“The first of the famine shall come in the form — Because you have, your society has inflated itself, it should come, therefore, in the form of depression”

Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine
93 min readOct 9, 2017

Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine (Part 2 of 5)

Prepare for the famine? It will begin with inflationary depression? Ten days after they arrived and began to speak through the unconscious Ray Elkins, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, warned of a great famine. But at that time, April 29, 1970, it was so unimaginable to those busy building their American dream, that Rod, the moderator, couldn’t even hear the word correctly. (See the April 29, 1970, dialog below.)

Yet in the midst of all things brought on by man––about which our Father weeps––the spiritual messengers of God come to bring a message of hope and faith, as they suggest that we prepare for the famine.

This article shares what they tell us about how the famine will begin.

That first week, Ray really didn’t understand yet why spiritual messengers sent from God were speaking through his unconscious body, or what they had come to say. On April 7, 1970, Aka explained to Rod: Soul Ray, not sure, even yet. He, together with others, shall build again God’s temple upon earth, as once before you have done with I. Think ye, tonight, of thy last plane. Think ye tonight, and knowledge shall come. Do not worry; financial things, material things, shall come as though by drops of rain. Heed ye, do not step backwards or ye shall be a lost soul.

It is a hopeful, loving promise from God’s spiritual messengers that financial and material needs shall be provided.

April 24, 1970, Aka warned of a local disturbance in Globe, Arizona. Then they warned of world events to come that some, who are not of God, plan for world dominion, that could bring war, famine, pestilence and death to millions. But man through free will can change this. Many times the spiritual messengers of God have spoken to us on how.

Now, there are things ye should know.

There are certain financial threats of thy community [Globe, Arizona]; if these are taken care of in the proper way, it should not upset thy group. It shall come to pass that the men who work the earth shall become frightened because of certain disturbances under the ground. These shall cause a certain amount of disturbance there, but within time, it shall work out.

Now is the time to grow cautious of the Red Horse, for the fuse is burning, one in Israel, the other in what thy call Vietnam. [See The Revelation 6:3–4.]

Your country [U.S.A.] shall become more involved in the Asian area, and it will reach a point to where it will look as though thy shall go into total war, but before this happens, the Dragon shall attack the Bear. Do not become too upset with this, for it is all in God’s plan — for now is the time of the great Sword, the sword that cuts two ways.

It would be advised that thy group set aside certain provisions, for it is not yet, but later, the time will come when these are needed.

Now, there is another warning. This is within our close communities. If certain steps are not taken, there shall be a critical financial time ahead. Prepare thyselves for this time. Still this may be avoided. But I do not think at this time it shall be. Therefore, prepare thee for this time.

April 29, 1970: As I have said before, the time of the Red Horse is here. [See The Revelation 6:3–4.]

I have said that the Horse [Pakistani mujahedeen?] will attack the Bear [Soviet Union, Russia]. Now, I will warn thee that the Eagle [U.S.A.] shall join the Bear. The fuse is lit. And as it burns, it may consume thy earth. As in all things, a free choice — there are chances still that this shall not happen. But from the extra claws the Eagle will attach to itself, it does not look like it shall avoid these wars. Therefore, the crucial time shall be in the next ten years.

[Editor’s note: Of what did Aka warn might take place in the next 10 years? In 1979, two events come to mind; they led to what is happening today. One was the the signing of the Egypt-Israeli Peace Treaty, U.S. President Jimmy Carter encouraged, that began the process of Israel’s giving away land for peace. And the other was the covert funding and training by the U.S. of a proxy army in Afghanistan that one day evolved into Al Qaeda and ISIS. Both increased militantancy by radical religious fundamentalist.

In 1979, the U.S. entered the Afghan war and funded Osama Bin Laden to raise a proxy army of mujahedeen to drive the Soviets out of Afghanistan. As this finished in 1988, Bin Laden began to form Al Qaeda.

In the following years, radical militant religious fundamentalists from many countries have fought in many places, including Somalia, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria, often seeking to drive U.S. interests out. One U.S. retired General told about a Pentagon memo he’d seen that the U.S. planned to go to war in seven Middle Eastern countries. It includes those above––and Jordan and Iran. Since the early 1970s, Aka has said that the fuse has been lit in France and is been slowly burning toward Israel. When it reaches Israel, it could ignite the world, they warn. The spiritual messengers of God ask us to pray that the Seventh Seal not be opened. Please see “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine — the first warning, on U.S. Mideast involvement.” And see “Pray that the Seventh Seal Is Not Opened”.]

Aka continued: Prepare thy group for its coming. Prepare for the time of famine.

“The time of whom?”



Nay. The time of the great famine.



At a later time instructions shall be given to the preparation for this time.

Aka was asked, May 1, 1970: “Do you have a special message for us before we begin the readings?’

Yes, the Eagle of thy plane has taken upon it claws. This is good, but if the Eagle is not careful, it shall go into total war. Watch now for the Red Horse, for she shall strike in another area that the Eagle yet thinks not. Because of this, the Lion shall bite the Eagle, for she shall think the Eagle wrong.

Now, I have another message for what thy call thy President. There shall be assassination attempt made upon his life. The date shall be July 22 of this year of thy plane. It shall be made from, as thy know it, the Black Panther unit….

Now, as I have said before, the time of the Great Sword is upon you. Because of men’s actions of this plane, the time is growing near.

It is also necessary that thy know that thy of thy plane have visitors from another galaxy. This is not part, the interference from one galaxy to another is not part of God’s plan. Therefore, as the axis of your earth is being changed, soon thy will know these visitors. This shall be taken up at a different time.

To understand this, ye must first think of the spirits of God, also of the spirits of man, and then the souls of man. Then think of thee as not one, but two, but not two, but as three. When ye understand this, then ye shall understand the plan of God….

Later Aka said: What other information would thy ask?

“[4–3–70–002] asked about some information on the storing of food in preparation for the famine.”

Yes, this should be done. But in thy preparation, store seed, store it preferably in airtight containers, that no air may enter. If possible, the pumping out of any air in the container as these stores are made would be good. But, it would also be suggested that this should not be done as, as you would say, a rush thing. Store a little, as thy can afford it. Store also, in containers, no flour. Store either rice or corn. This also, if possible, the air should be taken from the containers that it is stored in. The preparing of certain fruits and vegetables, as thy call it, either in canned goods — yes — more information shall be given to you from time to time.

“All right.”

Also, it would be suggested that thy should get a script of thy known herbs of that location.

“What location?”

The one around thee of both the desert and the high land, preferably the high land. This will be safer in the days of famine.

“All right.” [See “Prepare for the time of the great famine — food for thought.”]

Then the spiritual messengers of God were asked this: “What will cause this famine?”

Man shall cause this famine––came the answer.

There is so much that could be written about this short answer. Some is told throughout the 19 years Aka was recorded speaking through Ray’s unconscious body.

Aka said, September 25, 1970, as they spoke of the thousand years of peace upon Earth to come with the coming of the Messiah: “Now you ask unto us, ‘What shall take place between now and this time of a thousand years?’ And we should tell unto you, first, of your famine; this man shall bring upon himself.

“The changing of your world, this is part of God’s plan, so that all man, of God’s people, of God’s children, shall become [all] one. Yet, you shall still remain as individuals, with individual thought, individual desire and individual need of food. We do not mean that you shall all be, become as one, only your love for your Father shall be as one. This time shall come about as your religions realize that each person has the right to worship his Father in his own way. Our Father intended this; this is why we have said before, “of His many mansions.”

February 19, 1971: “Thank you, Aka. Is there anything you would like to tell us this evening?”

Now, as we have said before, the spirits of our Father hover above your earth.

We have told you before of the isles of California. We have told you before of the great tidal waves that shall come. We have told you before, that that has been buried shall be uncovered. Where no light has shone, light shall shine again. [See the article, “The Big One and the Valley below the Sea” here, at medium.com/@universalphilos.]

We have told you of the coming of the Anti-Christ and the Beast, and the beast from within. And even though thy should cut the Beast’s head, it shall heal its head from one of a greater. And then shall come the time that the ten nations that stood beside it shall join together in slaying the Beast forever. [See The Revelation, chapters 13–18.]

As we have said before, we are not great. Our power comes from our Father.

We have told you before, [prepare] thyself for the famine. For soon, as you have seen, the might of our Father’s hand, and in His anger, shall separate those places into which Lucifer should dwell. And in separating them, still, as during the time of Abraham, He should look within them, and if He should find good among them, He shall spare them; if not, the same shall happen unto them as happened unto Lot’s wife. [See Genesis18:16–33, 19:1–29.]

We have told you of many things that shall come. We have told you that Atlantis shall rise again and fall again. Man, as you have known him, has dwelt upon your earth for millions of years. Our intention is not to destroy your earth, but to reshape it, that peace may dwell upon it.

Aka provided loving guidance to many individuals.

The spiritual messengers of God answered one woman with a blessing, December 28, 1970: Of the financial things, these needs shall be taken care of, and as we have said before, the financial things that are needed in your lives shall be provided as raindrops, a little at a time. But, as the one known as Jesus Christ who broke bread and fed many, these teardrops shall feed many. Can you understand of which we say?

“Yes, I understand you.” (She answers.)

In 1970, Congress had granted the President the power to impose wage and price freezes, though the Democratic majorities, knowing Nixon had opposed such controls through his career, did not expect Nixon to actually use the authority. With inflation unresolved by August 1971, and an election year looming, Nixon convened a summit of his economic advisers at Camp David. He then announced temporary wage and price controls, allowed the dollar to float against other currencies, and ended the convertibility of the dollar into gold. Nixon’s policies dampened inflation through 1972, although their aftereffects contributed to inflation during his second term and into the Ford administration. After he won reelection, Nixon found inflation returning. He reimposed price controls in June 1973. The price controls became unpopular with the public and businesspeople, who saw powerful labor unions as preferable to the price board bureaucracy. The controls produced food shortages, as meat disappeared from grocery stores and farmers drowned chickens rather than sell them at a loss. Despite the failure to control inflation, controls were slowly ended, and on April 30, 1974, their statutory authorization lapsed. [Note: This historical information may help the reader understand some of the financial questions individuals asked the spiritual messengers of God during the Nixon administration between 1970 and 1974, and the administration of Geral Ford from August 1974 to January 1977. One can see the accuracy of Aka’s prophetic guidance.

On October 27, 1972, another woman’s question was asked: “Because of the impending catastrophes, she wonders where people should put their money. ‘Should it be invested in the banks, or savings offices, or real estate, or if you have any suggestion as to where they should keep what limited finances they have?’”

(Chuckle) We would suggest in this manner, that upon the day of the catastrophes, little will have changed. Your financial structure shall remain much as it is. In those areas of destruction, catastrophes shall take care of their funds. Therefore, you should worry over a dead horse.

We would suggest you worry over a live one. You have within your own religion wise men who have suggested the storing of food. We have suggested the storing of food. But do so in a wise manner. That that is needed store in strong, dry places, such as vaults. You may copy those of the Egyptian form, only using your modern terminology.

See the guidance and suggestions Aka gave to many on preparing water and food: “Prepare for the time of the great famine (Part 2) Begin with safe drinking waterand Prepare for the time of the great famine (Part 3) — Food for thought.

Aka lovingly guided, March 30, 1973: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. As we have said before, prepare for the day of the famine, but do not do so in a reckless manner. Lay aside ten percent of your income each month. Put this into a group fund for buying. But buy these things in a sensible manner. It is not necessary that you should build a pyramid for storing. Build yourselves a vault, placing it in a dry place. Store theses things in quantity.

The first of the famine shall come in the form — because you have, your society has inflated itself, it should come, therefore, in the form of depression. Plant food things that thy can rely on to grow in your locale. You know of these. We have placed forth upon your earth an abundance of water for the cleansing of the land. We shall continue this for a short period of time.

But we say unto you, if your budget shall not allow of ten percent, then place five percent, but do so in a sensible manner, and do so in a manner that each should pay their own share. Rotate your stock.

And we shall tell you into these words, of the time of [Egyman], when famine did hit the earth for seven years. And part of the people came together and stored their food, and placed it away. And the day that the rain stopped and the earth became bare they were joyful, for they thought they had plenty to eat. And their animals were joyful, for they had plenty to eat. But robbers came into their storehouse and took away most of their foodstuff.

And they prayed unto God, “Oh, woe, woe, for Lord, we have done unto Your bidding, and robbers have taken from us our food.”

And the Lord spoke unto them and said into these words, “GO FORTH AND BAKE YOUR BREAD.”

And they did so. Yet, no matter how much they took from their storehouse, there was always some left, for they had faith in the Lord. Without this faith, their grain would have soon run out.

And this is true unto yourselves. For those who have faith unto the Lord, they shall survive. For those who have no faith, they shall have none. For the measure of your wealth shall be the measure of your faith.

But do not be as the farmer who had many tasks to perform and ran from place to place and wrung his hands in despair and did nothing. Take upon yourselves one task at a time and do it well. And your Father shall provide, and your storehouse shall not become empty.

Put forth the effort that is needed, both in the building of your spiritual selves and the building within your group. Bring strength forth and unity. Plan together, but be joyful unto one another. Your garden has been weeded. Now is the time to grow from the good soil. Lift up your hearts.

