Game of Search: AI Challenging the Data Throne

Liberty. Equality. Data. Podcast #14 with Angela Hoover, Andi CEO

Paulius Jurcys
6 min readDec 14, 2023


Welcome to a new episode of “Liberty. Equality. Data.” the podcast where we talk with industry leaders and pioneers about the future where personal data meets groundbreaking technologies.

Thanks to the advent of generative AI, today’s digital landscape is witnessing a seismic shift. This revolutionary technology is not just a buzzword, or a hype — it’s reshaping how we handle the massive amounts that is generated daily. By challenging the status quo of data control, generative AI is poking holes in the stronghold of incumbent tech giants, paving the way for a more democratized digital ecosystem.

At Prifina, our vision aligns perfectly with this new horizon. We believe in a human-centric data ecosystem where intelligent applications run on top of the user’s own data, privately. Imagine a world where your health records, wearables data, social media interactions, your payments and location history are not just entries in a third-party database, but but integral parts of digital identity and open new gateways to a personalized digital experience, controlled and owned by you.

But here’s the billion-dollar question: How can individuals truly interact with and make sense of their own personal data? This is where generative AI tools come into play, offering a powerful, intuitive interface between people and their digital footprints.

To delve deeper into this fascinating topic, we’re thrilled to welcome Angela Hoover, Co-founder and CEO of Andi search. Angela’s company is at the forefront of generative AI search technology, pioneering ways for individuals to search vast amounts of data online.

In this post , we outline seven key themes that the podcast host Chetan Nandakumar and our special guest Angela Hoover addressed in their conversation. Check it out to find about Andi’s vision and how the Generative AI search engines will revolutionize how we interact with data.

You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.

The transcript of the conversation is available here.

Here are Seven highlights of the the podcast:

  • Revolutionizing Search with Andi: A Leap into the Future
  • Challenges in Developing Andi search
  • Redefining Search Intelligence:
  • Strategically Targeting the Digital Generation
  • Designing the Future: Andi’s User Interface Revolution
  • Andi’s Ambitious Roadmap
  • Investor Insights and the AI Renaissance

1/ Revolutionizing Search with Andi: A Leap into the Future

The conversation covered how Andi search is pioneering a new way of searching on the internet using generative AI:

“Andi is search for the next generation using generative AI… with the power of large language models there’s so many exciting places that online search can be taken to”.​ — Angela Hoover

Angela shared the serendipitous story of how the Andi team met, and how the founders’ diverse backgrounds helped reimagine the future of search. She confessed, that at the time of inception of Andi, she and her co-founder Jed identified their frustration with all the ads, and just spammy, low quality results…

Angela also explained how Andi differs from traditional search engines in both functionality and user experience. Andi stands out because it offers a pioneering chat UX. This conversational interface marks a radical departure from conventional search methods. As Angela put it, Andi’s inception was rooted in the ethos of the ‘Lazy Web.’ Her singular vision: to transform the search experience into a fluid, conversational dialogue.

2/ Challenges in Developing Andi Search

Angela discussed the various challenges faced during the development of Andi Search, including technical hurdles, funding issues, and the process of building a user base.

Andi started in 2019, at the time of the pandemic. Initially, their work was supported by family and friends, which was instrumental in building the early MVP of Andi. But everything changed when they got into Y Combinator. The initial funding, and incredible amount of help from YC helped boost the momentum.

The key driving force in developing and iterating Andi was user feedback. Angela explained that when searching online, users are primarily concerned about efficiency:

But when you’re doing research online, you can’t use Google anymore. When I click on a result, when all the ads come up, it’s just cognitively overwhelming… Everybody’s excited about a new form of search [that allows] to be able to be more efficient.” — Angela Hoover

3/ Redefining Search Intelligence:

The integration and impact of AI technology in Andi search was one of the key themes of this podcast. Angela explained how AI is utilized to improve search results, user interaction, and the overall efficiency of the platform.

“I’m kind of a crazy big idea thinker… What if you could build a new [online] search engine — what would that look like?”​​ — Angela Hoover

4/ Strategically Targeting the Digital Generation

The podcast host Chetan continued the conversation and delved into Andi’s positioning in the search market, including its target demographic and strategies to appeal to different user groups, particularly tech-savvy individuals and Gen Z.

“Gen Z is a lot more visual, they have shorter attention spans and want information quickly. But they do care about things like factual accuracy. … Gen Z has shorter attention spans, and they want information quickly. But they do care about things like factual accuracy, they have pretty strong ethical and moral beliefs. Also, Gen Z cares a lot about authenticity.”​ — Angela Hoover

5/ Designing the Future: Andi’s User Interface Revolution

Angela discusses the design philosophy behind Andi Search, emphasizing user-friendly interfaces and the importance of a seamless user experience in the context of AI-powered search engines.

Besides seamless user experience, there are some other major innovations where LLMs and generative AI become extremely important. Andi uses intelligent backend infrastructure by keeping a list of ca. 30,000 sites that Andi has identified as the key information sources. In search results, Andi aims to make sure that the search results are tied to the actual source of information. Besides, user testing led Andi to develop another additional feature of summaries:

“When we put a summarize feature on every single search result, we saw a massive increase in retention and usage.”​​ — Angela Hoover

6/ Andi’s Ambitious Roadmap

Angela shared her vision for the future of Andi Search, including potential expansions, new features, and long-term goals for the company in the evolving landscape of AI and search technologies.

7/ Investor Insights and the AI Renaissance

The conversation with Angela also touched on how investors and the broader industry perceive Andi search, especially in light of recent advancements in AI and its growing influence in various sectors. Here are the three most exciting trends Angela sees in the AI space now:

  • People are using foundational models and fine-tuning them for really specific use cases;
  • The speed of development: people are shipping product and learning from shipping and quickly; and
  • There’s a really positive and friendly vibe about the AI community right now:

“People just want to help each other, everybody’s excited to learn and grow. Everybody’s excited about building cool stuff. It’s fun to be around that.” — Angela Hoover

You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.

The transcript of the conversation is available here.

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Prifina is building resources for developers to help create new apps that run on top of user-held data. No back-end is needed. Individual users can connect their data sources to their personal data cloud and get everyday value from their data.



Paulius Jurcys

IP | Data | Privacy | Ethics | Harvard CopyrightX. I share views on innovation, creativity & how technology is making this world a more fun place to live in.