding their meaning that the truth may be found and the greatest knowledge that shall prepare the way for the coming may be found, the knowledge that may help mankind in his day-to-day struggle to reach the enlightenment which he seeks.

We shall say unto you, if it was intended that every man become a Christ upon the Earth at the same time, then it would have been done so. But even the one known as Jesus Christ of Nazara did always look back upon the Earth and know that within his true love of the Earth he must return. And so, we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.

As we have said before, he has appeared upon your Earth in many times in many ways, in many forms, by many names. But this coming shall be the most important of all times, for it shall bring upon the Earth a thousand years of peace, not as you count, but as the Lord should count.

And each day should be a thousand years.

We say unto you, your Earth has seen many Atlantises rise and many Atlantises fall. Through the true course of events the earth has changed its form many times. It is in the midst of doing such again, that the cycle of life may be complete. These are the catastrophes of the earth, the eruptions of the earth.

We shall say unto you, look into your harvest fields. We did say unto you, gather of the food substance.

And you said unto us, “When?” And we said, now.

California drought in 2009

Soon the land which bears the burden to bring the greatest harvest of food substance shall be barren. If it was wise, at this time more of the land of this land [Arizona] should be put into cultivation. But as before, few of your politicians have believed in prophecy. They shall attend their churches, and they shall say, “I believe, therefore, in the Book that is written before me.” Do they not know that every word within that book came forth from the prophets of God?

There shall come a time when man shall look back upon your time and pages shall be added to the Book. Look into that that we have said would come and you shall see it now unfolding before your eyes.

Famine and pestilence shall rise. Man has the tools to combat it, but shall he?

We have shown you in the land of the south [Guatemala?] how man should combat it. First there were but few that died, yet thousands followed, and more will follow in its path, because man gave too little too late. Man either gives more than is necessary at the wrong time, or not enough at the right time.

Februry 4, 1976, ten days before these words were spoken, a 7.5 magnitude earthquake hit Guatemala. A typical street view in Patzicia, showing adobe block rubble which is all that remains of the houses that formerly lined this street. The earthquake struck during the early morning (at 3:01 am, local time) when most people were asleep. This contributed to the high death toll of 23,000. Approximately 76,000 were injured, and many thousands left homeless. Some of areas went without electricity and communications for days. The main shock was followed by thousands of aftershocks, some of the larger ones causing additional damage and loss of life.

This is also true in your preparation for the coming of the famine. But we shall say again, not one family shall stand alone and survive. It must be done as a joint effort. It must be by binding together and laying aside your petty grievances, your petty jealousies.

We have brought you forth as a group. We have asked you to leave behind your jealousies and your greed. We have told you that we would wipe away your old karmas that you may start anew. We say unto you that the karmas you build now shall not be wiped away, only by yourselves.

We say unto you, listen carefully unto the words of the lecture that soul Ray gave in the land of the Phoenix [Arizona]. Pass them on, these words, to all your membership in hopes that they may gain from it and grow forever.

February 28, 1976: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We have told you before that we would give you warning in time that you might protect your loved ones and yourselves. We say unto you, these things that we say now shall happen, step by step, and unfold before you day by day. Throughout the land the time of the famine is now; throughout the world, the time of famine.

We should say unto you, because it is of your election time, your politicians shall play that of hiding from the public that which is so. As a result, they shall deplete your reserves by trying to feed a hungry world. Your harvest lands have and are being annihilated through drought, through wind, through storm. The land itself shall be made to bear nothing, for the soil shall be eroded from the land. Only in this land shall your harvest be bountiful. And we say unto you, the desert harvest, that of the flour that should come from the mesquite, the fruit of the desert plants, all shall be in bountiful to you.

One side of your political parties shall play the part of the Devil’s advocate, to try to show you how bad the problem is. They will overemphasize the problem and do nothing to correct it. They shall be as a dog sitting upon its own tail barking. The other shall tell you how plentiful and how much reserve, or surplus, as you would call it, your country possesses. They shall be as the hyena who laughs at nothing.

We say unto you, through your groups prepare for this time, for the time is now. It shall [graduate] more so as the months pass by. The land that is now having pestilence struck upon it, it shall be many years before it can be reused again. If the land in this land [Arizona] could be used, more of it for agricultural purposes, more of your water used for the same purposes, and less for your artificial lakes, this could supplement and feed your country. This land unto which you stand, this land you call the land of the Eagle, or the land of the Globe, shall prosper.

Yet, the inflationary depression shall continue.

Throughout the world, tornados, hurricane, and volcanic action shall rule, and drought. Earthquakes now shall appear in regions where they have never appeared before. We say unto you, prepare, therefore, for this time.

We shall say unto you as the parable of those who were told and did heed the words and did store in the time of Egypt, and those who were told and did not heed the words, they did sell themselves into bondage. They did sell their cattle and all their belongings. You must at all costs remain a free people, the freedom to worship God, each in your own manner. Our Father has many mansions. Each is great to behold.

Coming together in group form to accomplish the task at hand should be done in such a manner that each should take upon themselves a task to be performed and performing it well. For those who should store for themselves shall only attract thieves to their doorstep. Prepare your storage in group form, that you may feed those who should come unto you as long as they are willing to work to replenish your store-houses. The means shall be made available to you.

We say unto you, there are those in your land who should crucify once again the Jewish people, those of the Israelites. There shall be those in your land that shall look upon different races and blame them for the problem at hand.

We say unto you also that now is the time, close at hand, when one shall come forth who will have an answer for all things. And this one shall be the Anti-Christ. And for those who should wear the mark of the Beast, woe be upon them. [Editor’s note: See The Revelation, chapters 12–13.]

We say unto you, wear not the mark of the Beast. The Lord, God, did make thee free. He did not put a yoke upon thy neck and say, “Pull my plow.” He did naught to make men slaves. It is said that man and woman were brought forth of “Our kind, of Our image.” We say unto you, if these words are so, then how can you be enslaved? [See Genesis, chapter 1.]

Yet do not enslave thyselves. Hold dear to thee this right of freedom.

Plastic bottles can be used for many things. Use larger ones to store the 1–2 gallons of water each person needs a day. The plastic used in juice and soda bottles lasts longer than plastic used in gallon milk and water jugs, which break down in the sun’s ultraviolet light and heat. (But they should last longer buried.) Here’s an idea even for a free solar “Liter of Light” for a darkened room during the day. A transparent 1.5–2 L plastic bottle, as typically used for carbonated drinks, can be filled with water plus a little bleach to inhibit algal growth and fitted into a hole in a roof. The device functions like a deck prism: during daytime the water inside the bottle refracts sunlight, delivering about as much light as a 40–60 watt incandescent bulb to the interior. A properly installed solar bottle can last up to 5 years.

May 8, 1976: “Yes, Aka. [6–278–2] of Tucson asks, ‘In our famine preparations would you please give us guidance as to where to store, and for how many, and for what period of time?’ She also asks how much water should they store and where, and how can we further the work in Tucson so that possible disasters might be avoided?”

We shall say unto you, [on] the storage of the water, the taking of the containers that your milk or Clorox, if properly washed, both with regular tap water placed in them and buried in the ground where you have a 6-inch surface over the top of the ground, making a map of each place that you bury them, your storage of water shall soon become abundant.

We would say unto you that the canisters that soul Ray has put forth in Tucson should be distributed in such a manner that one general storehouse should be established, only that it may be drawn from in small proportions. The canisters should be distributed to members. In them should contain blankets, good first-aid kits, vitamins, and food substance.

Then we would say unto you, take forth both pick and shovel, hoe and rake, and axe. You have a compound which will preserve these readily available. Then they should be wrapped in treated, as you would call it, tablecloth. Then we would tell you to build a wooden box, placing these in the earth substance with 6 inches of soil on the top. The container should be made large enough that other tools may be added from time to time.