But for those who should stand and only find fault and do nothing, nothing shall be provided.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have one question about the depression. When will this come, and how long will it last?”

We shall tell of thee things. But first, pick up your hoe, and show us the faith.

Another question was read, July 2, 1973: “She has also asked, what should she be doing for God and humanity in this new age? And she is concerned about, should she take money from the co-op credit union and invest it in real estate?…”

Of the financial condition that thy asked of, we shall answer in this manner. As thy would invest, do so in real estate, but do so wisely. But do not plant all of thy seed in the same field. We would further suggest that the taking of certain quantities of the monetary value and turning these into that of silver.

Note: In 1973, these would have been wise investments. The value of silver went from $20.36 to an all-time high of $142.61 in 1980. But the price of silver as of March 15, 2024 is $25.19 per ounce. Real estate rose dramatically since 1973. Historical US Home Prices states that in 1973, a median house costing $27,677 would cost $192,697 in 2023. Another website says it in a different way. Housing costing $100,000 in 1967 is equivalent to $1,068,595.45 in 2024. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, prices for food are 579.85% higher in 2024 versus 1973 (a $115.97 difference in value). Between 1973 and 2024: Food experienced an average inflation rate of 3.83% per year. This rate of change indicates significant inflation. In other words, food costing $20 in the year 1973 would cost $135.97 in 2024 for an equivalent purchase. Speaking of inflation in general, the 3.87% inflation rate means $1 in 1973 is equivalent to $6.95 today.

We would also suggest that the taking of certain quantities of this and placing it into food substance.

We would say unto thee in these words. Thy have worked hard of thy years of thy life. Take forth, therefore, these years and place them into spiritual growth. If thy should open the door, we should place before thee the wine and the bread. Take them up. If they should taste of the food substance to your liking, then take of this. But as the river we spoke of unto which has no beginning and no ending, enter into this river. But as thy heart, do not enter in such a manner that thy should become a hypocrite. Enter in the manner into which thy should believe. Speak unto your Lord in the manner unto which you would speak unto yourself, and therefore, His answers shall come in truth unto you.

But we say unto these words. All things upon the earth are of one, but yet, separate and different, and yet beauty within all. But as in the beginning, when man was as a violin and the violin was in perfect tune and perfect harmony, and as the violin then became out of tune and out of harmony, so has man. For we say unto thee, would your Father create that of badness? Yet you are of His likeness, of His kind. And yet, as man was created in five places, all of the colors of the Lord are of God. Prepare that way within thyself, and you shall have your thousand years of peace and the beginning, and therefore, upon your earth shall be your new heaven and your earth within the same.

A man said, July 9, 1973: “I feel that life insurance should be used more as an instrument for protection rather than savings because of our inflationary factor. Isn’t it true that our economy is due for a downfall?…”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Your economy shall go into that form of an inflationary depression.

Therefore, the method in question we shall give this manner. Give that unto God that belongs to God, give that unto your fellow man that belongs to your fellow man, but give that unto yourself that belongs to you. In all three you are doing that of God’s work. In returning that of a dollar, place that before man that should grow in its own worth. Thy have thoughts of this within thy mind. We find no fault within the same, and therefore, continue with the work in the same manner into which you have done.

But we say unto you, it has been written, “Bear false witness against no man,” and this should come from others that should bear false witness against you. Therefore, they themselves must judge themselves in their life, and in their death, and in their life again. All must become in complete, for “He who should kill with the sword shall be slain with the sword.” But the beginning and ending of a karma, or an incarnation, can happen many times in one lifetime. Within truth [and] knowledge, the overcoming of a karma is that when a man or a woman truly sees and understands without giving unto another person blame, but receiving within themselves the understanding that that unto which they have done, and shall do, shall be right before themselves, for no man shall judge you other than yourself.

July 9, 1973, thirteen months before Nixon resigned and Gerald Ford became President, Aka continued: Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. He asks, should he consider retirement with Prudential Insurance company next year and do something else, or wait a few years?”

We should suggest that next year would be that of the best time to do so. This would give you a chance to reach outward and develop other resources of income, and of spiritual growth within the same.

[Editot’s note: Please remember that each answer Aka gave to a personal question was for an individual who asked, in a time and place. The reader should keep this in mind, although it could be helpful to understand the context in which it was asked.]

On February 16, 1974, Aka spoke in a parable: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, for we should use the parable of the Seven Spirits.

And as your heaven and earth was built, the Lord, our God, came forward to bless the land. And He looked upon the land, and He asked unto the Seven Spirits, “I SEE MANY CREVASSES AND MANY PITFALLS FOR MY CHILDREN UPON THIS LAND. WHY HAVE THEY BEEN PLACED THERE?”

And the Seven Spirits spoke as one, “They are placed there for trial and tribulation, that by their labors they shall grow.”

And the Lord, God, looked upon the earth, and said unto them, “I SEE BEAUTY AND LOVE AND UNISANCE. SHOULD THIS NOT BE ENOUGH?”

And the Seven Spirits spoke again as one, and said, therefore, unto the Lord, God, “Lord, Thy cast us into the sea, each of us, and You sent us forward to grow a crop. But only when we could return as one, You saw us fit, therefore, to create in Your image this world of worlds. Therefore, we have placed upon the earth in the same manner, for we found within the tests Thy sent us forward to do that it was good and lasting. That unto which was toil that we did earn we knew of. That which was not toil we did not appreciate or love.”

And the Lord, God, looked upon the earth, and the land, and the heavens, and the Seven Spirits, and He breathed life, therefore, unto the land.

And so it was.

And the planet, Yahweh, did spread her seed unto the galaxies of the many planetary systems.

And now the seed is planted once again, but in a different way.

As we have said before in the very beginning, we are here but for one purpose, that in itself is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We are here to build within you the strength of toil.

There are many of you who shall find many excuses to say, “That which I should do I should place unto tomorrow. There are other things I’d rather do today.”

We have said unto you, there is a time for laughter, for work, for sleep. There is a time for God’s work. All must come in accordance.

We told you in the beginning that the financial needs would be provided, but as teardrops upon a dry desert — the needs but not the wants.

And now you approach the time and the preparation of the Book with wings. The time is now and near. The financial needs shall be provided in the same manner unto which we have provided before unto you. But they all shall come with toil. And if toil does not come in love, then stand aside, for love and toil must be of the same, for only then you have opened the door and allowed us to enter.

All that the spiritual messengers of God were recorded saying from 1970 to 1989 has now been transcribed and published in 2017 in the BOOK with Wings. But when Aka was speaking these words in 1974, their first book was ready to be printed, A Rose without Thorns.

Each of you have developed in your own way, your own psychic abilities. And we have provided the knowledge through the grace of our God, the Lord, Father, that your knowledge should grow and multiply and be as yeast. We have provided the bread and wine. All that, that has been needed, has been placed before you.

Soon shall be the time that should cometh forward into the certification of your teachers and ministers. As this is a philosophical organization, the ministers of this work are different than any other known upon your earth, and the teachers are different. Now is the time to take into thy mind serious thought of that unto which you, each of you that should be asked to serve, can fulfill. We have come not to take you from your religions or your faiths, but to build upon that that is already there. We have come not to change the laws of Moses, nor Jesus, but to show you the fulfillment of the same.

We have shown you that of the light in the sky you should call Kohoutek, the one we should choose to call Yahweh, that has spread and [coveth] one third of the earth at a time. We have shown you the light of our Lord.

Now cometh the time that we should show you the flowers.

But remember also that the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Now eruptions shall arise, and the toil upon the earth shall be heavy. The Anti-Christ is walking upon your earth. Greed is walking upon your earth in a multitude of manners; cast aside this monster. Jealousies should walk upon your earth; cast aside this monster. For each of these are a head of the Beast.

And for those who should stand apart and be not marked by these, then the new heaven and earth shall come forth into fullness. [See The Revelation, chapter 13, 20:1–7, and 21:1–7.]

July 8, 1974: “[A young person] asks, ‘Considering the hard tasks which we may possibly encounter in the next few years, would it be advisable to begin a family at this time, or to wait, and judge the outcome?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. At the present time, for yourself, and in your own financial position, it would be far wiser to plant your fields before, and make them ready before you sow the seed.

You do not understand of which we speak; therefore, we should clarify of the same. Your husband and yourself are starting anew on the pathway of life. For your own financial needs and the needs that thy may provide for your children, time should be given before birth first should come forth. The nest must be prepared.

We say also unto you, of that to come forth upon the earth, we hand unto the earth at this time the Rose without Thorns. Yet if it is grasped, then your earth shall grow into a paradise of peace. Once again the Garden of Eden shall be brought back unto the earth.

But children are the fiber of a nation and the world; they are the pathway for the rebirth and the recycle of other souls onto the earth. They are your Earth’s tomorrow, and they are your tomorrow. Even in the worst of times children have been born upon the earth. In this day, when your earth has become overpopulated it is wise to choose the time and place. Soon, as the Lord planned, the rest of your own planetary system will be open and other earths provided for your expansion. All of these things lie before you. All of these things are at your fingertips.

Even in the time, the time of the barbarians, in the hours of darkness, if the Rose is not picked up, then the years of darkness shall come upon the earth. But even then, it shall emerge into light again.

Be patient. Does not the wise bird prepare a nest before she lays her egg?

“Thank you, Aka. [7–7–74–004] asks, ‘Concerning the famine, which you have spoken of, how widespread, and to what degree will it affect the E1 Paso-Southwest area? And when can we expect its coming?’”

We shall answer in this manner. The time of the famine is now. You are entering into that of an inflationary depression. Crop failure across the land has multiplied unto the same. Your dollar has inflated itself beyond comparison and shall continue for a period of time to do the same. And then will come forth the time when it will stabilize itself and be worth more.

Yet we say unto you, store, therefore, unto seed and grain. Store, therefore, unto the foodstuff, of both fruits and vegetables of all kinds. Store in such a way that you may take from your storehouse and replenish as time goes forward. And in this manner you shall be prepared for the same. But as your dollar inflates, that that you buy today, you shall pay more for tomorrow….

Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr. served as the 38th President of the United States from August 1974 to January 1977, following the resignation of Richard Nixon. Domestically, Ford presided over the worst economy in the four decades since the Great Depression, with growing inflation and a recession during his tenure. On August 20, 1974, Ford nominated former New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller to fill the vice presidency he had vacated. Rockefeller’s top competitor had been George H. W. Bush. Rockefeller underwent extended hearings before Congress, which caused embarrassment when it was revealed he made large gifts to senior aides, such as Henry Kissinger. Although conservative Republicans were not pleased that Rockefeller was picked, most of them voted for his confirmation, and his nomination passed both the House and Senate. Some, including Barry Goldwater, voted against him. The economy was a great concern during the Ford administration. One of the first acts the new president took to deal with the economy was to create, by Executive Order on September 30, 1974, the Economic Policy Board. In October 1974, in response to rising inflation, Ford went before the American public and asked them to “Whip Inflation Now”. At the time, inflation was believed to be the primary threat to the economy, more so than growing unemployment; there was a belief that controlling inflation would help reduce unemployment. To rein in inflation, it was necessary to control the public’s spending. On October 4, 1974, Ford gave a speech to introduce to Congress a one-year, five-percent income tax increase on corporations and wealthy individuals. This plan would also take $4.4 billion out of the budget, bringing federal spending below $300 billion. At the time, inflation was over twelve percent. The federal budget ran a deficit every year Ford was President. The economic focus began to change as the country sank into the worst recession since the Great Depression four decades earlier. The focus of the Ford administration turned to stopping the rise in unemployment, which reached nine percent in May 1975. In January 1975, Ford proposed a 1-year tax reduction of $16 billion to stimulate economic growth, along with spending cuts to avoid inflation. Ford was criticized greatly for quickly switching from advocating a tax increase to a tax reduction. In Congress, the proposed amount of the tax reduction increased to $22.8 billion in tax cuts and lacked spending cuts. In March 1975, Congress passed, and Ford signed into law, these income tax rebates as part of the Tax Reduction Act of 1975. This resulted in a federal deficit of around $53 billion for the 1975 fiscal year and $73.7 billion for 1976. When New York City faced bankruptcy in 1975, Mayor Abraham Beame was unsuccessful in obtaining Ford’s support for a federal bailout. The following month, November 1975, Ford changed his stance and asked Congress to approve federal loans to New York City. This information may help you understand what was happening through January 1977, and the answers Aka gave to individual’s question.

Aka continued, July 8, 1974, a month before Ford became President: Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you. [7–7–74–007] asks, ‘Will I continue in the same line of work I am now in?’”

We should answer in this manner, in this way. You shall continue in the same profession, yet it shall change its form in the capacity of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–7–74–004], who has asked a previous question, asks, ‘What changes to our lifestyle as we now know it will take place in the next 10 to 15 years?’”

We shall answer in this manner. Much shall depend upon your own free choice, and that of your fellow mankind. [Please see Matthew 24:36.]

We say unto you, give unto God that that is God’s; give unto your brother that which should belong to your brother; but just as important, give unto yourself that that belongs to yourself. If you should do of such, in all manners you should be serving God.

