Meet Sataya Nadella, Microsoft executive who was voted the best CEO of the United States in 2018

Presleyson Lima
Published in
5 min readMar 8, 2019

Sataya Nadella is the current and perhaps the most popular president of Microsoft.

This is because he has acted in an important change of culture, considering the tragic loss of space for the innovative Facebook, Apple and Google.

New technologies and a different way of working with the team are the big draws of this Indian engineer who has already pushed the company to much higher levels since taking office in 2014.

And that story will be told today, in that special article about someone who inspires us all.

Get to know Sataya Nadella and her distinguished performance at Microsoft!

Who is Sataya Nadella?

Sataya Nadella is an Indian engineer who simply became the CEO of Microsoft in 2014.

He is the third to fill the position that was once Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer.
Analysts have even pointed to it as the favorite of a fierce contest with names like Alan Mulally, president of Ford, and Stephen Elop, former CEO of Nokia.

The company’s intention at the time was to move from a software giant to a service and device company.

And that was Nadella’s challenge!

But before we enter into this merit, will we know a little more about your professional career?

Born in 1969 in India, he studied at the Hyderabad Public School, earned a bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the Manipal Institute of Technology, earned a master’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and did a Master of Business Administration from the University of Chicago.

Prior to joining Microsoft, Nadella worked at Sun in 1992.

There he was hired as a program manager for the Windows Developer Relations group and very quickly won the position of senior vice president of Research & Development for the online services division.

Then the Indian engineer assumed the vice-chair of the MBS (Microsoft Business Solutions) group and then the vice president of the business services and tools area.

Throughout her career, Nadella has been involved in CRM product development and other business services such as Microsoft Dynamics ERP and Microsoft Office Small Business.

Prior to his appointment, he served as chief of cloud computing for the company, until finally winning one of the most sought-after positions in the world: Microsoft’s chief executive officer.
The opportunity arose because Nadella was considered key player in the company’s entry into advanced technologies such as interactive television and digital rights management (DRM).

But it was not only his technical knowledge that counted in the decision, but also his involvement with the organization’s culture and the way he dealt with competitors, essential skills to bring the company to the current level.

The Best CEO of the United States in 2018

Yes, Microsoft President was elected the best CEO in the United States in 2018.

The poll was conducted by Comparably, specializing in culture and corporate careers.

The result considered the notes given by employees and executives of the companies and the winner was the one that had the best overall average.

According to Jason Nazar, CEO and co-founder of Comparably, thousands of employees took part in the vote and everyone gave high marks to Nadella, who is known as someone who deals fairly with the company’s difficulties and shares good results.

“Microsoft was not the darling of the technology world for three years, but now they’re on the news for being the most valuable company in the world. I think the team is very excited about what he did to build this business, “Nazar said.
There were more than 10 million evaluations conducted by more than 50,000 American companies with more than 500 employees each in their staffing.

For you to get an idea of ​​Nadella’s popularity, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg was only ranked 33rd in the rankings, Netflix’s Reed Hastings at 32, Elon Musk at 19 and Apple’s Tim Cook at 12.

How Sataya Nadella has been working at Microsoft?

Sataya Nadella’s focus is on repositioning Microsoft as relevant and modern.
And we know that its competitors were light years ahead.

Yes, companies like Facebook, Google, and Apple have been working with disruptive technologies for quite a while, while Bill Gates has lost ground as a brand of the past generation.

To make matters worse, internal disputes and the arrogance of the organization have greatly damaged its image in the marketplace.

Needless to say, it was precisely to change this scenario that Nadella was chosen for the post.

And he lived up to expectation.

The Indian’s strategy was to bring back the motivation and purpose that made the company successful in the past, and the culture that made it successful at the time.

But the big motivator for restarting Microsoft’s identity was the loss of billions of dollars in failed efforts in trying to recover from the disaster of being swallowed up by competitors.

And the changes are being perceived gradually.

Among them are the possibility of using Office applications on the iPad and Microsoft Visual Studio on the Mac, and the purchase of GitHub, a repository of open programming codes.

In addition, the team has been working on a feature that would enable the Xbox to guide people in physical therapy exercises as well as reading technology for dyslexia sufferers through the OneNote application.

Nadella has also been working to create a more supportive and empathetic environment for employees and for their representativeness and inclusion.
But back to the products, the idea is to transform them into a kind of “structure” for people’s lives.

According to him, “you join this place not to be cool, but to do it to others … is the result that matters.”

No wonder Sataya Nadella became the best CEO in the United States.
Maybe he’s the greatest in the world, who knows?

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Presleyson Lima

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