We would also suggest that “How-to-Do” books be placed together. These should be placed and stored. When the time comes that you will need all these things, you will have them. We would also suggest that good backpacks be prepared, that further knowledge, as soul Ray shall give it, on the harvest of the desert should be brought forth, and each member should retain the printed words and learn from them.

In this manner the preparation shall come in completion….

You have other questions, ask.

Cosmoline is the genericized trademark for a generic class of rust preventives, typically conforming to United States Military Standard MIL-C-11796C Class 3, that are a brown colored wax-like mass; have a slight fluorescence; and have a petroleum-like odor and taste (as detected when working with it).

“Yes, Aka. I have one question, in coating these tools that should be buried, are you referring to cosmoline or paraffin or what? Oil cloth?”

We should say unto you that paraffin and cosmolene, either can be used, and then the oil cloth, and wrapping them in such.

“Thank you.”

But these tools should then be placed away, not to be brought forth until the time that they are needed.

“Thank you, Aka.”

Included in these, but it should be used now, should be small grinders, and the learning and the making of metates.

Photo of a native American grinding tool or “metate” by Leoboudv — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=9406671

June 12, 1976: Pestilence and famine shall reign, yet prosperare [joy] shall also reign. The dividing of the land has begun. [Note: Prosperare ( a Middle English term, spoken about 1150–1475 A.D.) means (to) make happy.]

A dam was once built to catch the rainwater that fell from the Dripping Springs in Arizona. (Please see the link to the March-April 2016 AUP newsletter in the previous article, “Prepare for the Famine — Start with Water to Drink.”)

November 12, 1976: [5–206–2] asks, ‘We are planning to build on a hill at [2–30–3]’s clay pit. Do you see a good water source and where? Thank you.’”

Nay, we find no water in this area, only that that would have to be developed through the damming of canyons and the piping of other canyons into the well substance as a holding source….

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [1–317–1] who is here tonight asks, ‘When will we need the bottled or the stored water?’”

Water shortages should and can occur at any time that your electrical source is cut off in this region. This could happen at any time.

February 4, 1977: We have told you before of the famine, and to prepare a way for these things. Your nation shall stand in the end. But famines and pestilence is upon you. We have told you before of the safe lands. And for those who should prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah, a way shall be provided for all. We will see to your needs — not your wants, but your needs.

Now you must come together as one. Let all groups come together as one. Let all religions come together as one. Let all races come together as one. In this the land shall survive and prosper in the end. The earth shall change its form, as we have told you before. But man’s knowledge must come in such a manner that you should share unto all.

There shall be many who shall take advantage of this crisis, of this famine. For those we should say, woe unto thee. Yet for those who should find brotherhood and a deeper understanding of each other, they shall find a deeper understanding of God, our Father. It is hard in your minds to understand, as the darkest days loom before you, that brotherhood can be born from the worst of things.

Yet there is more to come. That that should come from the south shall swarm upon you like locusts. If you meet these crises with fear or panic you shall perish, and your land shall perish. If you meet these things in love and brotherhood, your land shall come forth and blossom. You have many questions, ask.

U.S. Border Patrol helicopter along El Camino del Diablo, Arizona-Sonora border, 2004. Photo by Dan Sorensen from Phoenix, AZ, USA — El Camino del Diablo, February 2004–040Uploaded by PDTillman, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6733443

“Yes, Aka, when you say that that shall come from the south as locusts, are you talking about people attacking from the south, or are you talking about people seeking refuge from the south?”

You shall find those, not only from Mexico, but from South America — all shall seek refuge. War is but a step away. They shall seek refuge, but some should come forth to bring their war into your own land. There is still time that a joining of hands, from the north in Canada, and from the south of Mexico and your South American countries. We shall say unto you, that of Cuba should take advantage. They shall enter Panama as they already have. They shall enter Mexico, as they already have. But arms shall come forth. Do not become an armed camp. Though diplomatic relations, and a true republic that could emerge throughout the North and South American continents, a joining of hands that should become one mighty arm.

If the people voice their opinions to the government, these things can still be stilled. There are those who seek profit and a gain at the expense of their own countrymen.

Within your own land, those of the east should soon swarm upon this land. Factories shall close. If the energy needs, which you already have the means for, are not brought forth, worse crises yet shall instill themselves — worse shortages, higher prices. These things, if a joining of hands were put together, would not be necessary….

We shall say and leave you with these words. Different conditions have caused the atmospheric change. Look to the sun and you shall see a change in it also. When it returns back to its normal function, so should the Earth’s atmosphere have cleaned itself.

As you can see from this NASA report on sunspot cycles, when Aka spoke these words the sunspots were near minimum, but the sun soon returned to its normal function.

February 18, 1977: There have been many who should say unto us, “When is this time of famine?” And we say unto you, it is upon you….

We say unto you, as we have said before, to dream is a wonderful thing, but to build toward the fulfillment of a dream, to place aside those things that should be needed. There are those who have hoarded gold. Gold you cannot eat, nor will they heal the sick, nor still the cries of the young ones when they are hungry.

We have said before that we would provide those things that were needed for those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, and we shall. For once again upon this land you call a desert, we shall bring forth a bountiful amount of food. But if you do not store this time, it shall not come again.

Trees that blossom too soon shall freeze. Trees that blossom too late shall not bear fruit. But all shall not come as a cloud of reaping sorrow. Much you shall learn from that that is before you. Brotherhood shall be a renewed knowledge, the ability to share with one another. Your country, nor no other country, can long feed nor endure from those who should not work to earn food. As Rome did fall from within, so you are the modern Romans. You still have a choice. As proud people you did come upon this land, and you did meet proud people who had knowledge of the land, and they did teach you to live upon the land. But we say unto you, you have changed and altered nature. You have brought forth the Fifth Angel. Do not bring forth the Sixth and the Seventh….

Your scientists now should blame the lining up of different cosmic, planetary substances that has caused this weather problem upon the earth, but the Fifth Angel could not walk at all if it was not for man and his blundering. Karma, or sin, as you would call it, can only exist as long as man lets it exist….

A typhoon as seen from low Earth orbit. Man’s tampering with Earth’s environments and climates includes weather modification, geo-engineering and weather warfare, above and underground nuclear blasts and radiation leaks, germ warfare, deforestation, strip mining, genetically modified food and organisms (even mosquitoes), agricultural chemicals and pesticides, overuse of land, plastics, trash and oil spills in the oceans, and much more. Perhaps you can think of some?

And now is the time of the Cherubim.

Look unto the flowers at your feet. Take time each day to count your blessings, to see the beauty that God lays at your feet each moment of your life. You need not pick up the flowers, but examine them, and remember their fragrance. But if you should desire to pick them up, new ones shall be placed for others to see.

If you have need, ask and the need shall be fulfilled. But know the difference between your needs and your wants.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Bind yourselves in fellowship. Bind yourselves in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

February 25, 1977: And we should say unto thee the parable — that two men moved into the same valley.

One put only the fences up to house his livestock, and to protect his fields. But he left the open grazing land for the use of both. Yet the water, and the stream that flowed through the valley was on his land. He always let his neighbor use of the water. And then came a dry time, a drought upon the earth. And no rain did fall, and no snow did fall in the mountains. And each day, less and less water came through the creek, until one day, none at all came. And as usual, he went on sharing what he had.

But one day he started to move his cattle toward the small, little lake that was left. And his neighbor was there and he did bear arms. And he did drive his neighbor from the water.

The neighbor’s brother said, “Why should he do of this? You have always shared. Is it not his water, it is yours.”