We should say unto you, plant your own field first; then go unto your neighbor and help him plant his.

Your lifestyle shall drastically change in the next 10 years. Medicine, as you know it, of this day shall take a drastic change. New power sources shall be brought forth upon the earth, new forms of travel. All these things should come forth.

But war, also, may come forth with it.

This is your earth. This is your time. Make your choice.

But we say unto you and to all mankind, the Lord, our God, loves of His children. But we say, as He gave unto Moses the Ten Commandments, must it be necessary once again that the days of Noah shall come forth upon your land? Must these days of darkness, must the Sixth Seal be opened, and then the Seventh? Must all of the words we have spoken not be heard? Nay. [See The Revelation of John, chapters 6–8.]

Warfare can come in many forms––atomic, germ warfare, and newer technologies. Even in 1947, researchers were experimenting with weather manipulation. From this, weather warfare became a reality. See https://youtu.be/SG_hokz-qGM. Since Aka warned of the Sxith Seal in 1974 (above), what has happened? The spiritual messengers of God reported in 1983 that the Sixth Seal had been opened, saying that the flooding along the Mississippi River that summer would be the first sign. In December 1983, fishermen off the coast of Peru discovered a warm water current they named “El Nino” for the Christ child. And December 4, 1987, the spiritual messengers of God spoke these words: “Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this man and in this manner; glory be the name of the Lord thy God. “And we say unto you, behold, for the time is now. The Lord, God, should say unto you, ‘For the Sixth Angel stands upon your Earth. And the earth shall be cut and separated, and where no waters were, waters shall be. Islands shall appear where no islands were.’ “And we say to you, behold, for the might of the Lord is at hand. Yet rejoice, for so is the time soon to come of he who we have come to prepare the way.”

We come forth not to take from the words of Moses. We come forth not to change the prophecies of John. We come forth with love from our Father, with A Rose without Thorns for your earth. Pick it up. Be as a mirror; show it to your brother. Judge not his skin, or the color.

We have told of you of life on other planetary worlds. Shall you kill of them when they come [up] in peace? For the crafts that have landed upon the earth, so far all you have done is try to destroy them — yet they have harmed you not — because their forms are different than yours. When you leave your body, this shell that you should live, it should wither away and turn back into dust. And as is proper, should you look upon it and stand and watch it decay, you would think it a horrible thing and fear it.

Pick up this rose, and fear not, for the Lord, God, walks with you, for those who carry not the mark of the Beast shall not perish from this earth, or from our Father’s kingdom. [See The Revelation of John 20:4–6 and chapters 21–22.]

August 28, 1974: Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [8–28–74–005] — ‘When will I sell my store? Will the health food industry get the Food and Drug Administration off its back, and when and how?’”

Yes, we see thy need. Yes, in a three-month period of time thy shall sell thy store, but we shall answer in this manner. It would be a foolish move at this time.

The health food industry shall get the federal government off its back, as you would call it. And it shall happen in this manner. The new administrative government within a government is now taking form. Your Government shall come forth of the people, by the people, and for the people, that their voices shall be heard throughout the land. Let no man’s voice be silent.

We say unto you, all who dwell within this psychic world, you call it, you have defeated your own purpose, for you have divided and separated. We say unto you, the time has come to put your house in order. Come forth in unisance. Let one hand lay into the other and your words shall be heard across the world. Prepare for the coming of the Messiah, but start that preparation within yourselves, that you could look into thy brethren with love and understanding. And your brethren shall stand side by side until the army of the Lord’s should be mighty beyond all. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

If this is shown unto any government upon the world, the minds of the psychic world, you could change all substance of your world in a twinkling of an eye….

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka, from [8–28–74–008], and she asks, ‘Am I still progressing as I should be? I feel I am at a crossroads and am not sure of the path to take.’”

We should answer in this manner. We see thee as David, who would stand at the Ark. We shall place the Rose without Thorns in your hands. Pick it up. Carry it forward.

We have come but for one purpose, that purpose is to build unto you in a spiritual way that you should be as mirrors, that others should look unto thee and see of the God within, and therefore, could see the God from without, and therefore, pick it up and drink from the cup.

Although it has promised unto thee a thousand years of peace upon your earth — but count not as you would count your years, count each day as a thousand years, and multiply by the same — that this new heaven and new earth should become possible, that it should come forth upon the earth, many hands are needed. Our Earth, this Earth of yours, is in great danger. Your species is in great danger of annihilation and extinction. Your enemy is yourselves. That the Seventh Seal not be opened we make this plea unto thee, that your year of 1999 be the year of the Messiah.

Much work is to be done, much to be prepared for, for would you not ready your home for a marriage? Then ready thyself unto the same fashion. [See Matthew 24:36, The Revelation 19:1–9, 21:1–7 and 22:12–17.]

We should hand unto thee the bread and the yeast. Give it forth unto all.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, would you give us information as to why we are on the earth plane?”

Yes, we see thy need and we should answer in this way, in this manner. Most of you who should think of the spiritual plane — one day upon this earth plane you can learn more and progress farther than in a hundred years in the spiritual plane.

You should think because the mortal soul and the mortal body should pass away, that this one or that one should become smarter. This is not true. They stand as they left the earth plane, sometimes bewildered, sometimes to sleep years, and sometimes thousands of years, before they will allow themselves to awaken. And sometimes they are bewildered by where they stand, for all their civilization has made them ready to pass before a judge which does not exist except within themselves.

There is much bewilderment in the first of passing. Therefore, they run around, as you would say, as a chicken with his head underneath its wing, making great noises, but knowing very little.

We say unto you, we, this council, has existed since the beginning of time. Yet, we must go to our Father for information, for knowledge. Our Father, your God, is kind, and gentle and loving. Yet each of us has existed upon your earth planes and others throughout the many galaxies, and galaxies beyond galaxies. We have lived lives upon [yet] what you would call the earth plane. We picked one from among us and sent him forth upon the earth plane as a teacher.

And he stands within your grasp.

Within Ray one could also see this.


But each should be different in kind, but beautiful in all, for the kingdom of God lies within you, each of you. For who could not love of God’s beauty He has placed upon the universes? And who could walk out among them each day and not know of His love?

Look at the flowers that He [has] placed beneath thy feet. See them. Give rejoice and great tidings each day, for each day is another day closer to his arrival upon your earth, that he should make himself known unto thee.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, our God, forever and ever! Blessed be the name of the one who should come.

And we say unto you, pray that the Seventh Seal is not opened. But show unisance unto each other, that you may show unisance unto God. For those who would wear the mark of the Beast shall be cast unto the bottomless pit for that one thousand years, as the Lord should count. Cast it from thyself. [See The Revelation, chapters 19–20.]

We stand as our Father stands. Ask and thy shall receive.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth; pestilence and famine. Prepare, therefore, into the same. Earthquakes shall shatter thy Western and Eastern seaboard. Hurricane and storms shall race across the face of you land. Prepare for the famine.

September 25, 1974: Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [11–26–71–002] and [7–22–74–002] want to thank God for all His many blessings. And [11–26–71–002] would seek guidance for the many small people who have savings to be protected in this inflation.”

We should say unto thee, come unto soul Ray in private consultation and he should advise of you of such in your monetary manners.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[11–30–71–004], ‘What does the future hold for me; have I chosen a new path in life?’”

Yes, thy have chosen a new path in life. But we shall say unto you into this manner. The getting is easy, the keeping is hard. Toil, and honesty within thyself, shall be the key word to thy answer.

November 29, 1974: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer your question in this manner, in this way.

As we have said before, your country once again should repeat its own folly. It should make treaties with its enemies that shall be considered as just pieces of paper. It shall disarm itself and be made easy prey.

Those who should come of the Anti-Christ have already made their toil upon your country. You now face your greatest hours of need. For they did not need to make war upon you to weaken you. They took from you the oil that would burn in the lamps. They took from you the wheat which would make of the bread. And yet, you stood idly by and did nothing.

Now they stand poised and ready to poison your minds.

For we should say, hark, into thee, for if the Eagle [U.S.A.] does not spread its wings and give the protection unto the land of Israel then your days of famine shall worsen. Each day shall lead into another, each becoming more desperate into the next. We have told you before, to prepare for the famine. We have told you the length of time of famine. It is at hand. It is now.

We say unto you, your Government shall go through yet another great trial. And each trial shall simulate unto the Lord a nation divided not, but a nation that should stand, one unto another. One nation under God. Yet it shall not be one nation, for many nations shall come forth.

The work that you have done before shall take many hands for that of the future. Do not weaken. Do not blame the time of famine one upon another. Look not unto the race of man or his nation that should make him as he is. But we say unto you, look unto the holiness of it all, unto the righteousness of it all, and there before you shall be the answer for all to behold.

Wear not the mark of the Beast. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–13.]

We say unto you, new efforts should be made that the book, A Rose without Thorns, should be brought forth, for now in the dire needs of all time should be the time that is needed by the Lord, our God, and the time that is needed by the people and the children of the Lord. Bring all things into fulfillment and glory before God, and God shall bring all things into fulfillment and glory before you. Fear not these times before, for they have been at your doorsteps once before, not in the same manner. Many in your land now grow hungry for need. We say unto you, make the extra effort to put stores in your storehouses. Put tools, seed, each of all kinds.

For now is the time of the Fifth Angel, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Chaos shall come forth. More eruptions shall occur in the San Francisco area and the San Bernardino area. New eruption shall occur in the land of Alaska, and the Circle of Fire in Mexico, down through the land, for the land now prepares to separate itself. All things that we have prepared you for, throughout, the twinkling of the eye, is now the time to bring them forth into fulfillment. Store of all things, but do them with caution. Do not be as the man who should store for the sake of storing. Emphasize in your newsletter quite strongly the needs.

We say unto you, bring forth unto the nations the need you have for more teachers. This must multiply tenfold.

There are those who should say that the Jewish nation should be the seat of all your troubles. We say unto you, there are still those who wear the mark of the Beast that roam the land. Come forth now in truth within yourselves, blaming no one. For your time for blaming someone will do you little good.

And so we say these words unto you. For long ago upon your earth, one came forth in the time of depression and promised the German people a land of glory. He brought them a land of destruction and division. That this should not happen again upon the earth, act when you see the signs. Many thousands and millions of dollars are now being spent on such propaganda. Heed our words; listen not unto them. Listen unto your hearts and your souls, and the answers shall come forth in truth before all.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God….

But remember, weigh your bread and weigh your barley. Gold shall neither buy neither bread nor barley, so gather not of this type riches. Gather that that is needed to serve your needs.

February 8, 1975: “Yes, Aka.[4–18–74–001], asks, ‘Will there be a breakdown in our economic system with a closing of banks and other financial institutions within this year, this next year?’”

There is already a breakdown in your economic situation. We have told you repeated times that this would happen. But it will not constitute the closing of your banks, as such. You shall be faced with an inflationary depression which shall go forth and have a reign of two and a half years more. At that time, should your [U.S.] Government and your people not be foolish, the time should elapse. But we should warn you, should your Government indebtedness unto itself and its people and unto the other countries of the world continue at the rate it has, then your currency shall be worth nothing. If the right steps are taken at this time, then the currency of your Government shall level off and be worth even more than it was.

Federal debt held by the public as a percentage of gross domestic product, from 1790 to 2013, projected to 2038.

November 1, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For as ferment should become ferment, and life should become life, as the seed is brought forth, from that point unto the beginning of all time so has it been in the eyes of the Lord, your God.

We say unto you, hark, for we bring not unto thee the tidings thy wish to hear. We have spoke unto thee before of the coming of the famine, and we have told unto thee the time is now, and we have said unto thee a part of your book of Revelations.

As we have told you before, the city of New York would fall and crumble, therefore, unto dust. And for those who would trade with her, they shall back away and look at her. And so shall be the beginning of a new beginning.

If you run in fear as you see one great city upon another fall, then fear is all that you will have. We say unto you, stand fast, for much as your phoenix bird that should rise from the ashes, so shall the civilization of man in this land rise once again.

We have told you before of a government within a government, and so it has become. [Note: See the August 28, 1974, quote above.]

Your inflationary depression walks hand in hand with your Fifth Angel, that now walks upon the ground, and man should wallow in its pity.

For those of you who should fall, yet not rise, there shall be no more. But for those who shall stand, fall, and stand again, the storm should soon pass over and beyond them. And the country should rise in strength once again. We have said unto you that these years should be lean years.

And now we shall say unto soul Ray unto the interpretation of the dream of the same. For he saw before him that of a giant, and many stood beneath the giant, including himself. And he felt kinship to the giant, as though the giant was his other self. And the giant did seek forth a craft, ship, and was told that all the ships in the harbor lay sunk, and the harbor was blocked. And he did go forth, and there find a skull on the hull of the boat. And he did rise into the craft, and therefore, turn on the water, and the water gushed forth, pure and clean. In his mind he thought the water must have been that that had destroyed the civilization.

We shall explain in depth. There shall come hurricanes and tornadoes upon the land as it has never seen before. And the hurricanes shall bring forth tidal waves into immense proportion. And cities shall vanish from the earth. And the debris of the cities and the ships which would carry them on their journey shall vanish.

Therefore, as the water should flow, so should be the answer, for the answer shall be in that of the immortal body of men, the true self.

