Primalbase October Report

Primalbase Team
Published in
7 min readNov 5, 2018

Launching in London and looking for locations

It was all-hands-on-deck again in October for us over at Primalbase. London is now open and running, with our token holders in the UK beginning to filter in. Amsterdam and Berlin are also still going strong and we’re seeing the growth of our tech ecosystem across the three Primalbase spaces.

We’re also making progress on our upcoming locations. On the other side of the world, we’ve appointed New York Operations Manager, Hannah. She will be ensuring that things get up and running as smoothly as possible at our Brooklyn base.

Ralph and Simone, meanwhile, headed out to Singapore to inspect a number of properties for our latest office over there — more news on that front later in the report!

In other exciting news, nominations for our Primalbase first birthday competition are here! We’re giving away an amazing 4 PBT to a socially-minded tech startup. Take a look at our shortlisted candidates and cast your vote online.


Hannah Esty, New York Operations Manager
We are happy to welcome Hannah into our Primalbase team. Originally from Florida, Hannah has a background in office management, real estate, and operations administration. She moved to New York in 2014 to pursue her education and further her career.

More recently, Hannah worked within the finance sector in operations. Having managed offices (and even classrooms!) over the past four years, she brings strong organisational and leadership skills to Primalbase.

Hannah loves the fast pace of New York, and can often be found riding the ferry or a Citi Bike around the city. In her free time, she plays the guitar, hangs out with her cat named Goose, and speeds through sci-fi novels. She looks forward to meeting the Primalbase community and opening the NYC office.


Primalbase AMS
At the start of the month we welcomed the guys from OKEx, the world’s second largest cryptocurrency exchange. Beer, banter and blockchain followed. They’re a great organisation and exactly the kind of company we look to work with.

We also welcomed BUIDL, a non-profit monthly meetup for those actively building and contributing to the decentralised web. It was great to see some new people, and talk about the happenings in the tech sphere at the moment.

If you or your company are interested in hosting an event in any of Primalbase’s current three locations, please shoot us an email at We are delighted to host any event that stands to benefit our community and helps our goal of driving technological progress.

In other news, the 4 PBT office has been occupied regularly by our token holders — good stuff! Here’s a friendly reminder for our token holders with 4 PBT or more that the 4 PBT office in Amsterdam remains available to you. Please contact us at if you would like to reserve it!

Primalbase BER
In Berlin, the never-ending summer finally ended and the autumn weather has kicked in — winter is coming. Also, our local Office & Operations intern Evelyne left us to graduate and start a new professional challenge elsewhere. Luckily we found a brilliant replacement who will start on the 1st of November — we’ll introduce them in our next monthly report.

Furthermore, our office building took part in the yearly Festival of Lights that brightens up characteristic buildings all over Berlin. Here is a visual impression of what that looked like:

We are looking forward to welcoming you again in our office in November!

Lastly, a reminder that our token holders with 4 PBT or more are also welcome to come and use our 4 PBT office. If you would like to make a reservation, please contact us at and let us know!

Primalbase LDN
This month has been the one we were all waiting for, as we had the London Launch Party! We had around 140 guests throughout the evening, beginning with drinks, canapes and photos of our stunning city views. Our CEO, Ralph, gave a presentation on Primalbase followed by an informative talk from Devyani Vaishampayan, the Managing Partner at HR TECH Partnerships. We saw the evening out with cocktails, a DJ and photobooth. The evening was a huge success, especially after suffering from some hefty delays. We are all very proud that the office is now in full swing.

The remainder of the month we spent putting the final touches in place for the office, and hosting small meetups. We’ve also been thrilled to host token holders who have visited us so far. Please note you can book a hot desk in our London office, but not through our website booking system in its current format. Once we verify your profile and your wallet is confirmed, please send your full name and booking dates to Jess, our Operations Manager, will then confirm your booking by email.

Primalbase NYC
Another productive month in NYC. Our project management team is working hard on the last points of the construction programme, and we hope to commence very soon. The interior design team have created a distinct Primalbase look and feel-based design, and — together with our architect — we are working hard on the final drawings. As we mentioned before, we now have a dedicated Operations Manager in NYC who will help us create a lively and typical NYC-styled office.

Primalbase SGP
Ralph and Simone had a very productive trip to Singapore last week. Together with the local agent, they saw several different offices in various neighbourhoods across Singapore. We are excited to be able to announce that we have found a space which fits perfectly with our needs. Stay tuned — more information to follow soon! In the meantime, check out some of these snaps Ralph and Simone took on their travels there.


Upcoming events
Events are at the core of our mission to build a collaborative tech community and we were privileged to host several great tech events for our community in October. In Primalbase AMS, we welcomed the guys from OKEx and BUIDL. In Primalbase LDN, we have already welcomed leading blockchain researchers.

In November, this will continue, with Binary District and the Research Institute set to host the second in their series of Master Workshops. Leading developers, researchers and industry thinkers will again come together to focus on solving the scalability issues in blockchain.

‘Master Workshop: Layer I solutions’ is a two-day event taking place at Primalbase AMS on the 17–18 of November. This time it is focused on Layer 1 on-chain solutions. Thought leaders in the field will come together to discuss proof-of-stake algorithms, key aggregation, two-tiered network systems and many other new consensus & blockchain protocols that are currently being explored to solve the TPS bottleneck.

Speakers already confirmed include:

  • Chris Carr, PhD Candidate at Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Ewa Syta, Assistant Professor at Trinity College Connecticut
  • Philipp Jovanovic, PhD researcher at EPFL
  • Mingchao Yu, Staff Engineer at Dolby Laboratories

More experts are being announced on a daily basis, so stay tuned to our social accounts for updates to the roster.

Anyone who was at the workshop earlier in the year will understand how excited we are for this. Tickets are free but space is limited, so make sure to register today to reserve your place.


We are still looking for talented people to join our team at Primalbase. If you recognise yourself in one of the job descriptions below and would like to receive more information, please send an application to or visit our website.

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Read our previous reports here.



Primalbase Team

Combining blockchain technology with coworking to create the world’s most forward-thinking workspace.