And he said, “Nay, the water was given by the Lord. No one can own it. It can be shared.”

The next day they did bring the cattle back. And once again they were to turn the cattle away. This time he brought his herd forward, and they did reach the water.

And the other neighbor did come forth to bear arms. And he said unto him, “I shall kill you and all of yours, and all of your cattle, for there is not enough for us to share.”

And this man said unto him, “If you should kill me, you cannot harm me. But I say unto you, if war is that which you seek, then war is what you shall receive.”And he did drive away from his water those who would encroach upon his land. And he did bring fences across the land. But yet he built gates in them.

And then, as was his daily routine, he went unto top of the mountain, there in solitude. He felt regret that he had driven anyone from the water. But he knew within his heart that the time had come that he must stand firm. But he had decided he must pray upon it.

And as he prayed, before him appeared three half-loaves of bread. And a stranger did appear before him. And he said, “Eat of this.”

And he picked up the first loaf, and it was sweet with honey. And he did pick up the second loaf, and it was sour. And he did pick up the third loaf, and it was tasteless.

And he looked unto the stranger and said, “Why should this be so? What have I to learn, and how is my prayer’s being answered by these loaves of bread, and half-loaves of bread at that?”

And the stranger said, “Unto the first loaf is abundance. Unto the second loaf was sour to the taste, but yet it was still filling. Unto the third loaf you received nothing. These should be the same as the people you should meet upon the earth, and the neighbors you should have. But whether you have sweet loaf, a sour loaf, or a loaf that tastes as nothing, be willing to share at least half.”

The man thought upon this. And so, he went into the valley, and he did open the gate.

And the man who had driven him away from the water did come unto the gate and say, “Now you should let me in, when I have lost half my herd?”

And the man said unto him, “Half of your herd is better than none at all. This I have learned. But I have learned even something greater, for you are like the sour bread, and your other half of cattle have no taste at all. For only they, the dead ones, know the sweet taste that can come from fresh water.”

Once again you shall say we have spoken in riddles. And we say unto you, nay. There shall be many times in your life when the sweeter things shall bring and hold the greatest memories. The mind was designed to forget the painful things, leste you would ponder upon them continually. The mind was also designed to store all substance, that you could remember sour bread that you had tasted, and could tell the difference. The mind was also designed to store all things from beginning to ending, from all lifetimes, from all things you have ever been into this lifetime. Some parts of that will have no meaning for the here and now.

Prayer and meditation has two things in common. In one you are talking to God; in the other is a time for listening. Sometimes in that time of listening or in talking, we throw out the sour bread. And quite often in your time of prayer, the only time you pray is when you have tasted the sour bread. When you eat of the good bread, then you forget all those other things.

Let the mind be a whole. Bring it together. And through your prayer, you may change that that lies before you. Whether it be drought or famine, speak to God as you would speak unto yourself, and He shall hear.

As you should ask for something, make certain that what you ask is what you really want, and what you need, for the answering of a prayer is a very precise and measured. For a measure of wheat shall bring a measure of barley, in such a manner. [See The Revelation 6:5–6.]

Take into yourself in these times that lay ahead a time for laughter. Do not be afraid to laugh at your own folly. If you fall down, there shall be those who are there to help you stand. It is not a sin to laugh at falling down. It is no sin to fall down, as long as you should rise again. The Lord shall be there to help you rise. And those from both sides shall be there that you asked the Lord for.

A drought is a time for learning, for you return back to the simpler things of life. It is a time for losing things, only sometime to have the better things restored. Or it can be a time that men shall turn against their neighbors.

Or it can be time such as these two herdsmen. Had the two worked together in the time of drought and built a small dam, the lake would have been larger, and there would have been plenty of water for all during their drought. But neither, even though they shared, he put no thought behind his sharing. He did not defend himself until there was such a thing as having to defend himself. Yet he would have not had to defend himself at all had he taken the measures, and the two neighbors worked together, to store what they already had. Who should be blamed? The neighbor who tried to run the other away by force? Or the neighbor who defended himself, and then did open the gate after half the herd had died away, and half of his own herd had died away? None would have happened had the two joined hands.

April 8, 1977: We have told you of different things to store, but do not forget the flowers, for they are the most important of all. You have many questions, ask.

Freeze-dried ice cream

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [6–281–1]. She asks, ‘Aka, will you please explain the first part of the reading of March 25, 1977, referring to understanding? How would you have us approach other groups? Were you referring to a specific group? Can you give us guidelines to go by? What is truth and half-truth?’”

We shall say unto you, this we have tried to explain already. The words and the understanding lie in the parable of the two farmers. The half-truths lie in the parable of the two farmers. There shall be rumors. There shall be threats. If you believe today, why should you not believe tomorrow?

If more understanding and truth is placed within the substance, it is only like a flower in growth. When you first see the flower, it has attracted your attention for its unusual beauty. If you find a flower in the desert alone, you stop to examine it. At first it may be from curiosity. But if you stand and watch the flower long enough, you shall understand why and how it has come about.

We say unto you, understanding must begin at home. It cannot be with lies. It cannot be with those who are hypocrites who should put on their flock and their best to walk into your churches one day a week and say before all, “I worship God; I accept Jesus as my savior.”

Understanding is in the knowledge that Jesus walked this land in many places. And he did appear in many forms, not all by the same name. Understanding is the realization that the Jewish nation, the Jewish people, do look upon Jesus as a prophet. They do look upon Mohammed as a prophet. But all is part of a whole. Yet they wait with you for the second coming. Do you think that God, nor the Messiah, because one man should call a man, Jesus, and another, Buddha, it would make any difference?

Yet there shall be those of false prophets; this is true. They will come among you and they will say, “I have a whole truth.” This is not true. Our Lord, God, has learned from His children. He could not learn if He had closed His mind and said, “I have a whole truth.”

Our Lord, God, would have looked upon the human race and walked away from it a long time ago if it was not for the hope, the dream, that within time His children would cease to squabble.

We have told you of lost souls. There are many of such who shall raise false prophets, who shall join the ranks of the Anti-Christ, for without them, he could gather no strength. And he shall say, “I come in the name of the Lord; I come in the name of Jesus of Nazara.” And he shall perform many miracles. But he shall come as a man.

But even he shall come with the hope that his reign shall last. The length of his reign shall depend upon you.

At a time that the Eagle has pulled back his wings — and we speak of the American nation — the Bear, Russia, has strengthened his arms and his reach. And the Dragon [China] shall wait a playing [play a waiting] game.

Yes, you may prevail. But as other organizations come unto you, as we have said, let them meet with your Board of Directors. Let them state what they bring with them. Let them bring representation into your organization. Join hands. Link together. Strength.

If upon this day, every one of the people upon the earth who believe in the Second Coming link their hands together, in no way could this Anti-Christ rule. It is only in your strength shall mean the shortness of his time.

“Hands across America” photo by Buchoamerica at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4213272

And he shall come from the Eternal Sea, the political [whirl, world]. We have said unto you, September the 6th, 1977 — Black September.

But remember, as we came unto you seven years ago, and unto this year, also shall come forth a new beginning, for in these numbers you shall find and take from April 3rd, 1977. And from it, in your numerology, you shall find its strength.

The Lord, God, shall provide the needs. You must join in unity, in understanding — in strength. But come together….and bring forth your strengths.

And beware of those who should say unto you, “For I should keep the seventh day holy.” There are seven days as there are Seven Spirits. [See The Revelation 1:4]

And this is the seventh year. Keep each day holy.

Changes shall now come forth. There shall be many who shall control orthodox, as you would call it, religions, who shall and are there to prepare a way for the coming of the Anti-Christ. They shall succeed. But you must succeed in seeing that his reign is short.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. When the Anti-Christ is apparent, how can we effectively work to shorten his reign?”