There will be those who shall rush around and destroy not only themselves but many others. Now is not the time to panic. Now is the time to gather yourselves in the greatness of yourselves. And you shall find the strength that shall lie there forth in the group forms. We shall say once again, your salvation, your strength shall come in your group forms, that of being able to rely upon your brother, and your brother being able to take count of you. But from it all shall sprout a Rose without thorns. [Editor’s note: a rose without thorns is said to symbolize the birth of coming of the Messiah.]…

You have other questions, ask of these.

“One moment, Aka. From [7–320–1…Salem, Oregon], and she asks, ‘How can I best prepare for the times of destruction that will be happening in the earth, and is this a safe place?’”

We shall say unto you, nay, that unto which you dwell is not a safe place. We shall say unto you, there shall be places upon the earth that safety of the body shall be provided. One of such shall be this land. And other of such shall be certain proportions and parts of this land. [Note: Globe and other parts of Arizona, including Young and the Round Valley areas.]

Another shall be parts of that of the land of Colorado, but only certain sectors because of the volcanic action of the same.

We have answered your first question in the first of the reading….

We shall now say unto thee in this way, in this manner, of a new, unto you, of electrical force that could be brought forth upon your earth in your time and crisis of energy needs. We shall say unto you that cosmic energy may be expelled at a rate and directed thereforth through with the construction of the ion unit. It must be mirror-faced, brought forth through three quarter-inch in diameter ruby sectors. As this should pass through this sector you shall find that you have added to the [molecular] substance of the negative ion. Bombardment, therefore, into the positive ion shall create the electrical force, and may be channeled in that manner. It may be dispensed much as you dispense your present electricity….

We shall give further information upon this at a different time.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Now is the time of the Cherub. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God. Glory unto man, His children.

January 28, 1976: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

As the farmer should go unto the market to sell his wares, that that throughout the year he has grown upon his land, he knows two things — that the price that he gets for his wares must feed himself and his family for the forthcoming year — as a buyer comes forth to buy he knows that that that he buys he must be able to resell and make a profit, and therefore, feed of his family for the forthcoming year. So in each case, each must be a wise seller and a wise buyer. But should the buyer come forth and not be in truth, only to try to cheat the farmer, then that that he buys may not be of the best quality, for you shall pay for that that you get, in one way or another.

It is said, “Therefore, let the buyer beware.”

But we also say unto you, let the seller beware.

And you should say unto this, “You have once again spoken as unto riddles.”

A farmer’s market

But we should say unto you, nay. For each day you walk forth, you give of your work and your labor for the means of the bread upon your table. Yet quite often, you forget to give thanks unto the Lord that He has been the provider. Much as the farmer and the buyer, look deep into yourselves for the righteous manner in which to buy, in which to sell, so that when all is done you may say thanks unto the Lord and unto each other….

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [8–327–2] asks if you would please speak on some teachings that will be beneficial for this group assembled here tonight?”

We shall say unto you, seek light and thy shall find hope. Seek hope and thy shall find love. Seek love, and thy shall find faith. But unless all of these are placed together, thy have nothing.

For as the workman enters the field with the burden upon his shoulder, he must have the faith and the love within him to know that that what he does shall provide for his loved ones. It shall reap him not the greatest reward at the end of the journey, but he shall have the satisfaction within himself of knowing that the journey has been well done.

We say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim.

Within the next 15-day period new eruptions shall occur in the Alaskan area. As we have said before, this, eruptions as such, shall reach down like fingers across the Pacific shoreline. Eruptions shall appear in Mexico, in Yucatan. New hurricanes and tornados shall strike the central proportion of your United States. That that should provide the grain, the food substance, of your nation shall be greatly impaired. Further unemployment shall develop.

The inflationary depression shall worsen. We say unto you, find hope within yourself and faith within your God to know that He shall provide for your needs….

Seven years later, June 3, 1983, the spiritual messengers of God said: Behold! As we have said before, in the city of the saints, as in the time of Jonah, shall be of the first of the cities, and the first warning is now. Let the rest of the word look upon it, for now all is in readiness. For that that would enrich the earth can destroy the earth. We have said before, where no water flowed, water would flow; that the great Sword was at hand to cut both ways, land masses and masses of people. And the Lord now has pick­ed up the Sword. And the Sixth Angel now walks upon your earth — not the Fifth, but the Sixth. Now, more than any other time, you must bind your wounds and bind together, for from the old shall be cast new seed into the fertile fields. But we say unto you, from the mountains shall come the forces that shall destroy the [upper] lowlands. And the mighty thrust is but the beginning. We told you before that in this year, and in this time, these things would happen. For those who have loved ones in the cities of Sacramento and San Francisco, beware. For those who have loved ones who live on or near that that you call the great Mississippi River, beware. In the lands of the northern parts there [are] of New Mex­ico, for as Taos has fallen, it was of the second city, as we spoke before. Now look unto the Colorados and beware. There is much that we could say, but all you must do is look around and about you, and you shall see the truth of it. For those who have loved ones in the cities of Sacramento and San Francisco, beware. For those who have loved ones who live on or near that that you call the great Mississippi River, beware. In the lands of the northern parts there [are] of New Mex­ico, for as Taos has fallen, it was of the second city, as we spoke before. Now look unto the Colorados and beware. There is much that we could say, but all you must do is look around and about you, and you shall see the truth of it. For the cleaning is at hand. [See The Revelation, chapters 4–7 and 19.] Note: One may research each of these snowfall problems and rain events with flooding and see that they did soon unfold, as Aka warned.

Aka’s January 28, 1976, message ended: But once again we should say before we should depart, there are those who would use terror tactics to disrupt your Government and destroy your way of life. Cast them out, for “If thy right eye should offend thee, cast it aside.” [See Mark 9:42–48.]

John A. Wilson Building on Pennsylvania Avenue in Northwest Washington, D.C.. It houses the offices and chambers of the Mayor and en:Council of the District of Columbia. Photo by Awiseman at en.wikipedia, CC BY 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3838190. The 1977 Hanafi Siege occurred on March 9–11, 1977 when three buildings in Washington, D.C. were seized by 12 Hanafi Muslim gunmen. The gunmen were led by Hamaas Abdul Khaalis, who wanted to bring attention to the murder of his family in 1973. They took 149 hostages and killed radio journalist Maurice Williams. After a 39-hour standoff, the gunmen surrendered and all remaining hostages were released from the District Building (the city hall; now called the John A. Wilson Building), B’nai B’rith headquarters, and the Islamic Center of Washington. The gunmen killed 24-year-old Maurice Williams, a radio reporter from WHUR-FM, who stepped off a fifth-floor elevator into the crisis (the fifth floor is where the mayor and City Council Chairmen have their offices). The gunmen also shot D.C. Protective Service Division police officer Mack Cantrell, who died a few days later in the hospital of a heart attack. Then-City Councilman and future 4-term Washington D.C. Mayor Marion Barry walked into the hallway after hearing a commotion and was hit by a ricocheted shotgun pellet, which lodged just above his heart. The gunmen had several demands. They “wanted the government to hand over a group of men who had been convicted of killing seven relatives — mostly children — of takeover leader Hamaas Khaalis. They wanted those that were convicted of killing Malcolm X. They also demanded the cancellation of a premiere of the movie Mohammad, Messenger of Godbecause they considered it sacrilegious.” Time magazine noted: “That the toll was not higher was in part a tribute to the primary tactic U.S. law enforcement officials are now using to thwart terrorists — patience. But most of all, perhaps, it was due to the courageous intervention of three Muslim ambassadors, Egypt’s Ashraf Ghorbal, Pakistan’s Sahabzada Yaqub-Khan and Iran’s Ardeshir Zahedi. The spiritual messengers of God had warned on January 28, 1976, six weeks before: “Cast them out.” How would the U.S. have been had we heeded their guidance?

February 25, 1976: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer thy question in this manner.

As we have said before, that we would tell you when the time of the famine had arrived, and so we say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, and pestilence and droughts, earthquakes, tornados, and volcanoes shall sweep the land. We say unto you, thousands and millions shall die. But prepare thyselves, now, and this need not happen.

Your world shall go hungry. The one known as Jesus did say, “For beware when that day should arrive. Pray that it does not come in the winter time, for thy children shall freeze from the cold, for they should have not clothing nor food.”

And we say unto you, prepare, now, and these things thy shall live through.

We shall say unto you that men shall become as animals and shall kill for crumbs of bread. They shall snatch the food from the mouth of the child. All these things shall come as past.

Before, we have warned you, step by step, of the perils ahead. We have told you that you could not stand as one person alone and survive, that you must stand together. This is why we did say unto you, “Form your organization.” This is why we gave unto you A Rose without Thorns.

We told you we were here but for one purpose, and that was for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Now we shall tell you that man shall be tempted, much as the one known as Jesus was tempted. For those who shall rise through this temptation shall walk in the footprints and beside the Messiah who should come.

But all these things must come forth, so that your land and you shall be ready for his coming. The earth shall change its face; each step, one behind the other.

We shall say unto you, once before in this land did come a time such as this. You called it your depression, your Great Depression. And the wind did come and lain bare the ground. Yet many of you here this day lived through that time. Yet, you have become a different people, a people used to buying all things that they need.

But now you have before you an inflationary depression. This can strike the land with a two-sided blade. One shall cut away the land, and part it. The other shall cut away the people.

It is easy to be a good Samaritan on a full stomach in a warm house. It is not so easy to be such a good Samaritan when you have naught yourself. But we shall tell you, that as Jesus stood in the church and as the old woman laid three pennies in the plate, he said unto the others, “She has given her all, and more than any here.”

And they said, “How could that be?”

And he did say unto them, “It is easy for the rich man to give three pennies, for he has many pennies left. But the three pennies that she gave was all she had.”

For you to survive you must build and supply your warehouses now in such a manner that regardless of whether they belong to your organization or not, as long as they come and are willing to work, they shall be fed and clothed, and the medical aid be given.

That that you have seen in Guatemala — you have seen the rivers changing their courses; you have seen thousands die needlessly because even though the warning was given, they did not prepare.

A strong 7.5 magnitude earthquake had just devastated Guatemala on February 4. Cities throughout the country suffered damage, and most adobe type houses in the outlying areas of Guatemala City were destroyed. The earthquake struck during the early morning (at 3:01 am, local time) when most people were asleep. This contributed to the high death toll of 23,000. Approximately 76,000 were injured, and many thousands left homeless. Some of areas went without electricity and communications for days. The main shock was followed by thousands of aftershocks.

Jesus did say that the warning would be given, and they should not even stop to pick up their coat, but to flee to the hills, yet they did not. And the same shall be with you. We are giving you this warning — not as a threat, not that you should repent, for that must come from within yourself — but so you, your families, your friends may bind together.

You shall say, “Why should the Lord lay such a bondage upon His children,” much as the people of Israel who were in bondage in Egypt did say. And we should say unto you, so that they could prepare the way that the world should know of their God.

But we say unto you, even as the waters closed upon the Egyptians, the Lord wept, and He did say unto the people, “Why do you cheer while my children die?” And so He shall weep for you now.

But the Lord has placed free will in your hands. What you shall do with it shall be of your own choosing.

February 28, 1976: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We have told you before that we would give you warning in time that you might protect your loved ones and yourselves. We say unto you, these things that we say now shall happen, step by step, and unfold before you day by day. Throughout the land the time of the famine is now; throughout the world, the time of famine.

We should say unto you, because it is of your election time, your politicians shall play that of hiding from the public that which is so. As a result, they shall deplete your reserves by trying to feed a hungry world. Your harvest lands have and are being annihilated through drought, through wind, through storm. The land itself shall be made to bear nothing, for the soil shall be eroded from the land. Only in this land shall your harvest be bountiful. And we say unto you, the desert harvest, that of the flour that should come from the mesquite, the fruit of the desert plants, all shall be in bountiful to you.

One side of your political parties shall play the part of the Devil’s advocate, to try to show you how bad the problem is. They will overemphasize the problem and do nothing to correct it. They shall be as a dog sitting upon its own tail barking. The other shall tell you how plentiful and how much reserve, or surplus, as you would call it, your country possesses. They shall be as the hyena who laughs at nothing.

James Earl (Jimmy) Carter Jr. (Democrat) served as the 39th President of the United States from 1977 to 1981. On April 18, 1977, Carter delivered a televised speech declaring that the U.S. energy crisis during the 1970s was the moral equivalent of war, encouraging energy conservation by all U.S. citizens. In foreign affairs, Carter pursued the Camp David Accords, the Panama Canal Treaties, the second round of Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT II), and the return of the Panama Canal Zone to Panama. On the economic front he confronted persistent “stagflation”, a combination of high inflation, high unemployment and slow growth. The end of his presidential tenure was marked by the 1979–1981 Iran hostage crisis, the 1979 energy crisis, the Three Mile Island nuclear accident, and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Please also see this other information about the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan on this page about Carter, which may tell what led to Al Qaeda and also ISIS.

We say unto you, through your groups prepare for this time, for the time is now. It shall graduate more so as the months pass by. The land that is now having pestilence struck upon it, it shall be many years before it can be reused again. If the land in this land [Arizona] could be used, more of it for agricultural purposes, more of your water used for the same purposes, and less for your artificial lakes, this could supplement and feed your country. This land unto which you stand, this land you call the land of the Eagle, or the land of the Globe, shall prosper.

