Go to Privacy & Technology
Privacy & Technology
We explore topics in the intersection of privacy & technology, such as privacy engineering, privacy enhancing technologies (PETs), data monetization and valuation, and privacy tech
Note from the editor

We explore topics in the intersection of privacy & technology, such as privacy engineering, privacy enhancing technologies (PETs), data monetization and valuation, and privacy tech

Go to the profile of lourdes.turrecha
Founder & CEO @PIX_LLC @PrivacyTechRise | Privacy & Cybersecurity Strategist & Board Advisor| Reformed Silicon Valley Lawyer | @LourdesTurrecha
Go to the profile of Emily Ashley
Emily Ashley
JD/MBA Candidate in Silicon Valley specializing in Data Privacy, Internet, and start-up law.
Go to the profile of Emily Ashley
Emily Ashley
JD/MBA Candidate in Silicon Valley specializing in Data Privacy, Internet, and start-up law.