By the unity of your work; by collecting forth in all forms the preparation in heaven and earth, an army of minds. We have told you the parable, that we have prepared you not only for the storage of grains, the preparation of your minds. Within your mind shall be the answer. Within light and sound shall be the answer. As it may heal, it may also heal the world….

The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.This cavity resonates with electromagnetic waves in the extremely low frequencies of approximately 7.86Hz — 8Hz. See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/67/Schumann_resonance_animation.ogv Can we join our minds in healing ourselves and the world? The “ordinary” though waves created by the human brain range from 14Hz to 40Hz. This range only includes certain types of dendrites belonging to brain cells, predominantly within the left hemisphere of the brain. If the two hemispheres of the brain are synchronized with each other at 8Hz, they work more harmoniously and with a maximum flow of information. Also, 8Hz is the frequency of the double helix DNA replication. Melatonin and Pinoline work on the DNA, including an 8HZ signal to enable metosis and DNA replication. A form of body temperature superconductivity is evident in this process. For an example, see the video. “The True Schumann Tuning is not 432 HZ/The Human Effect” at https://youtu.be/VjBqNyCtsOs.

But you must prepare your organizations in joy, as we have said, with flowers. Place joy within your organization. Place laughter. The Lord is happiest when His children are laughing and are joyful. There are different types of laughter, remember that.

February 17, 1978: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be name of His children. And glory be the world, and universe, and galaxies upon galaxies that the Lord shall reign upon.

We say unto you that once there was a man who walked upon the desert. His lips were parched. His need for water was great. As he traveled from one oasis to the other no water was found. He knew that soon death would come upon him. His bones and body were tired. And he thought unto himself, “If I must die, then I should go unto my Maker in my own way.”

And so he knelt in prayer.

And an angel appeared before him with laughter upon his lips.

And he looked up into this stranger’s face and said, “Here I am about to die; why do you laugh at me?”

And the stranger said unto him, “You have gone from oasis to oasis and found naught of the water you desire. And your face has grown heavy with sadness. Yet the Lord would rather laugh than cry. Why do you not try this?”

This man thought, “This could not be an angel, for he appears to me with laughter in my day of want and need? How could the Lord send me such to help me pass across?” And he thought again, “This must be a gift or vision from the Devil.”

As though the stranger had read his thoughts, he smiled once again, and said, “Nay, I am not from Lucifer. I have brought unto you this day a gift. Try and [then] smile with me.”

The man thought for a while, “What had he to lose by smiling?” and so he smiled. His dry, parched face wrinkled and he began to smile.

And then the stranger began to laugh, and he began to laugh. And as he began to laugh, water sprang from beneath him. And he thought, “This must be an illusion.” And so, he rolled in the water and began to laugh, as his skin and his tissues soaked up the moisture. He thought, “Then this must not be an illusion.”

And the stranger still stood before him and laughed even more. And so, he drank of the water, and it was good and sweet. And the stranger left.

Soon he was back to his old self.

And soon other travelers reached his oasis. And they started to enter, and they too had long faces.

And he said to them, “You may not drink from my oasis unless you pay a toll.”

The other strangers had never heard of such a thing — “Money for water?”

And he said, “Nay, you must bring forth laughter.”

They too at first thought him mad. But for the want of water, they did smile. And soon they did laugh. And as laughter broke forth upon their faces, they entered and drank of the water.

And soon the word spread throughout the land of the Laughing Springs, they called it, the springs that cured all diseases, where man became whole again.

Finally men were traveling from far and wide to the Laughing Springs.

And as they entered, the angel appeared unto the man again, and said, “Why did you not give them knowledge, the knowledge that was with you when you first arrived here?”

And he said, “What do you mean? What knowledge did I have? What knowledge did I gain?”

He said, “You have each of them laugh before they may drink. Give them the knowledge that laughter can be one of the greatest cures of all. For the Lord, our God, made it easier for man to laugh than for him to frown — and He wished His children to be happy. And in that way the Lord could be happy.”

And so the man began to teach of laughter and its value.

You may think of this as a strange parable, but think one moment within your hearts. If laughter rang from your Earth this one day, one moment, around the Earth, and laughter brought good feeling, and laughter brought health, and laughter brought love — for without the laughter there would be no hope. And why is it that a man can laugh and cry at the same time? For it was God’s gift, the Laughing Spring within man’s eye.

You will long wonder, and say once again we have spoken to you unto riddles. Nay, we have not. We have brought unto you this day a gift that God gave man long ago. Bring forth your laughter. Make your world a joyous world. And the preparation for the coming of the Messiah shall come tenfold before you.

June 23, 1978: Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children….

Find the joy within the Lord’s heart. Find the love in the rainbow. Find the song in the sea. Find the music in the wind. Put your ear to the earth and hear the throb. Put your eyes to the sky and know in truth the coming of the Messiah. [See Luke 21:5–36.]

Now is the time of the Cherubim. [See Genesis 3:22–24, Exodus 37:6–9, The Revelation, chapter 4.]

November 10, 1978: New weather conditions shall begin to taunt the lands once again.

Prepare, therefore, for the same. Blackouts shall occur in many of the major cities, and in some rural area. This shall occur both in your Northeast, East, and Western cities, and parts of the mid-part of the United States and Canada.

Skyline of Toronto during the Northeast blackout of 2003. The original photo was uploaded by Camerafiend at English Wikipedia — Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons; transfer was stated to be made by OhanaUnited, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4410508

It would be advisable that that of the kerosene lanterns be produced, that of the gasoline lanterns, for they produce both heat and light. We would also suggest that firewood and coal be brought into a dry place and stored in abundance.

The Parable of the Young Lad

December 8, 1978: Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner — glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

We should say unto thee this parable, the parable of the young lad who could not decide, as he grew up, that which he wished to become.

Phot of a boy by Muhammad Mahdi Karim (www.micro2macro.net) Facebook Youtube — Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5–2.0–1.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4155050

His father was a shepherd; his one uncle was a merchant; another was a fisherman; another farmed the land, and did bring forth, through all these things, an abundance back into the family. But as he looked, one into the other, he could not make up his mind. And therefore, unlike his brothers, he went from uncle to uncle, working in each place for a while and then leaving.

His father’s brothers did meet to discuss this one, for all their other children had all followed in the family line of work. And each had found their niche in life. And each asked the other, “What should be done?”

It was finally decided that they should take this one before the priesthood, for he was now reaching the age of manhood, for his 13th birthday was before him. All the brothers left their work, and all their children left their work, and all went unto their temple of worship, and said unto the priest therein, “We seek your advice for this one.”

And the priest said unto them, “This is a decision that I must take up with wiser men than I. I go, therefore, into the Holy Land, where wise men shall gather. Let me take the lad with me.” And so, they did venture forth.

As they crossed the great deserts and neared the town of Bethlehem, each night they saw this beautiful star, this beautiful light from the heavens.

And the lad kept asking the priest, “What was this light? What was this beautiful light from the heavens? What made it so?”

The priest knew some of astronomy and astrology, but he could not account for this.

And they did meet in their travel the three Magi. And the Magi told of their journey to that that would be the birthplace of a new Messiah.

When they did reach Bethlehem, and all came forth unto the Christ child to bring forth their gifts, the young lad stayed back. He looked through all of his possessions, and they were few.

And then he heard the angel[s] say unto him, “Take forth the gift of thyself.”

And so the lad brought himself up from his knees, leaving all his worldly possessions behind, and went forth. And among all the glittering gifts that were to be given, there, in the manger, he did lay himself and say, “I shall be thy slave.”

Both Joseph and Mary looked upon the lad. What need would they have for a slave? But it was a gift given.