Yet, the inflationary depression shall continue.

Throughout the world, tornados, hurricane, and volcanic action shall rule, and drought. Earthquakes now shall appear in regions where they have never appeared before. We say unto you, prepare, therefore, for this time.

We shall say unto you as the parable of those who were told and did heed the words and did store in the time of Egypt, and those who were told and did not heed the words, they did sell themselves into bondage. They did sell their cattle and all their belongings.

You must at all costs remain a free people, the freedom to worship God, each in your own manner. Our Father has many mansions. Each is great to behold.

Coming together in group form to accomplish the task at hand should be done in such a manner that each should take upon themselves a task to be performed and performing it well. For those who should store for themselves shall only attract thieves to their doorstep. Prepare your storage in group form, that you may feed those who should come unto you as long as they are willing to work to replenish your store­houses. The means shall be made available to you.

We say unto you, there are those in your land who should crucify once again the Jewish people, those of the Israelites. There shall be those in your land that shall look upon different races and blame them for the problem at hand.

We say unto you also that now is the time, close at hand, when one shall come forth who will have an answer for all things. And this one shall be the Anti-Christ. And for those who should wear the mark of the Beast, woe be upon them. [Note: See The Revelation, chapters 12–13.]

We say unto you, wear not the mark of the Beast. The Lord, God, did make thee free. He did not put a yoke upon thy neck and say, “Pull my plow.” He did naught to make men slaves. It is said that man and woman were brought forth of “Our kind, of Our image.” We say unto you, if these words are so, then how can you be enslaved? [See Genesis, chapter 1.]

Yet do not enslave thyselves. Hold dear to thee this right of freedom.

September 8, 1978: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10–388–1…Farmington, New Mexico] asks, ‘My husband and I are considering going into a business of our own. Do you feel now is the time, later, or not at all?’”

We would say unto you, now is the time. We shall explain in this manner. Inflation shall devaluate your dollar. But the greatest source that you shall have is the land beneath your feet, for if a dollar becomes worth only a penny, and the land you have beneath your feet is worth one dollar, then within time it will be worth one hundred dollars in such a line of sorts. Land shall be the key of fighting inflation.

November 3, 1978, Aka told another parable: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. The merchant went to visit that of the place that manufactured the goods that he did sell. They wined him and dined him, and told him what a good fellow he was. They showed him not of the material and the merchandise that they made.

He stayed there for many days. And finally he went to the owner of the manufacturing plant and he said, “I have long sold your product. It has been a good product, and I have believed in this product. But that that I must believe in I must know of, I must feel of. It must thrive within my every fiber. I have come far to gain this knowledge from you, yet you speak not of it.”

The merchant asked him if he would go and come back another day. And then the manufacturer called in his advisers. Some of his advisers said, “Do not tell how these are produced. Do not give these things, or surely this merchant shall go and give it to someone else.”

Yet, one of his older advisers said, “Nay, this is not true. If the merchant shall sell, he must believe in what he sells. He is right. Let him come and see each step as we manufacture this product. Let him see the sweat and the toil we produce within it.”

The owner decided that he would do so, and he called the merchant into his presence, and said, “Go, therefore, into my factories and learn how we manufacture this product.”

Some of the people, as he went through the plant, were willing to give of the information freely. Some of them felt that it would take from them to give this knowledge. He understood these things.

A week passed and then two weeks, and then he came back unto the manufacturer and he said unto him, “Now I may go back and sell your product, for I feel that it is now my product.”

The merchant went out, and as the first year passed, he far surpassed all the other merchants that sold this product. The second year, even greater. The third year, even more.

And once again, the owner called the merchant and he wined him and dined him, and told him what a great job he had done. The merchant said to him, “Would you pray with me?”

The owner thought, “I shall appease him and pray with him.” And so they knelt and prayed unto God.

When they finished the merchant said, “Do you believe in a man, that you are?”

The owner said, “Yes.”

“Do you believe in the God that you just prayed to?”

The owner said, “Yes.”

“Could you tell another of the greatness of your belief?”

The owner said, “Yes, I could do this, but I am not schooled in such a thing.”

The merchant said, “That that I sell I must believe in. And I have found that where I sell what I believe in, I am doing a service, and therefore, I can do my very best service because I know that my God is looking upon me and seeing that which I do. I do not lie about your merchandise. I do not sell someone something they do not need, for I must do the very best job I can before my God. You have called me here to learn the secret of my success in selling your product. That is the secret. That is what I came three years ago to learn from you.”

They departed and the owner thought for a long time. And slowly he began to initiate these same thoughts throughout his plant. He began to call meetings among his people. And he would tell of them, “We all believe in the same God, when we have different religions. But if we do [a] job in such a manner that God would be proud of what we do, and [when] knowing that He is with us all the time, not part of the time, then we will do a better job, for it is in the glory of God that we do that which we do.”

A year passed, and he brought in all of his other merchants and let them go through the plant. And he brought the same merchant to guide them through. As they went through they found that each person was willing to give, glad to give, to share their knowledge. They were very proud of what they had done. The pride showed through with even better merchandise than had ever been produced before.

Because each of the merchants then took that same pride, and took it home with them, and took it into many lives, soon many countries were talking of this one great plant, and it had become greater and greater.

And the owner became a very rich man.

And other people came to see his secret, other manufacturers. And he said, “I will be glad to share my secrets with you. Our secret is that as I run my plant I know that God sees me. Therefore, I must do the very best job I can. The man that is head of my personnel department, he realizes this. The man that does my buying, he realizes this, and he has conveyed it on to the people we buy from, the raw materials. Therefore, they are giving us better raw materials. The janitor who sweeps the floor, he knows why now, why it must be clean. And he knows that God is with him, and that he is as important as I. We all should have one day, one part of a day that we take out for our prayers.”

And they said, “But these other things − you have no unions in your business.”

And he said, “This information that you seek now must come from all of the employees.”

They started at the janitor and began talking. They found the janitor not only happy in what he did, but glad to give the service of what he was doing. He did not bicker because he knew God was looking at him, could see within his soul and know when he lied. There was no slander cast about the plant because each knew that God knew in His heart, and in their heart; therefore, their hearts became pure.

This is but a parable, but within this parable is a great truth.

We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. All these things we do, we do before God, and not for God, but for ourselves. For long ago, as you would say, many eons ago, we learned that as we went up the ladder, that it was our joy to return back unto you, the children of our Father, and give unto you His love, His knowledge, and His ever-enduring wisdom.

If each of your teachers, your students, your ministers, your shepherds, your prophet, all of you––each of your members, and each of the people you will talk to in the other religions, for you are not one religion, you are all, you all are truths before God. He has chosen no one race, no one religion; you have chosen those things. He has given unto your keeping all the necessary things to make your world work in perfection, but with flaw, the natural flaw that you can look at and laugh at within yourselves. When you can look into yourself and see your faults, you need not be laughed at, but you can laugh with other people. These things we learned, the things we brought to you from the first unto these readings of this date.

We have said not to persecute other people, not one soul. We have shown you that we do not, and cannot take from you the free will God has given unto you. We have chosen to not dominate you, for God would not allow us. It is only through your need of seeing the goodness in what God has to offer you, can you offer it to someone else. And only in this manner would the true way be prepared for the coming of the Messiah.

We have told you of the coming of the Anti-Christ, and that his presence is being felt, for those who are preparing his way.

But who can prepare for the coming of an Anti-Christ when they are busy preparing for the coming of the Messiah? For they will not have the time, for they love their Father so much that they cannot see, or not be tempted, because God has given you the best product in the whole world, yourselves. He gave you an earth and a heaven, and a universe and galaxies beyond galaxies, and universes beyond universes. All but await your touch. And they shall touch you, and you shall touch them. And the gladness and glory within the same shall be manifested into the heaven upon the Earth.

Glory be the name of the Lord, God. Glory be the name of His children.

Our Father has said unto you, “SPEAK NOT BAD THINGS UNTO ANOTHER PERSON.”

For each of you is as a mirror. If you project good, then good shall be reflected back unto you. If you project wrong, or bad, or lies, or untruths of any type, these shall be reflected back unto you.

Believe unto this. And give glory unto God.

Give glory unto yourselves, and you will suddenly find that you like yourself. You’ll suddenly find that you are the most important being that you know.

Forgive those who trespass upon you.

But remember also, the Lord, God, will be with you if you will but open the door to your mind, and all He has He shall give unto you, His wisdom, His love, His compassion, all these things, for what Father [could] deny his child these things? Learn of this. Yet, God has never asked; He has never placed a price tag upon His love for you, and He has denied you nothing….

From left to right: Menachem Begin, Jimmy Carter and Anwar Sadat in Camp David. The Camp David Accords were signed by Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin on September 17, 1978, following twelve days of secret negotiations at Camp David. The two framework agreements were signed at the White House, and were witnessed by United States President Jimmy Carter. The second of these frameworks (A Framework for the Conclusion of a Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel) led directly to the 1979 Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty. Due to the agreement, Sadat and Begin received the shared 1978 Nobel Peace Prize. The first framework (A Framework for Peace in the Middle East), which dealt with the Palestinian territories, was written without participation of the Palestinians and was condemned by the United Nations. Carter’s and Secretary of State Cyrus Vance’s exploratory meetings gave a basic plan for reinvigorating the peace process based on a Geneva Peace Conference and had presented three main objectives for Arab–Israeli peace: Arab recognition of Israel’s right to exist in peace, Israel’s withdrawal from occupied territories gained in the Six-Day War through negotiating efforts with neighboring Arab nations to ensure that Israel’s security would not be threatened and securing an undivided Jerusalem. Some consider this process to be “giving away land for peace.”

November 3, 1978, Aka continued, with this guidance two weeks after the signing of the Camp David Accords: Yet, many things − the advancement of those who prepare the way for the Anti-Christ are growing across the land, even into your Presidency, deception − this false treaty that he should have Israel sign with Egypt. We say unto you this, for he who should place his name upon this treaty with Israel and Egypt, look closely, for he shall be one of the heads of the Anti-Christ.

But do not underestimate the Israelites. As we have said before, the descendents of Abraham may be changed as easily as turning a stone. But as Ishmael was given a promise, so must that fulfillment come also.

There are wars and rumors of wars. And great wars, the greatest of wars, has not happened yet.

We shall also say unto all of you, your inflationary depression has not ended. Inflation shall continue. And from it shall come a boom, a great boom, a great growth. There will be those who say, “Invest in gold.” The greatest investment shall be within land. We give you this, as knowledge, that you may protect the people, and the people may protect themselves, for financial disaster is as great and as much as damaging as an earthquake − and that you shall have a multitude of.

For those who should heed our words shall succeed. For those who do not, some shall wear the mark of the Beast. We say unto you, no one can harm you, only yourselves. It is when you are in the bottomless pit that sometimes you may only look up, for looking down you see nothing. When you look up, then you see the light. And all that is covered shall be uncovered and light shall be for those who want to see this light.

Go forth, uncover these things. Uncover ignorance. Let truth of many forms come forth unto you. Let the beauty of the land, the sky, the heavens, the seas, and all forms of the water shine into thee. Let the plants, and the animals of all sorts be under your dominion. Let the heavens and the fowl, and the sea and all that live in the sea be under your dominion − and rule it well.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

November 10, 1978: And we shall tell unto thee the parable of the Landowner.

He owned vast parcels of land.

And as people came forth unto him they would say, “May I settle upon your land?”

And He would say, “YES, BUT TAKE THESE THINGS I GIVE YOU.” And He did place unto them all things they needed to feed themselves, to clothe themselves, to build with, to light their homes, to warm their homes, and sent them each unto a separate part of the land.

Soon they began to realize that in certain regions of the Landowner’s land, each one had different materials that they could trade. At first they traded with each other in great harmony. And soon they began to build cities and villages upon the land. And all these things the Landowner saw, and said, “THIS IS GOOD.”

But then, some became greedy, and instead of trading for merchandise, they wanted to steal it. And they became greedy and wanted to own that land that the Landowner owned. So they made war upon the other villages. And soon they called themselves nations, and they made war upon the nations.

The Landowner saw this. The beautiful streams and rivers and oceans were becoming polluted. They stripped the timber from the land, and planted naught in its place.

This went on for a considerable time. And the Landowner said unto all of the people, speaking not just to the leaders, but to all the people, “I HAVE GIVEN UNTO YOUR KEEPING ALL THE THINGS TO MAKE THE LAND EXIST IN HARMONY. I HAVE TAKEN NONE OF THESE BACK. I HAVE LOVED YOU AND CHERISHED YOU FROM THE BEGINNING, AND I HAVE TAKEN NONE OF THESE BACK.”

And the people heard Him not.

And then, one day the Landowner sent His son forth unto the people. And the people did destroy His son. And still the Landowner was patient.

And then the Landowner decided that the only way that He would get the attention of the people was to cause earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornados, and volcanoes to erupt upon the land, and this He began to do. And they still paid Him no mind.

