Trans and Bra Challenged: Part Two

So amazingly clueless!!

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen


I wrote a piece about my first foray into the bizarre world of bras. The article can be found here:

Bras for the uninitiated and in this case a late in life MTF transitioner like me, is like the Gordian Knot of women’s apparel. Trained male and supported by surging testosterone as a teenage guy I took great pride in the classic two-finger bra clip release technique as a triumph of my Neanderthal-inspired manhood.

Yeah, really embarrassing to share that now.

The sad reality even back then was that I was actually jealous of the girls I was dating, that they had breasts and always wore a cute bra. Not the best for an aspiring male libido. For a guy who was unwittingly ignorant of her true female gender, I was always uncomfortable dating. I just never knew why. Hard to admit I actually faked orgasms occasionally, but I did it to not embarrass the girl I was with. Condoms protected my secret. Wow so many clues and so much ignorance. It is embarrassing to admit that it took 60 years, a near suicide attempt and…



Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen

After decades of denial I finally answered the question “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is “Nothing”. I am transgender and I am OK.