“The Palestinian Authority is not Hamas”, said the Palestinian delegate

Marco Spera
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2018

Russia Today

The UNSC delegates have attended today to the only press conference scheduled. At this conference, both the topics “Somalia and the Gulf of Aden: sources of instability by land and sea” and “Emergency meeting on the Palestinian situation” have been regarded.

Press Conference with delegates of the United Nation Security Council / Source: Vithória Dill

Somalia and the Gulf of Aden

The Council has already found a resolution on the matter. China and France have been called to answer to the RT a question over the possibility of conflictuous interests of China and NATO in the region. Both representatives denied this possibility:

“In recent times, the European Union and China have spent military efforts in the region to dismantle piracy operations in the region […] a clear signal that a multilateral approach in the Security Council can work”, said the Chinese delegate.

“We cannot agree on all topics, but […] all operations will be reported and, therefore, we’ll have the logistics necessary that all matters will be pacified and won’t be in direct conflict, so there’s no need to worry about a war in that area anymore”, assured the representative for France.

Palestine and Israel

This topic is still in discussion inside the Council. A new meeting on the historical conflict has been called after Trump’s decision of recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel resulted in a rapid escalation of the tension in the region.

In the first question, the United States have had the opportunity to clarify the accusations of using USAid as blackmail over the Palestinians:

“We are not blackmailing anyone. We praise for humanitarian aid […]We have the greatest share in the humanitarian aids, even with the cuts. But we cannot terrorism, and what’s happening [there] is terrorism”.

Palestine has been also called to answer a question about the Israeli accusation that Hamas is ruling Gaza, instead of the Palestinian Authority. The delegation stated that they are the government and the only one: “The Palestinian Authority is not Hamas, as we’ve told many times before. We are here, willing to negotiate and come to an agreement so the Palestinian Authority will really be in control of the Palestinian territory, completely.

Even though, the Palestinians have recognised the presence of the group in the region:

“The situation in Gaza is complicated, because the occupying force of Israel is blackmailing Palestinian people and controling access to water and electricity. […] Therefore, the oppression from Israel generates this protests, and it happens only because of Israel”, said the Palestinian delegation.