And then He spoke once more unto the people, for He picked one among each of them into the nations and said these words, “FOR SOON I SHALL SEND UPON THE EARTH ANOTHER OF MY SONS, YET IT SHALL BE THE SAME, OF ALL THE SONS THAT HAVE COME BEFORE. AND I SHALL WALK UPON YOUR LAND, THE LAND I HAVE GIVEN UNTO YOUR KEEPING.”

And still the people did not hear Him.

And then He spoke once again, and He sent forth unto the multitudes a council, that they may give guidance and learning unto all the people and prepare the way for the coming.

We have told you this in the form of a parable. The Landowner is God. You are the people who moved in on His land. And He gave unto your hands to be the keepers of the land, the air, the ocean. And He looked beyond all this and laid the galaxies out before you. As you reach into the stars and the stars shall reach back, what shall you exchange — war once again?

Half of your world not tells their people that the Landowner no longer exists, and never existed.

Each has said to the Landowner, “Give me this; give me that.” As soon as they receive it, they forgot from which it has come.

Each of you has that choice to make.

Each of you shall go back unto many places, into the many cities of this land. If each one in this room this night vowed unto themselves, “I shall take the message of the Lord and contact ten people, and they shall contact ten more,” in less than one year, your world would live in peace, and would ensure that your children’s children’s children would continue to live upon the land.

We have told you many times to count your blessings. We say unto you, stop this day and take pencil and paper in hand, and think from the beginning of your lifespan into where you stand now, on this plane, the many gifts God has given unto you. And then, on the opposite side of the page, write what you have given God. Do this once a day, and soon you will feel the ever-enduring love that the Father has for His children.

You have questions, ask….

You seek spiritual guidance and development, and growth. Then define, and use these small words of wisdom — “to know where you have been, is to know where you are going.” But if you get too busy looking at the past you can never know where you are. And this is the most important of all, where you are now. Stop and look into yourself, and look at the first part of this reading, and the message we have laid into your hands. You are the only one of your likeness. The Lord, God, in His ultimate wisdom, gave unto your keeping only one of you in the whole universes and universes beyond. You are a separate individual. You are important to God. And therefore, being important to God, you should be important to yourself.

Take that wisdom in such a manner that you may build on it from this day forth, and you shall find that all things are possible, for no father shall hide anything from his child. God has hid nothing from you. What was covered shall be uncovered. What lay in darkness shall be lightened.

But we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth now.

Now is the time when those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ are at work. And you shall find those who shall say, “Come, see what I have to offer.” Look within the wisdom of your own mind. Do as we have said. You shall soon see that God has given you all things that your life on this plane should be complete. All you need do is pick it up.

Anwar Sadat, Jimmy Carter, and Menachem Begin shake hands on the White House grounds in Washington, D.C., on March 26, 1979, after signing the Egypt–Israel treaty, following the 1978 Camp David Accords. The treaty was signed by Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin, and witnessed by United States president Jimmy Carter. The peace treaty between Egypt and Israel was signed 16 months after Egyptian president Anwar Sadat’s visit to Israel in 1977 after intense negotiation. The main features of the treaty were mutual recognition, cessation of the state of war that had existed since the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, normalization of relations and the complete withdrawal by Israel of its armed forces and civilians from the Sinai Peninsula which Israel had captured during the Six-Day War in 1967. Egypt agreed to leave the area demilitarized. The agreement also provided for the free passage of Israeli ships through the Suez Canal, and recognition of the Strait of Tiran and the Gulf of Aqaba as international waterways. The agreement notably made Egypt the first Arab state to officially recognize Israel. Although both leaders were awarded the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize, Sadat was assassinated in 1981 by members of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt for his alleged betrayal of the “Palestinian Cause” to wipe Israel off the map.

March 16, 1979, ten days before the Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty would be signed on March 26, 1979, Aka said: Because a person should reach high political or professional position does not mean they are wise, does not mean they cannot make mistakes. Love cannot be bought nor sold, nor bartered for. It must be given freely. Trust cannot be bought in any manner. Faith and hope — all of these things must come and be given freely.

Your President has made such a mistake, which your nation shall pay for.

We say unto you, unto these words — bring forth and prepare your Shepherds’ Fund. Bind together; become as one. Make your plans with love and care for each person. And soon will be the time to build.

There are many of our words that we have spoken tonight that some of you do not fully understand, and never will….

Aka answered an individual’s question: In the next three-year period, the life as you know it, financial, shall greatly change. It shall become a necessity that small communities come forth and bind together. This will change your way of living up to this point. It shall change the child you have now, and this one that you shall ask for. Times shall almost reverse themselves.

We have explained in the earlier part of this reading, you cannot pay a blackmailer, for they shall only return for more. You cannot pay murderers to go away, for they shall only come back and slay more of you. The Palestinians shall bring havoc upon the earth. They now have the support of those that you would know as the international Nazi party. They now have the support of the Communist world. They now have the support of what you would call your Ku Klux Klan. They now have the support of the John Birch Society. And some of these have become unwilling partners. And many of these people, much as the Nazi party of Germany did spread itself upon the earth in blackness before and engulf innocent people to do their bidding, so this shall be once again, and it shall spread north, east, south, and west. The treason that shall take place in Israel shall light the fuse. It has already been lit from France to Iran. Now it spreads forth as a plague upon your earth.

More earthquakes shall occur, in the Houston area, in the Dallas area, in the Fort Worth area. And soon, as you have been blaming the weather upon the Russians, soon, as the earthquake and the tornados and the hurricanes, and those of natural events should occur, shall soon be blamed upon those of the Israelites.

But as these things come forth, if you should prepare yourselves in a binding manner before the Lord, then those of the Lord’s children shall not wear the mark of the Beast, and their children’s children shall wear the mark of God. And that of the Christ child’s safety shall be assured, and the reign of the Lord shall be upon the earth.

You say unto us that we have gone, as you would say, a long way around, explaining, answering your question. At this time the choice is yours. You must make the decision. But remember, as we make ready now to provide the needs of the people, who should come forth in the preparation of the Messiah, and the needs for their protection, we say unto you, remember the Dead Sea Scrolls? Remember unto that place that the Romans did defile?

The scrolls were found in caves near the northwest coast of the Dead Sea, and were probably placed there after Qumran, the cliff top abode where the Essene group that was preparing the way for the Messiah, came under lengthy seige by Roman soldiers. After their drinking water ran out, the Jewish sect killed themselves rather than to be taken prisoners.

July 20, 1979: “Yes, Aka. [2–33–1] and [5–206–2 of Flagstaff] ask, ‘By what means financially will we be able to build our house?’”

(Chuckle.) By the sweat of thy brow. A time shall come forth when that that is needed shall be provided.

And now we say unto you unto these words. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name of His children, forever and ever.

We see thy need, and for whoever shall ask in our name, we shall enter the doorway and we shall provide the help that is needed. But remember, we are here but for one reason, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have promised unto you to provide for your needs, not your wants, for those who should work and dedicate their lives unto this.

We say unto you, whoever should ask in the name of the Lord, our God, and should come forth in the pureness of heart, that that they ask for shall be given.

November 9, 1979: Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, [10–374–5] who is here tonight, asks your advice, specifically regarding a mining project in the Richmond Basin that he’s curious about, whether or not he should proceed with it, whether it would turn out well for him? And he also asks, can you give him personal advice in achieving economic balance and staying within God’s will?”

We shall say, as we have said before, that of the mineral substance that was needed for bartering was placed within the land. That that thy seek in that thy call the Richmond Basin may be found, but not without large financial backing. We would call this, that the land must be made in such a manner as an open pit.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, he had one other part of his question asking about what you suggest for his — how he should pursue achieving economic balance and staying within God’s will?”

We have answered that question.

March 7, 1980: “I have a question for the sake of our membership in general. Would you comment on any impending financial crisis in this country in the coming year or so?”

Yes, we see your need. And we shall say unto you unto these words. You have a bad leader who has brought this country near its death. Yet there are those who should pick it up and put it back together again.

We shall say unto you, that as two brothers were taken, the last shall be the greater, and could be the difference whether this country is led by the nose by the Anti-Christ or not. We told you before, the one who would sign the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt would be of the false prophet and would be of the Anti-Christ, and it would be a false peace.

Were the two brothers who could make a difference U.S. President John F. Kennedy and his brother, Robert Kennedy? John Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, a few days after he signed an Executive Order to no longer use the private, Federal Reserve’s notes and to print new U.S. dollars that would be backed by silver from the U.S. Treasury. Robert Kennedy was assassinated on June 5, 1968, while running for President. The ones who signed the March 26, 1979, Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty were Egyptian President Anwar Al Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. U.S. President Jimmy Carter, whose Presidency was from 1977–1981, witnessed it.

But hear our words. Many shall stand before you and say, “Choose I; choose I!” And many shall stand before you and lie and say, “Look at me, how great I am.”

We say unto you, this country that has been blessed by the Lord must continue….

Now is the time of the Cherubim, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.


We say these words unto you − bond together, and the needs shall be taken care of.

April 11, 1980: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [13–419–7…Portales, New Mexico] asks, ‘Should I sell my farm and home to buy the Ashley Ranch and continue to operate the 100 Ranch, or should I pursue another direction?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Sell of the first; buy of the second. We should also say unto you, beware of false promises.

We say unto you at this time, there are those of political power, that of your Presidency, which has brought forth an inflationary rate, or an inflationary depression. He has done so that he might reap the rewards of a monetary gain. This shall not last long. And it shall be brought back under control. These words that we have spoken, you may have to think upon them to find the full meaning, for they are meant for you ears only.

May 9, 1980: Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner; glory be the name of the children, glory be the name of the Lord, forever and ever.

And we say unto you, for we should say unto thee the Parable of Faith.

And it was a time of drought. And the farmer plowed his fields and began to sow.

All those around him looked at him and said, “Why should you do this? No rain comes. Your crops shall not grow.”

And the farmer said unto them, “I must be ready when the Lord brings forth His bountiful.”

And they said unto him, “But this is the year of the drought. How do you know that the Lord shall provide the rain you need?”

And he looked unto them and said, “If there is a Lord — and I know there is — then I know there shall be rain, for He shall not let His children go hungry.”

Yet they doubted. And they said, “How can this be so?”

And the farmer looked back unto them and said, “For my Father has said, ‘Ask and you shall receive,’ and I have asked.”

That night this stranger came unto them. And twelve of the — came with him, came as his disciples. And this stranger was known as a great healer and many gathered around to be healed.

And he looked upon them and said, “Why do you believe of the things of this earth when you cannot believe of the things of heaven?”

And they said unto him, “What do you mean?”

And he said, “One among you has the faith to know that that he asked for from God shall be provided, in the amounts he has asked for. You have so little faith that you have laughed at him.”

All the others did not know what to say.

And the farmer who had the great faith, he went to the stranger and said, “Heal them, Lord, and forgive them, for I have a faith enough for all of them. And the rain shall not just fall upon my field, it shall fall upon all their fields.”

And so this stranger and his twelve disciples worked among all the people and brought healing. And as the last person was healed, so the rain began to fall — and not just on one field, but upon all fields.

And when the sun did come forth, and fields rose forth upon the earth to bring food to the people, then all the farmers and all the people from around about did come unto this one, and said, “Teach us faith.”

And the man, the farmer, looked upon them, and said, “I cannot teach you faith. Only you can do this for yourself. The gifts of God come to all, as the rain drops. Some should take that gifts that God has given and have the faith to know that it is true. Others shall not. It is the freedom of choice that God has placed upon all of His children.

You have questions, ask….

“Yes, Aka, thank you. What is the source of the reoccurrence of herbicide contamination that seems to be affecting us? How should we deal with it?’”

We shall answer you in this manner, in the pollen — that that that should come from the root that should come into your plants and come forth at this time of year. We should suggest that that of the Alpearon be used. And we would suggest that that of the sage tea be used, and that of the prickly pear be used. And it should come forth, and tea should be placed, taking 1/4 of the water of the Dripping Springs, to 1/4 of the prickly pear; there fore, the Yerba Santa be placed and the sage be placed in the same to make a tea. And the honey of the local area be used. That, with what you would call, for the male, which you have named the M.E. 10, and for the female, that you call, the Femina 6, or the — yes — with the new formulas that have come into completeness, with the necessary vitamins placed forth into them, these also should be used.

You have other questions, ask….

May 9, 1980: “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [3–63–1]. And she asks, ‘Dear Aka, will you please tell us if the banks, savings and loan companies, are going to close their doors any time in the next two years. If so, what can we do ahead of time?’”

We should say unto you unto these words. Your banks, your substantial banks, shall not close their doors. There is no reason for this. Within the month of January, and therefore, shortly thereof, slowly your interest rates will begin to reduced. They have already begun to go down. The banks and other lending institutes realize that these type of interest are far beyond, and so inflationary that even in an inflationary depression, they cannot be allowed. After your election, these things shall be brought forth and laid aside.

Ronald Regan was elected and soon served as the 40th President of the United States from 1981 to 1989. His supply-side economic policies, dubbed “Reaganomics”, advocated tax rate reduction to spur economic growth, control of the money supply to curb inflation, economic deregulation, and reduction in government spending. In his first term he survived an assassination attempt, spurred the War on Drugs, and fought public sector labor. Over his two terms, the economy saw a reduction of inflation from 12.5% to 4.4%, and an average annual growth of real GDP of 3.4; while Reagan did enact cuts in domestic discretionary spending, tax cuts and increased military spending contributed to increased federal outlays overall, even after adjustment for inflation.

