Go to Principles for Europe’s Digital Ambitions
Principles for Europe’s Digital Ambitions
Thoughts from leading commentators on the undecided direction of the EU’s Digital Single Market strategy, which has both inspired hope and raised concerns within the business, Internet, and public interest communities.
Note from the editor

Thoughts from leading commentators on the undecided direction of the EU’s Digital Single Market strategy, which has both inspired hope and raised concerns within the business, Internet, and public interest communities.

Go to the profile of Engine
Engine is the voice of startups in government. We are a nonprofit that supports entrepreneurship through economic research, policy analysis, and advocacy.
Go to the profile of Matt
Keeping the internet free and open
Go to the profile of Evan Engstrom
Evan Engstrom
Executive Director, Engine
Go to the profile of Michael Beckerman
Michael Beckerman
President and CEO of @internetassn, the unified voice of leading Internet companies.
Go to the profile of catriona
The Application Developers Alliance is a non-profit global membership organisation that supports developers as creators, innovators, and entrepreneurs.
Go to the profile of Joshua Lamel
Joshua Lamel
CEO at InSight Public Affairs & Executive Director of Re:Create. Tech policy wonk & digital rights activist. Part lobbyist, part lawyer, part pr guy.
Go to the profile of Josh Kallmer
Josh Kallmer
Jonathan (Josh) S. Kallmer is ITI’s senior vice president for global policy, leading ITI’s global team to expand market opportunities around the world.
Go to the profile of Jens-Henrik
Director, European Affairs at Center for Democracy & Technology
Go to the profile of James Waterworth
James Waterworth
James Waterworth is an expert in Internet regulatory and public policy and runs the European office of the Computer and Communications Industry Association.
Go to the profile of GlobalAntitrustInstitute
Promoting the application of sound economic analysis to competition enforcement around the world through training programs, competition advocacy, and research.
Go to the profile of Mike Masnick
Go to the profile of Christian Dawson
Christian Dawson
Co-founder of Open-I Advisors, Executive Director of i2Coalition
Go to the profile of Center for DataInnovation
Center for DataInnovation
The Center for Data Innovation is a non-profit think tank focusing on the intersection of data, technology, and public policy.
Go to the profile of ITIF
The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation is a think tank focusing on the intersection of technological innovation and public policy.
Go to the profile of Public Knowledge
Public Knowledge
We’re a consumer non-profit fighting to promote a creative and connected future. We work in tech policy. Read more at www.publicknowledge.org.
Go to the profile of R Street Institute
R Street Institute
Free-market think tank advancing real solutions to complex public policy problems. Learn more at www.rstreet.org.