And the priest had his answer to take back to the father, and the uncles, and all the kin therein.


At first, those around had laughed at the young lad’s gift. But they were to see that he had given the greatest gift of all, himself.

We say unto you, who are artists, we have painted a picture for you unlike any that exists, for we have reached back in time, that this may come forth into your time and shall go forward. Let it be a symbol for all those who wish to give. For you are here, as we, but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And as you prepare for your worship, as Jesus of Nazara, the Christ child, let new birth come into you. Let it be born in you. And each day, as you rise, let it become a new day and a new world. And as you close your eyes at night, thank the Lord that He has placed you at this time where you are, in the time of the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

Let that gift be given freely, as it was from the lad. And all in abundance shall come back unto you tenfold.

[Editor’s note: Listen to Aka tell this parable in their own words, with music and beautiful illustrations to accompany them at https://youtu.be/HBwnoDn7s4Y]

Yes, we see thy need, [7–317–1], and we shall say unto you, there is another story, of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the city that could have been made righteous had there been ten righteous men [who] could have stepped forward. This land into which you are thinking of, Tucson, go forth and find these ten righteous men. If you do not become lost in its tangling web, you shall succeed — only if you can give the gift as the lad did. And your needs shall be taken care of.

And now, we shall say unto those who say, “How could the Lord have such as this that went on in this place called Georgetown?”

We say unto you, the workings of evil are about you. We told you that the preparation for the coming of the Anti-Christ was mighty, and his weapons were mighty. You shall find two governments, in this case, with unclean hands. But first and foremost there had to be greed, greed of one man — one man who was like Judas, who started with a good heart, and then sold his people for silver. When those who would know [of] this did destroy him — this is the reason he did not die as the others, but was shot.

We have told you of light and sound, and how it may be used for healing. And soul Paul warned at a time that it could be used for destruction. This is true. But remember, they only have in their possession two of the basic tones.

There is but yet another part unfolding. You now have two key members, one dead, one near dead. In their place shall be placed people and a plot to take over both the Congress and the Senate of your country.

The Ninety-fifth United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, composed of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in Washington, DC from January 3, 1977 to January 3, 1979, during the first two years of the administration of U.S. President Jimmy Carter. Click here to see the major events, hearings, and legislation to seek possible understanding of that of which Aka spoke, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/95th_United_States_Congress. Photo CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=989654

This dream has not died for a madman who did rise in the sea to lose his head, and was fallen, yet the head was healed. [See The Revelation 13:1–4.]

We have shown you one step farther into something we made quite clear, a long time ago, to you. We should say unto you, use the alphabet in sequence of sevens, multiplying each seven and the numeral into the same, and you shall spell the name of the beast who has lost his head. It shall also spell and show you the mark of the Beast that lies upon the man. Beware.

We shall say also unto you, prepare in all the ways that we shall place in the mind of the prophet for shortages in many areas, from fuel that you may run your vehicles with, to food. You have the means to make your own electricity, to store of the fuel. The greenhouses must be built in many places, that extra food substances may be grown. The solar unit, which was started and not completed yet, must be completed. All these things are happening rapidly now. Store wood in more abundance; each family should have at least seven cord. Each family should now store extra food substance in their homes. But the greenhouses must be built….

Interior greenhouse of Earthship educational facility. Photo by Amzi Smith — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17947387

We shall say unto [10–393–1] these words. The message we gave tonight was in answer to your question. Blessed be the children of the Lord. Blessed be unto the gift given, for they are the future. Guard unto this one well.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, God. Blessed be the Spirit. Blessed be the children and the spirit, and the temple of God.

In your Christmas services, let this story, this parable we have told you tonight, be told.

And let preparation be made that all your people shall know — and now — that they may stand together in prayer and unity. Bind together. Make your prayers as one unto the Lord. Remember that which we told you, of those who had set the fire to the fields, and the people did stop the fire with their minds. [Editor’s note: See the parable of August 2, 1975.]

Let the Christmas spirit be not only the Christmas Spirit; let it reach unto all religions of all faiths. Let brotherhood bind unto you. For that which you celebrate is the love he left upon your Earth in birth and in death.

Amen, oh Lord, amen. [Kay-ah, kay-ah. Yay, kay-na so mora. Ay, ay.]

Photo of Heaven’s Trail

March 2, 1979: And we say unto you, only through your faith shall you know of the heaven and the earth, and only through your faith can the preparation for the coming of the Messiah be fulfilled.

We have told you of the quiet place within your mind, the quiet place where God dwells within you. Take that moment and look into that quiet place, and the knowledge you seek shall be there — there by the quiet pool where the candle is always lit, and where the roses always bloom, and the water is always pure.

But if you should know of the knowledge we speak of, then no matter how much you have to face, you shall face it with a joyous heart, and love and companionship for one another….

Bind together….As a man plants a field and sees it ripen upon the earth and come into fulfillment, always to know that that that he has grown has provided him with new seeds for the next year — look into your minds and see this field. Look into your mind and feel this peace of mind that we shall extend out to you from this day forth, if only you shall ask. Open the door that we may enter. Let us place in your hearts the love of our Father, and the love thy could feel for thy brothern and sistern.

When you became angry, when you become discouraged, when you become confused, stop just that moment, and allow us to enter. Allow us to show you the quiet place of God within you, and you shall feel the strength within yourselves. Bind together. Come as one….

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [11–397–3…El Paso]. She asks, ‘For the benefit of all concerned, where should my husband and I reside?’”

We shall answer in this manner. At the present time, many of you have the desire to run and hide. Prepare, therefore, where you live; where you are now. Take those words of your prophet into the storing of food, water, the placing of greenhouses.

A combined greenhouse-aquaponics system. Photo by Vasch~nlwiki — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=40969971

Take these thoughts, and your needs shall be provided for — but to grow strong, and binding together. That where one family stands, they shall stand alone; where one person stands, they shall stand alone. But when the family becomes one, their strength becomes that many more fold. Where two families stand together their strength is even stronger. Where three — you shall remember, when we first came unto you we said unto you these words, that your groups would form in threes and Thirteens, and the multitude grow. And so, it is as we had spoken before unto you. [See Acts, chapters 1–2.]

If your strength shall come, bring your minds together, and the distance between you shall not matter. But come and bring these things in harmony. Let all of your people prepare. And if one is stricken, let all go to their aid; therefore, the loss of material values, of substance, may be replaced.

Give unto your brother and your sister with open hearts. Bind together. Bind together. Take away the past from your lives. It is not important what you have been; it is only important what you shall become.

Shall you become a mob, fighting for crumbs of bread? Shall you become a mob, who shall walk upon each other? When the dead lay before your eyes in the multitudes you cannot count, shall you steal from the dead? Or shall you welcome the living?

Is it not better to say something good of your fellow man? Is it not good to share? Is it not good to build [upon] a strong foundation that your children’s children shall not perish, shall not come forth from the caves in ignorance, that all that man has brought forth from his millions of years upon this Earth and that that he brought forth from the planet, Yahweh, shall not perish forever?

Each of you look into your hearts. Cast away your grievances. Bring and come forth with useful thoughts. Come forth with your knowledge that God has placed into you, and let it become useful to all.

We have one other question which [we] shall answer. Soul Ray said unto you, make the wine of the prickly pear. In the times ahead, it shall be needed.

Prickly pear cactus fruit. Photo by Tomás Castelazo — Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=972943

Now is the time of the Cherubim….

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth….

Each of you has talents. If you should live in a harmony, you shall soon find that one by one you shall pick up the shovel, the axe, the plow, and become one.

September 19, 1979: We shall answer in this manner. Between the years which follow it unto 1985, great preparation should be underway in this land. Great readiness should be made. Plans should be drawn in your major cities for evacuation.