We shall explain to you, your Government is not going to fall. If the banks closed, your Government would fall, and this is not going to happen as long as it stands, “one nation, before God.” And the more people that heed these words, and the more people that come forth in their own way for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah — the freedom of your land, no one may take this from you; it’s a gift of God, and no tyranny shall strip it away. It shall alter and change. We have told you these things.

Do not speculate with that of the small monetary things you have. But be sure minded. For many, the horse shall become a means of transportation, especially for local transportation, as adjustments that are about to be made shall be made. But this is over a five-year period of time. And, by the end of that time, a new source of energy shall be placed at your hands.

There’ll be times when that that you know [of] the banking system may be cut away from the people; this will be due to earth changes and isolation, but this isolation shall not be for long periods of time. Your currency shall be inflated even more, but it shall still be a good currency, for the dollar, as you would know it, shall soon stabilize itself on the world market. Remember, the whole world surrounds your dollar. If your dollar fails, the world fails, even the Russian world….

But remember, weigh your bread and weigh your barley. Gold shall neither buy neither bread nor barley, so gather not of this type riches. Gather that that is needed to serve your needs.

November 28, 1980: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer your question in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto you these words, and unto this parable.

For as the Lord directed the Seven Spirits to go forth and create the Earth, they came forth and created mountains and lakes and forests, and all things in abundance, and they did bring forth all things of their kind.

And as they created the fowl of the land, and the seasons of the land, they were each discussing this one thing. “What should we bring forth unto man in the time when the earth sleeps that should bring gladness into his heart? For the flowers have bloomed, and the greenery is gone from the earth for the trees to sleep.”


And so it was, and so it is. For across the land this one small bird appears, and whenever man sees it, it brings gladness to his heart.

Yet, as man has developed, and time has passed, there was those who would destroy the cardinals of the Earth.

And we say unto them, nay, that shall never be. For even as the land shall change its form, earthquakes shall occur, and they shall continue in force through the pathway that we have given you. As we have said before, the great Sword now is above you, and beneath you, and all about you. It shall be the splitting away of man and earth. That that was desert shall turn into gardens. And that that was forest shall be laid level by the might of the earth. All these changes shall come, but the cardinal shall stay with you to let you know that even in the time that approaches, the time of the Anti-Christ, that even the Anti-Christ cannot destroy the cardinal and its gift from God of hope unto man. For in each of you, deep inside, is the Spirit of God, and only you may cast that out. If you choose to keep it, then the cardinal shall remain in you forever. And the hope of man and God shall come into fulfillment, and the day shall come forth when war shall be no more, and peace shall reign upon the Earth.

As you approach these days ahead in your preparation for the celebration of the one known as Jesus, the Son of God, the firstborn, then we say unto you, make extra preparations in your heart. Know the cardinal lies within you. Let hope flash within you.

We know that at this time when trials and tribulations have grown heavy, that hope is almost in despair. Yet hope and faith, and the knowing that you are one with God shall bring you through these times.

As you have seen, many loved ones who have passed away at this time, know this — that God is with you and with them. Know that nothing from either side may interfere with this work. It shall progress and proceed [forth], and coveth the Earth and the planets, and all universes.

The slow part of loving one another begins in the understanding. It shall become hard for you to understand those who wear the mark of the Beast. It is not your place to judge them. It is not your place to defeat them. It is only your place to know that they shall not place the mark upon you. [See The Revelation 7:9–17, 12:7–17, chapter 13, 16:13–16, chapter 17, 19:1–2, 11–20, 20:1–6.]

Let the cardinal come forth, and be your mark, of God.

January 30, 1981: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the children; glory be the name of the Lord, forever and ever.

We see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. He who should offend another, and should do so in the namesake of our Lord, shall never know the glory of the Lord, for he has committed the greatest of all sins. He who should break the Ten Commandments and accuse another falsely, in any way, there is but one way that he shall find the righteous way unto the Lord, and that is by going to the person he has accused, and telling them of the wrongness they have done unto him. For we should say, the wrath of the Lord is mighty. For in the twinkling of an eye all things can be changed.

You have seen despair. You have seen yourselves on the verge of bankruptcies. You have seen all of these financial things, physical and mental things, beginning to happen to you. We have told you for many years that the time would come, the time when those who would make ready for the Anti-Christ would try to destroy you. And we told you at that time, for all those who did not wear the mark of the Beast, that of the money changers would be hard upon you.

You have seen that time now before you. You are beginning to see in a way that we could show you no other. Earthquakes have shown you nothing. Tornados, hurricanes, plagues, all these things, as soon as they passed, you could not see beyond that. These you see, because they are happening all around you.

But the wrath of the Lord for those who cause this shall be mighty.

We shall say unto you, we have tried many times to prepare you for this time — the storage of food, the storage of monetary means. We have also told you that we would give you your needs, but not your wants.

We have also told you to ask and you shall receive. And yet, you say unto us, “Why should all of these things happen?”

And we say unto you, this is but the beginning, for as it is written, “In the full time, for four and one-half years you shall not be allowed to barter outside of yourselves, nor buy nor trade.” And it is written so for those who should not wear the mark of the Beast. [See The Revelation 13:16–18.]

So now is the time that the bartering system among yourselves, far and wide, should be established. Now is the time that you may think not only of yourselves, but of one another. Now is the time to wipe away all prejudice and thoughts of these kinds.

There are those who should try and assassinate your leaders. [Note: Some suggest U.S. President Lincoln attempted to free the nation from indebetedness to elite European bankers for the Civil War they may have planned. Kennedy was killed days after he issued an Executive Order to issue a U.S. Government dollar backed by U.S. silver in the U.S. Treasury rather than continue to indebt the U.S. to the privately owned Federal Reserve. And Regan was shot for trying to implement a silver-backed U.S dollar.]

There are those who should try and destroy you, financially––


and spiritually.

This Las Vegas symbol, the Luxor hotel, shows an oblisque (a phallic symbol) at the front and the eye or light of Lucifer atop the pyramid. Some think those who worship Lucifer, that many call the Illuminati, are at the top of the pyramid and these few multinationa; elites control banking and the money of this world.

Now we say unto you, let the demon within you be cast out; let it leave your bodies. Reach out into the fullness and the knowingness that there is but one God and one Messiah. God is the Father; the Messiah is the son. And as God sent him forth once before, so He shall, and is here on your planet now. It is not within our power to tell you the place and whereabouts that he dwells at this present time, but should you read the Rose without Thorns, you shall find the verse and the answer, therefore, within the same. You shall further find the answers to the trials and tribulations which you go forth through now.

We say unto you, if you should plant a quarter acre of vegetables, plant ten. Now is the time. Do so in harmony and in a just manner. For all these things shall be needed. Let the wheat come forth that it may be stored for making bread and feeding your animals. Let the oats and the barleys both come forth for feeding both.

Now is the time that all these things are coming into fulfillment.

There are those who have looked upon soul Ray as a fool in his obsession to plant and lay ways to land that could be planted, and developed, therefore, unto the same, but this could be the savior. Your time is running short. Therefore, the development of such places as this will not happen in many places. You will find other groups like yourselves who have picked up and listened. But you shall find many others who shall persecute you and throw stones upon you, and spit into your wounds. If you shall stand you must stand together. When you speak, speak with wisdom….

You have other questions.

“[11–399–1] and [9–360–1] ask, ‘Can you give us information on how to clear up our financial difficulties? Thank you.’”

Yes, we see your need. We shall say unto you these words. Sell that that you do not need. Make a budget and stick with it. Go unto your debtors, and say unto them that you need time and you shall pay the interest, and they shall listen. But do not go out and make other debts. Take those things that you do not need and sell them, and this shall bring about catching up all of your back bills and bringing you into solid ground. For one, the ocean shall not rise to your doorstep; you will not need a boat.

February 16, 1981: You also have another more important question in mind, and that is of a financial. And we should say unto you unto these words. The times shall not be, go easier. The inflation rate shall increase. Work of many types shall become scarce. Do not overburden your shoulders at this time.

February 20, 1981: Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

For upon the Earth there were three great nations. And the three great nations, each mistrusted each other.

And on the land there was depression and inflation that ran through the lands. In one of the lands great abundance of food could be grown. In other of the lands they grew more weapons than food. And yet in another, it too rattled their mighty swords. And each began to build swords, each mightier than the other. Each was to say it was for the prevention of war. And then came a day when their weapons were so great that they could destroy the whole Earth and all of mankind.

And the Lord, God, looked down upon these nations and upon the world, and He did cause earthquakes and volcanoes and tornados to shake and shift the land. And He did so until the land itself seemed that it would not sustain life.

All those who’d built their mighty swords began to crumble.

And from the different countries there came those who said, “Let us join together and not make war.”

Now this all happened before the half-times were over.

And then, there were no more half times, and no more half wars. There was a mighty war that struck the land and the Earth. And when the earth changes came to rest, and the land began to collect itself, from war and pestilence and destruction, there were many places upon the Earth that had known from their prophets that this day would come. And they had prepared, for they had made land ready for planting. And they had brought food forth, and the seed stuff that was necessary to plant in the earth. And they had brought water forth that the earth could be washed.

While all these things were happening, the Earth itself was shifting on its axis.

And suddenly, as though in the twinkling of an eye, all was done. All war was stopped, and the earth stood fast. And there were no more the mighty nations, just people, people who now believed in the almighty God, the God of one.

Yet there were many left upon the Earth who still rattled their chains as though in warfare. And they sought to make war upon these small places. Yet the small places did defend their selves.

And from this time arose from all the ashes those who would restore the Earth, and their brethren who long ago had sought their seed into other planets came forth to share in their grief and their [restoration, resurrection]. And the earth began to restore itself. And the Messiah that had been promised now walked upon the land. And as the villages grew upon the land, so did the peace, for now was the day that all the weapons would be beat into plowshares.

It seems unto you that these things we are saying are small things, unimportant, for you have heard us not. For what we are saying is nothing that has not been said before — and not been laid in many languages in many faiths upon the Earth. Yet there are those who would listen, and those who could hear not and see not.

When the time came about when all those who could hear not had passed away from the Earth, on these lands there were many who thought that their times would be full and forever. Upon your Earth, look back into your own history, for those who should conquer on Earth, and look and see, for they have been laid a waste and are no more.

Now we say unto you, for those who have eyes to see, let them see. For those who have ears to hear, let them hear. For your country now shall pass through the beginning of its greatest triumph and defeat.

We say unto you, you have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, regarding what you just said, what are some of the immediate problems that our country will face?”

First your country shall face, the people of the country, shall face financial ruin. Many people shall lose their homes, their businesses, their means of making a living. All of this shall be done in the name of stabilizing your country, yet it shall bring upon [the] land a greater depression than the land has ever known. In the midst of this, new leadership shall then come upon the land, only to find that the other threats that we have spoke of are all at hand….

If you should start at this time to prepare the thousand years of peace upon the Earth, you may begin the preparation at any time you wish by simply turning around and seeing the simple things that lay before you, the simple truths. There shall be many during the times of persecution who shall be persecuted. During the reign of the Anti-Christ all these things shall come forth. Fear not; for those who do not wear the mark of the Beast can never be forced to accept it. [See The Revelation, chapter 13.]

Yet the time shall become hard, for you shall not be either to barter or sell your goods. Yet bartering shall take place among you, one unto another, and you shall establish your own financial means of trade….

You have other questions.

“Thank you. [13–434–2] asks, ‘What will give me peace of mind?’”

The acceptance of the Lord, God, as the one and the only God, and the knowledge of knowing that He is always with you — and also, that you should make labor unto Him. You do not understand that which we speak. And we say unto you, all that we say shall be made clear into you before a fortnight.

You have other questions, ask….

“Thank you, Aka. [13–434–4…Albuquerque, New Mexico] asks, ‘As to my line of work, that is, my present job, should I stay with it or find another job in order to be satisfied?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Wherever you go, you shall take yourself with you. Find peace within yourself, and you shall find peace within the work you do. Do the work in such a way that you know God is with you. And as you would want to please God, do your work in such a way that in each task that you behold, do it to your utmost ability. When you have done that, then the answers your wish, of seeking other employment, will lay right before your eyes.

July 30, 1982: And therefore, we shall answer this question of the one who reaches from the other lands. And we shall say unto you, your body is not perfect, and the Government is like a body, it is not perfect. But it is the most perfect form of government that you have on this world today. It has faults, many. But a government is only as good as the people shall make it. If there are laws in your land that should be changed, then cast your heart and soul into them and change them.

But we say unto you, a government, like anything, must have a revenue; it must have a means of support. If you strip this totally and completely — it should be regulated in the means which it is taking from the people. It should be as a tithing given unto God.

But we say unto you, look at the aged; look at the sick of your land. Your Social Security laws must be changed, that the Social Security that they receive is something that they have earned. It is not a gift from the Government. Stop this bad law, a law that makes criminals of honest people. Give them that that is theirs. Let them earn that that is theirs, and let them pay taxes on that that is theirs.

You do not understand from which we speak; then we shall explain, in your form and in your way. Your Social Security has been paid for and belongs to the people who paid for it. It is not a political ball, and politicians should be stripped from it. Second, since it is a payment been paid, and should be paid back, regardless of how much a person makes, they should receive their payment, allowing them to receive it and continue to pay taxes on anything that they make beyond this. Let them also continue to pay into the Social Security fund if they wish. In this way, the Social Security form that you have would not disappear from the face of the earth, and the hope of the many would not disappear with it.

For of all the laws that you have, if this law continues, if this means continues, then this land that you say is by God’s word and by God’s hand, then you have lied, for it is not God’s way to give you with one hand and take away with another. This land shall feel the wrath of God unto four and fourscore years.

November 16, 1984: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Soul John [4–125–2] asks, ‘How may I serve the Lord with my life? Will you provide for my financial needs, and prepare the way, that I may do so?’”

We have said before, if you were to go upon the desert, and the Lord, thy God, had given you food and water, and you left it behind, and you went upon a desert and there you perished, who shall you blame, yourself or the Lord? We have told you before, for those who wish, with all their heart and soul, to work for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, the needs shall be provided as raindrops upon a desert, but not the wants. Think of our words; this is not the first time we have spoke of them….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [14–434–5…Albuquerque, New Mexico] asks about his personal future — his future life, his financial future, in general, and guidelines.”

We shall answer your question in this manner. What you ask of us is to wrap up into a neat package your future, both spiritually, financially and morally. These things are not for us to do. There is a job before you, do it. There is a light before you, pick it up. There is a road before you, walk upon it. And make the decisions yourself.

May 17, 1985: “Thank you, Aka. [13–431–1…Globe, Arizona] asks, ‘Please, Aka, I would like to know more about purpose and destiny.’”

(Chuckle.) Yes, we see thy need. Yet purpose and destiny may be the same. If you come into a lifetime with destiny you surely shall have purpose. If you look upon the Earth and see a need, whether that need is take the weight of the yoke or burden off of a man’s shoulders and ease it for something better, then that is both purpose and destiny. If the need that you see is to bring spiritual comfort to others, that is both purpose and destiny.

But there are those who would seek the purpose and destiny of another. There are those who would want this, but be sent as a helper. We shall explain to you in this manner. Jesus of Nazara came forth as the first begotten son of the Lord, thy God. He came from Adam to Jesus. Paul, or Saul, came forth both in purpose and destiny, that the word would pass into the Gentile and into the land. But it was not his message, it was that of Peter, who would have the dream and see the curtains rise on the four corners, and the sails that rose [on] the ships that sailed to the four corners of the Earth, and know the meaning. It is why you have your testament that is called the Pauline Doctrine of today. That was not the purpose, nor the destiny − yet it was not the intended destiny, it was his freedom of choice − he altered and changed the written words. That is where you get the expression, “Robbing Peter to pay Paul.” At the time that he took on the task, he thought it was the only way. And knowing the condition of the financial status of the churches, he was sure.

We say unto you, we have come forth for both one of two purposes − not to change the prophesies, and not to change the laws of Moses, but to show you the fulfillment, and to bring to you the coveth [covenant] in its original form. We are come not to rob, nor steal, nor to place words in the mouth of the one known as Jesus, nay. We have come to show you this. But we have also come to prepare the way for the coming, that he might come unto you once again, and a completeness be brought to the Earth.

We hope we have not talked in riddles. We hope that we have truly answered your question in such a way that you fully understand from which we speak.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

July 12, 1985: “[17–509–1…Grants, New Mexico] asks, ‘Help me with some problems that have been heavy on my mind. Thank you.’”

Yes, we understand your need. And we shall say unto you unto these − you look and yet you find not that which is needed for your financial welfare and your spiritual needs. And we say to you, there is a garden already planted. Reach back and harvest it.

Now we say unto you, seek and you shall find.

Blessed are they who have the faith to know when they have found peace of mind and body.

Blessed are they who shall give comfort into others.

Blessed are they who bring tranquility into the house of others.

Blessed are they who give from the heart and expect not in return.

January 23, 1986: “Thank you, Aka. [18–512–5…Gallups], she asks, ‘When will I get out of this financial strain? How will I?’”

Yes, we see that before you. And we shall answer your question in this manner. You cannot buy yourself out of debt. Go unto those that you owe with a straight-forward explanation of your financial condition. But before you go, go forth and lay down in sequence all that that you owe. Allow yourself that that you need to operate your businesses, that that you need for food, shelter, [clothing]. Take that that is left and divide it among your creditors, giving each a certain proportion. If you do this, you’ll soon find the proportion you are paying shall become more and more until all the creditors are satisfied. But within each one, tell them the truth. Do not prevaricate or lie.

September 26, 1986: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable in this manner and in this way.

For long ago, men came together in friendship.

And they looked upon the ground and the earth around them and they said, “Between these mountaintops we shall grow abundance of food for all.” And so, they did enter. And the mountaintop kept the great storms away from them. They had an abundance of rain, but it was never cold and never real hot. And all the plants that they planted flourished.

Then one day one of them said, “Let us have a great herd of cattle.” And so he went out of the valley and he brought forth the cattle. And where there had been no fences men began to put up fences because they were afraid of the cattle, afraid that the cattle would eat all the things that they had planted and destroy them.

The men who had brought the cattle in told them, “Nay, there is such, so much food here in the valley in land that has not been planted that surely the cattle will not touch that that you have.” But cattle, being as they are, wandered one day into a neighbor’s field, and they did eat of it and they destroyed it.

The man with the cattle the next day came forth and saw that that had been done. And he did not have money and he said, “Here, I shall give you two of the cattle for that damage that has been done.”

And gradually, cattle began to appear all over the land, for everyone had cattle, and everyone had farms, and they grew up side by side in harmony.

It is sometimes true that when there is only one who has a substance, and because it is new and people do not know of it, they are afraid. They are afraid of those things they do not understand.

You have questions, ask….

“Thank you, Aka. L______ C______ … and he asks, ‘Do you have a special message for me?’”

Yes, we see your need, and we should say, you seek a financial worth. This should come about in a bountiful manner. But we say unto you, what good is it to own the world and lose your soul?

You have other questions, ask.

“_______ …and she asks, ‘Which is my mission in the Earth; is there a special message for me?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. If you are walking the path and along the pathway and the right side had plenty of water and the left did not, and you had the means to move the water and divide it, would you not do so? For water is the spirit of life. That is the message. Allow the water and the spirit of life to pass through you unto others. Glory be the name of the Lord thy God; glory be the name of His children forever.

And we say unto you, all things that were shall be. For once before, upon the desert it was green and fertile, and it grew abundance of all things. And it shall be again.

But we say unto you, look into your hearts to find a truth. The truth is there, in the quiet part of your minds. Look there. And we say to you, love costs nothing, yet it brings and grows everything. Love given is a beautiful thing.

There are many types of love. A jealous love is no good. A loving love, an open love that has no boundaries reaches unto the four corners of the earth. Let it flow from each of you. Let it become your guiding star. If you should do so, you can be the beginning of the coming of the Messiah….

And we say to you, look unto your star.

November 6, 1987: And we say unto you unto these words, unto this parable.

For in the desert there was a spring, an artesian spring, and it produced a small amount of water. And a few of the animals came to water there.

One day, a man came. And he looked upon the land and he said, “This is where I shall live. That I should live here, so should all of the other animals, and people, live in harmony. And so, he dug a well. And the well became as the small spring, and good, sweet artesian well. And he allowed the water to form a small pond. And as other people came they took from the well, but he laid that land aside that all the other creatures could come and drink from it and take from it. And soon, all the creatures, both those of the predator and non‑predator, came. For this was a peaceful land. This was land where no life was taken.

One day, the man thought to himself, “I must give something to this land that the rest of the land does not have, for this is a special place before my Lord.”

And so he ventured forth into the mountain city. And there he saw a plant he had never seen before. It grew and it produced beautiful flowers. And he went forth to the flower and he found it had sharp thorns. And he thought to himself, “This flower can grow in my land, for no one shall take it, for the thorns shall protect it as the other vegetation in my land has thorns.”

And so, he bought these and with them he bought grapes and apples and all sorts of fruits and vegetables. And he brought them forth and planted them in the land. And he planted the flowers, the roses, and they grew into a most beautiful plant.

And soon, many people from many lands came to see this miracle that grew in the desert and to see this great plant. And some would come and ask that they might get a sapling from it.

And each year were ten planted from the same plant, and each year he gave freely without a charge for those who would ask.

But one came and looked upon this plant and said, “I must have it, this plant; I must own it.” And all of these people who travel so far shall pay me to see it.

And so he went forth and tried to buy the plant and buy the land and the well.

The man said, “No, for I have not this to sell.”

So the man went where the records were kept, and he found fault in the way the man had purchased the land. And he drove the man from the land, and he fenced all of the land. And each day, the well stopped running a little more and the plants began to die. For the animals had stopped coming, for they could not get in. And even the bees who pollinated the land could not get in.

The man who’d been greedy and selfish had brought his family with him. And a child went out to the plant and was saddened to see that which had happened. And the child spoke to the plant, as most children will, and spoke with the mind and heart of a child in truth.

And the plant spoke back to the child, for the child had asked the plant why it was dying. And the plant told the child, for it to grow it must be free. It must receive the sunshine that had been blocked by the huge wall. It must have the birds and the bees and all the other plants and animals for company.

And the child went back to its father and pleaded with him, and said, “Father, do not let this happen.” And soon, the rest of the family had joined in with the child.

At first, the father’s heart was hardened, for he was greedy. Then he walked with the child and saw what he had done. He tore down the fences. And he found the man he had stolen the land from and said, “Can you forgive me for what I have done to you, what my greed has done?”

The man looked upon this one and said, “If the plants and the animals can forgive you, surely I can.”

And we say into you, unto the worst of times, can not you forgive? Can you not have the faith in the Lord, thy God, into His wisdom?…

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18‑533‑1…Albuquerque, New Mexico]: ‘I have recently invested in a business. Will this business be very profitable? If so, when? How soon?’”

We shall answer your question twofold. The business shall be profitable, and it shall be soon. But understand something. Your nation and your economy has taken a very bad turn. Therefore, do not stay in this business long. There are other manners that your money may make money. For people shall buy in the needing, in the things they need, to continue life. If you should be a merchant be the merchant who serves the need….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18‑511‑1], and is also here this evening, asks, ‘Dear Aka, would you please explain the Federal Reserve and the international banks to us. Thank you.’”

The international banks control the monetary value of the world currency. Your Federal Reserve controls the monetary value of your national currency and your interest rates. They loan to your local banks money and your local banks loan the money to you, each making a profit. To understand this is to understand the economy of the world as it stands now. As we have said before, your crisis is not over; it shall continue. You had before an inflationary depression. It shall continue. In some areas it shall become quite bad. In others it shall become quite good. Investment should be done in a manner that has the least risk. Yet, when we answered your question we did so with a parable at the beginning. Understand the parable fully and you will have a full answer of that which you need at the present time.

On the note made by the private Federal Reserve is a pyramid with an all-seeing eye at the pinnacle. Below, in Latin, are the words, New World Order. Let us pray that our world not be ruled Lucifer in one government, but that we remain “one nation under God” and we prepare a new heaven and a new earth upon Earth in prepartion for the coming of the Messiah.

How appropriate an ending to this article are these words that were simply written in the order in which the spiritual messengers of God spoke them.

To understand this is to understand the economy of the world as it stands now. As we have said before, your crisis is not over; it shall continue.”

Could this be a sign to us that there is a far greater all-seeing eye, that of God? For our Father sends His spiritual messengers to warn us of things that are coming, to guide us on a better path, and bring us closer to Him. Their words bring to mind what was written in scriptures that God sent His spiritual messengers to reveal to us, about “what will happen shortly.” [The Revelation 1:1]

The spiritual messengers of God lovingly warn us of a coming famine, that shall be caused by man.

“The first of the famine shall come in the form Because you have, your society has inflated itself, it should come, therefore, in the form of depression.”

Hopefully, by reading Aka’s words, the title of this article is more understandable than it was in 1970 to Rod, who could not even recognize the word that was spoken.

Yet it does not even have to be. The spiritual messengers of God told us, September 25, 1975: “Your future can be made in such a manner that the famine, your time of the Anti-Christ or the coming of the Beast upon the Earth, can be wiped away with your minds. The chaos of the shifting of the Earth’s axis is nothing more than a minor adjustment that must be made within man and beast.”

Since Aka gave Ray a dream in 1973 about this until the time of his passing, during the Jewish holy Days of Awe or Days of Repentence, October 5, 2000, before Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement (some call Judgment), Ray told us that it hasn’t been decided which way the world will go. Long ago, God gave man free choice. Man makes his world. But for now, you may want to read the many loving suggestions the spiritual messengers of God have made to help us prepare:

Prepare for the time of the great famine (Part 3) Begin with safe drinking waterand Prepare for the time of the great famine (Part 4) — Food for thought.


The words of Aka are copyright 2001 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona

Email the Association of Universal Philosophy ––AUniversalPhilosophy@gmail.com.

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Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.