Much greater yet, plans should be drawn and brought to the attention of the officials that the evacuation of these cities is impossible. If there are those who should live, they must stay where they dwell. Proper facilities should be made ready for them, and proper food substance should be made ready for them.

And the people should stay in the lands they dwell until proper help may be sent to bring the people into the land. Now is the time that these things should be done. Now is the time that God’s people should know that the mark of the Anti-Christ is about to be placed upon them. And should they accept it, then they….

….now flies unto his beckoning call, that of the Lord. These things we say unto you, the time is crucial. The time is short, for the half-times are over.

We say unto you unto these words, where no water flowed, water shall flow. The deserts shall rise and become gardens. And [inaudible] shall lay in waste, and cities shall lay in rubble. And the sword that shall cut two ways shall strike upon the earth. And one side shall strike away man, and the souls that have departed shall flee.

If you are not ready at this time, if all things are not ready, then you shall flee, and not look back. Should you be in the field, do not stop to pick up thy coat, but flee, and do not look back. And it shall be this way for forty and eight days. And then those who should come and evacuate you shall do so.

February 1, 1980: For the Palestinians are quiet now, but they are working in earnest. Those of the Russian continent have made but puppets out of the world. And yet, you have another power who hungers for the world; it is afraid of the Bear. That is that that you call, China. We have told you before to prepare — [to] prepare a place to bring stores. And we say unto you, it is but the whispering of a wind that keeps you from a war at this moment. It is but the words, “One nation under God,” that has held you sacred unto the Lord. We say unto you, lands and many lands shall come aflame as this great threat continues. And the Anti-Christ and those who prepare the way for his coming are making great progress.

Some American presidents honored Lincoln’s birthday by attending services at the church Lincoln attended, New York Avenue Presbyterian Church by sitting in Lincoln’s pew on the Sunday nearest February 12. On February 7, 1954, with President Eisenhower sitting in Lincoln’s pew, the church’s pastor, George MacPherson Docherty, delivered a sermon based on the Gettysburg Address entitled “A New Birth of Freedom.” He argued that the nation’s might lay not in arms but rather in its spirit and higher purpose. He noted that the Pledge’s sentiments could be those of any nation: “There was something missing in the pledge, and that which was missing was the characteristic and definitive factor in the American way of life.” He cited Lincoln’s words “under God” as defining words that set the United States apart from other nations. President Eisenhower, baptized in this church a year before, responded enthusiastically to Docherty. And on February 8, 1954, Rep.Charles Oakman (R-Mich.), introduced a bill to that effect. Congress passed the necessary legislation and Eisenhower signed the bill into law on Flag Day, June 14, 1954. Eisenhower stated: “From this day forward, the millions of our school children will daily proclaim in every city and town, every village and rural school house, the dedication of our nation and our people to the Almighty…. In this way we are reaffirming the transcendence of religious faith in America’s heritage and future; in this way we shall constantly strengthen those spiritual weapons which forever will be our country’s most powerful resource, in peace or in war.” The phrase “under God” was incorporated into the Pledge of Allegiance on June 14, 1954, by a Joint Resolution of Congress amending § 4 of the Flag Code enacted in 1942.

We say unto you, love one another. Take that that the Lord has given you. Hold the name of the Lord sacred in all things. Do not allow the mark of the Beast to come upon you. For a Rose has been planted in the hearts and souls of many. It has passed from hand to hand. We have told you many times this word, love, which you use so often, yet know not the meaning of — you are close now.

Love is when you put forth another person before yourself and expect nothing in return. Love is the heavens and the earth and the universe and the galaxies brought forth as leaves of a rose, a bud ready to blossom. Let the fullness of this come into your hearts. Let our words go not unheeded. Plant the fields, for the time grows short.

February 8, 1980: You have other questions, ask.

“[Thank you], Aka. I have a question for the group. ‘Will the harmful sound waves travel line‑of‑sight or will they go around corners? Do we need soundproof doors and ventilators on shelters?’”

The LRAD is the round black device on top of the New York City police Hummer. The original uploader of this photo was FlyingCoyote at English Wikipedia — Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons by Jalo., CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3808811

Soundproofing on any shelters shall be of a great need. But the sound that is to be used is unlike any sound, because most light cannot bend the corner; this may bend and penetrate and follow through the curvature of the Earth. But the one thing it cannot do is penetrate the earth itself, or that of earth substance, such as adobe, or structures there similar of the same.

Parable of the Fulfillment of the Prophecies and the Mountain Man

June 13, 1980: Yes, we see thy need; we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of the people.

And we shall say unto you this parable. For it is in a time when the earth began great movement and volcanoes thrust forth into the heavens, and molten upon the earth. And earthquakes did shake the earth and tremble, and the earth did split away. And man became frightened, and animals, and all these things. And they began a great migration.

And they entered the great mountains. And they looked around about them, and they thought, “How can we survive in such a place as this, in such a wilderness?” They knew not of the mountains. These were city people, people who had dwelt only in the city, and when they needed bread they did barter for it. They knew none of these things. What small food they had brought with them would soon run bad.

And yet they traveled on. And they came into the high valleys of the mountain. They looked upon it, and it was the spring of the year, and it was the most beautiful thing they had seen — flowers everywhere, the streams full of trout, all sorts of abundance of game thereabout.

And so they struck about, building their buildings, and taking that from day to day that they needed for food.

There was wild wheat that grew in the valley, yet none paid any attention.

Photo by Famartin — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=27229573

One day that that they would call a mountain man did come into the valley. And he tried to explain to them that the winters would come and be severe, and all the things that they had in abundance to eat would be gone if they did not store now, and dry their fish and dry their meat, and store the wheat, and take other vegetables that grew wild in the valley. And he tried to tell them of root cellars, of places they could store all this abundance of food.

Yet, they listened not.

The mountain man had planned to settle among them, and he decided, no, he could not settle and watch all these people die. So he went on forth into another valley and busied himself with the gathering and storing of food for the winter.

Yet, these people in this other valley were of a great concern to him because, being the type of man he was, all life had become very precious. And so, he decided he would put back abundance more, not just for himself, but for others.

And when the winter came forth, he made himself snow shoes from the leather of the skins of animals that he had used, and he did bring some food with him and make the journey unto the other valley. And there, as he knew, they were starving. And so he took what food he had and laid it in their doorstep.

Once a week he would do the same.

And finally, spring did come. He never did enter into their homes in all this time. And when spring came, the people were thin, but they were all alive. And he ventured forth into their valley. And all were interested in what he had had to say.

And one of their leaders came forth unto him and begged him forgiveness, and said, “Why did we not listen to you?”

The mountain man looked at him. And he said, “When you were in your cities, in your flatland, why did you not leave when your prophets told you that the time was near?”

And one of the leaders said, “Well, we — it could not happen to us.”

And he said, “Yes, that is one; you escaped. But with very little tools or other provisions, you have naught. You do not even have books to teach your children. So now you must make books.”

And so he spent the whole long summer, from spring to autumn, in preparing them. In the meanwhile, he made trips back into his other valley and he did store once as he had before, the year before.

Yet, with all they had stored and all they knew, still he brought provisions from the other valley into this one. And so it went into the third year.

And he came forth and said, “Why is it with, instead of preserving some of the seed, you eat it all? You have saved nothing for your spring planting.”

And they said, “Well, as once before it could not happen, another severe winter as bad as the last.”

The mountain man said, “One more time I shall help you, and then I shall leave you to your own folly. Even the smallest of the animals here know how to preserve their food, yet you, you do not.”

And he said unto them, “You have built a church building to worship your God, yet you listen to Him not. You have built a great building, and spent a long time in its building, yet you have forgotten the greatest of commodities that should go into the building.”

When the leaders asked him what, he said, “God.”

And they said, “What could a mountain man like you know of God?”

The mountain man had been taught from childhood not to argue over God, and so he did not. He said, “If you wish to eat from my table, come. If you do not, then do not.” And he left them.

Some of the people from the valley began to realize that this mountain man was a greater leader than all they had. And so they picked up all their belongings and moved into the valley where he was, and said to him, “Be our leader. Show us your way.”

And he said unto them, “My way is the way of the earth, the sky, the heavens, and the water.”

And the people were quite surprised to learn in this same valley there were those of the Indian people. And they worked in harmony. And late at night, after the sun was down, when they were working on hides and other work, the mountain man talked of his philosophy.

And one of the men said, “I have heard men talk as you; our prophets in the lowland talked as you, yet we heard them not. Why did we not hear them not? Why did we not hear their warnings?”

Finally, the mountain man said unto them, “Because your prophets in the lowlands refused to lead you by the hand. And even when they offered, you refused them because you did not want to know of any ill thing happening to you; you could not believe it until it did. Yet, it was written thousands of years ago, and all the prophecies are now coming true.”

We say unto you, this is but a parable, a parable in truth. Prophecy is coming true before your eyes, yet you hear it not. For we have said before, this land of yours shall be the great melting pot, migration pot, as things grow worsen. Be as the mountain man. Gather your crops together, that you may survive and others also. But the survival of the body is nothing if the spirit does not survive with it.

You have questions, ask….

“Yes, Aka. [10–381–2] asks…‘How can I best help to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah?’”

If you wish to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah, all the tools have been handed to you. In becoming a teacher, now is the time to teach. Realize this and know that a church shall be born upon the rock.

February 16, 1981: “Yes, [13–433–1…San Juan Capistrano, California] asks, ‘Should we leave for another state? We live 50 miles south from Los Angeles near the beach. Where would it be good for us to move?’”

We see thy need, and we should answer your question in this manner. The land that you reside shall be affected by both earthquake and tidal wave and war. Much of the lands of the Earth shall be affected in the same manner. Where you reside at the present time, after the earthquakes and the tidal waves, shall become an island, almost a paradise.

“It is sanitation which shall save your lives in these times.” One use of the single ingredient Clorox is to purify drinking water: Add 1/8 teaspoon (8 drops or about 0.75 milliliters) of Clorox or identical household
liquid bleach to 1 gallon (16 cups) of water. Mix well and wait 30 minutes or more before drinking. Photo by Stikeseff — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=46869144

And I would say unto you, fear not. Do these things for yourself and your family. Provide water, that that it should last of you into the amount of 30 days. Provide food into the same amounts. Store seed, that when you come back into the earth it shall allow you to replant. But remember these things, we may not live off of wheat alone, nor barley alone. Do not store things, all things, that are harsh, for it shall take your body time to adjust to eating things that you are not used to. Maintain the necessary chemicals to cleanse the water, the necessary fuels to heat and cook with, the necessary chemicals to take care of your own waste, for it is sanitation which shall save your lives in these times. And during these times go back unto the book of Moses and read of the same, and eat nothing during these periods that were not given to eat, for if you do so, during these times, the diseases that were dreaded and could be carried by certain animals can be carried once again.

We say unto you, prepare, therefore, that that you would know of as a shelter, with one-and-a-half foot of earth covering all around.

You have other questions, ask….

Photo of the pyramid of Giza by MusikAnimal — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=40953763

“Yes, Aka. [13–433–6] asks, ‘Will the gravity motor operate? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. God bless you.’”

Yes, we see thy needs, and we shall answer in this manner. What you seek to achieve is that of the same substance that is created within that of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh — and that is the generation of electricity by the collection of cosmic power. And as the neutron passes forth, into the positive- and negative-ion field, the power substance which you reach for becomes an unlimited source.

There are several things at this time which are not totally correct, and that is the magnetic circuit and the length of the wiring within the same. Second, you are not using diodes as they were properly placed forth to be used; therefore, the energy substance is slipping away.

When you have assimilated this unto which we have said, come again and there are other things that we might suggest. But these things we have suggested shall bring you to the start or the threshold through the door unto which you wish to pass. There is one further word, and that is of an alloyed that may be used in the magnetic field; instead of using copper as such, use a copper, silver, gold alloyed. Do not try to use a dip method; a photo plate method, this would be cheaper. And do not try to use a purity of gold or copper or silver. If they are even partial parts — and to the partial we mean 50 percent into the parts — they will serve the same need. Once this is done, by placing a mere 110 volts onto the substance you will cause each of the particles to become one part or one alloyed….

Now we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. In all your lives there has been a harsh time, a testing time. It is like fine steel. You have been thrust through the fire, and you shall be so again, before the day comes when the Messiah walks with you. Some shall become brittle and break. Some shall just fall away. But some, who shall not wear the mark of the Beast, shall walk with him.

It is the prophets we told you in the beginning of this reading. It is your choice. No one is forcing you. God has given you free choice. The direction you take, though it may be many other directions, may be all part of the same to complete the whole.

But the Lord, God, says unto you, “I AM A JEALOUS GOD. YOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME.” Remember this.

And remember, that as a hand was stayed upon this city of the Phoenix bird, as the spiritual growth continues, so shall the hand lay upon it, the hand of God. It is your choice whether it stays there or is removed.

The “Trinity” explosion on July 16, 1945, was the world’s first nuclear weapon test.

June 17, 1983: “You mentioned the need to survive in the years ahead in a previous reading. Will nuclear fallout affect the Globe area? What specific precautions do we need to take to prepare for survival here?”

Nuclear fallout shall affect all areas. (Sigh.) The first and real danger shall come in sequence of five − five hours, five days, five weeks, and then five years.

The precautions that should be taken is being able to purify the water; second, because of the way your water is stored underground. The underground water shall not be contaminated in this region, but the purest water you shall have for drinking shall be on the other side of the mountain. Much of your drinking water shall come from the Dripping Springs area. Wells have been provided that can produce that that is needed.

We should further explain some things to you. Look from the valley in Dripping Springs and you shall look forth and see that of that that you know as the Christmas Mine. The small community which lies a short distance from there, that you speak of as Cooleyville, shall be almost as a borderline marching straight in line. There shall be damage on both sides, and then the safe zone shall begin; because of the arrangement of the mountains and air currents in this area, that a direct fallout shall not take place, as you know it, in this valley. It shall be picked up and over, and dropped, therefore, around and about.

In the Globe area, the canyon unto which you speak of as Kellner Canyon has similar qualities, except that it does not have the necessary water, and enough abundance….

Your greatest threat shall not be the survival of radiation, but it shall be from those of the larger cities who shall flock from the north and the south, east and the west, seeking a safe place. We say unto you, put these people to work. Allow them to work, that they may eat, that they [pay] the toil of their backs, for those who wish to work. For those who do not wish to work, be prepared in such a manner that they shall know that they shall not take from you these things that are necessary to sustain life.

Last, we shall mention to you that even in earthquake, tornado, and hurricane, the worst damage is not done by that that is caused by the turmoil itself. It is the aftermath, the loss of electricity, the loss of any type of power, the loss that should come about by being unprepared, for using conventional fuels, and being able to switch over to them rapidly. What good is a freezer full of food if there is no electricity to run the freezer? You have a certain period which you could can this product, and preserve it, even when the electricity goes out. You cannot do so if you do not have that that is at hand to perform the task.

Your next, and one of your more important things, that means of transportation. For gasoline, as you would know it, shall not last forever where you are. This means that work in fields and many other types of work must be done either by hand or by beasts of burden that shall survive with you, and may breed and restock the Earth with you.

Now we say unto you, the year, 1985, is a year that can be changed, can be pushed forth, and away. War, [its sudden], can be diverted at this time, if, and only if, the people change their ways.

We shall answer in this manner. You have a Pope of the Catholic faith, which has asked for the support of any faith in bringing forth peace. [Note: Pope John Paul II.] We would say unto you, you do not have to become one of the flock to be going the same direction, to become a traveler of time and space, with like minds and like achievements. If you wish, you may alter the course of things.

We know that it is easier for you to say, “Let someone else do this, for I am doing all I can in what I am doing.”

We also say unto you, for those who shall ask, that that is needed shall be provided. But they must be willing to [take] the Lord, thy God, as the one and only true God.

The Dripping Springs drips from Christmas Mountain. That year, Ray built a dam below to help rainwater, which you see is empty now. It could be restored. See the March-April 2016 newsletter at https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzyT3fgGxb4-V0w4UTRUeTJxTUU/view?usp=sharing

July 1, 1983: And now we shall say unto that one who should ask, and has asked, of the building of the pool. [Note: At the Dripping Springs.] Yes, now is the time. And now is also the time for your healing. Count the days, for if all goes well, before the prophet’s birthday, the first of the healing pools shall be complete, and ready for the next….

But we shall say unto [12–428–1], go there unto the pond tomorrow and make a sketch of the dam, that those who should build it should have that to work with. You know of which we speak. Make it strong. Make it where it shall not leak water, for it shall be the water that is needed in another day to sustain life, quite possibly your own and those you love most.

January 20, 1984: “Thank you, Aka. There are lines of energy or force under the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge and many places throughout the world, some sacred places and other places, that are called, ley lines. And what significance or useful purpose do these have to mankind, and how might we utilize that energy?”

We have explained to you before that great amounts of electrical energy were transported from one place to another, stored and released, for [the] use of mankind. This was part of the same, and can be once again, when man is ready.

June 13, 1986: You have been given many gifts. Some of you accept them readily and put them to use. Some of you want to store the seed and sell it.

We say to you, for that which you receive and that which you give, so shall you receive ten times fold. If you bless the water that comes, the water shall return many times. If you curse the water, the wells in the ground and the heavens will dry up. If you bless the corn and the crops, so shall they.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, thy God. Blessed be the name of His children.

Bless the water that comes, and it will rain in the Sonoran desert near Tucson.This photo of Saguaro National Park Rincon District is by Saguaro Pictures — Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10943952

August 1, 1986: “Thank you, Aka. [18–519–8] who is also here tonight…resides in Tucson, she asks, ‘Please give me direction on earth changes to come and how may I be of service and prepare?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner and in this way. Fear not the changes of the earth. You have the changes of the seasons. You have the summer, which is a time of growth. You have the fall which is a time of harvest. You have winter, a time of rest. And you have the spring, the time of new life. Now, we say unto you, now is the time of spring unto you, of new life. Enter it without fear. For that, changes which will come upon the earth, is not to destroy the earth, only to alter the form and bring healing. So fear not what shall happen. Do not run and hide, for the ground you stand on shall be safe. But what matters most is the place where you stand where you’re happiest, where your soul scores [soars] to the heavens, that is what matters — where your soul finds gladness, that you walk in the sunshine, that you walk in the evening, that you walk in the nighttime, unto all times with gladness in your heart, allowing each day to become new and reborn again….

And we say unto you, soul Ro__, think ye of a general store.

But we say unto all of you, now is the time of the cherubim. Many earth changes shall occur. New earthquakes shall shake the land as never before. Fear not, for the isles of California shall emerge from them and shall become a beautiful place for you to visit and live. Other places shall be altered in their form. Realize that the earth, to right itself, to correct its own flaws, must change. All things are changing, even the rivers as you look upon them. Is it so unusual that your earth should change? Volcanic action and earthquakes are but tools to bring about this change.

There shall be times when provisions of storage shall be needed. And we have told you this. We do not want you to preserve the food so that it cannot be used. We have told you, preserve and store so you may help those in need. A need of a desolate family without can come every day; it’s all around you. Serving the need of others — but remember you must serve yourselves. This is not a greedy or selfish thought. These are thoughts of necessity. If you were to clean your neighbor’s yard, clean yours first, your own. And use the same with storing. If you should [have] your neighbors store, store yourself first, and by example your neighbors shall know that they need a year’s provisions.

We say unto you, your spirits are strong. That yet war is about you, plan for peace, but know this, as we have told you; if you should live in a place where an earthquake should occur build a house that shall withstand an earthquake. It is the same way with other catastrophes. We have told you before that where water flowed, no water shall flow. The plight that is upon the earth and has hidden and struck the land is but part of the whole.

May 6, 1988: We speak of is this place you call America. And before all things you placed God. And you put on your coin, “In God we trust,” a nation founded by the people for the people. And so, all government within this nation was founded after that.

Now we say unto you, the Lord, God, has looked upon this nation as a chosen nation. But soon within this nation your earth shall begin its change, and there will be those that will look upon it and say, “Look, this is Sodom,” or “This is Gomorrah.” And we say, no; the earth is only doing its job, that which it must do to grow. The earth shall change its face and put on a new coat. And the people on it will settle back within time and build a stronger nation. In all nations, as in all people, it is when they have the greatest conflicts to overcome do they not become stronger and place [themselves], therefore, together? For you are citizens of one country. The day will come when you shall be citizens of the world and be glad for it.

We say unto you, this change that shall come shall frighten many of you and you [will] think this will be the end, and yet it will not be.

You have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka.”

“[15–470–1] asks, ‘Dear Aka, you stated recently that the big quakes and the shifts would be May 25th. I would like to know where I and my friends should be at the time and what we should be doing?’”

We would say unto you, this time shall be in the daytime, so therefore, be in the open land. It has come in the summertime, a time we have all prayed for. The new mothers shall leave the buildings without clothing to protect them. [See Matthew 24:19.]

And we say unto you, many of you have what you call trailers or trailer houses. Place, therefore, provisions within them and place, therefore, water, clothing, for there shall be a time when you cannot go to the store and buy these things that you want. You will call it an inconvenience, but your stomach will call it a disaster. So place those things you shall need for a time and use this time to be out in the open….

We could tell you, be fearful of the Lord, but we say, nay. Love the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart and all thy might. If you do so, you have nothing to fear, nothing at all.

June 3, 1988: And we say unto the one known as [15–470–1], be patient. Do not be a Jonah. But also know these things. If those people from the city of Sodom had altered their ways, Sodom would exist yet. Yet, it does. Know these things.

But we also say unto you, those things we spoke unto you, the time, are going because the clock has started. And as the clock has started, do not diversify from your path. Store the things we have said. Do the things we have said. There will be those who say, “Look at this person; look how foolish they are.” But we say unto you, there will be those who shall try to trade you gold for your food, for they cannot eat gold, nor can they drink it.

We say unto you, your land is in upheaval. The Sword is poised to strike. At first, like a thunderstorm, you have a sprinkle here and a sprinkle there, but soon the storms shall come, and with them shall come the altering of the land. Pray unto the Lord, thy God, that as these things should happen, that lives shall be saved, and your prayers shall be heard.

Copyright © 1999 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona, USA

If you missed it, read part 2 for more helpful suggestions Aka makes of how to prepare. See Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine” (Part 2) — Begin with Safe Drinking Water.”

This article is from the series, “Prepare for the Time of the Gret Famine.” See the others too.

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You can see more of the messages that Aka, spiritual messengers of God, spoke from 1970 to 1989 at amazon.com/author/assoc.universal.philosophy

“New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.” (The spiritual messengers of God, December 1, 1972)

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Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.