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Processing Life
Processing Life
Thinking things through
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Deeper Teaching/Preaching?

OK — returning to the world of blogging after an insanely crazy end of the semester. Be forewarned. 

I read a good blog post from Pete Wilson
where he was asking people what they mean when they say/hear “I want deeper teaching/preaching.” 

I’m curious myself what people mean by…

“Call me buddy”

The most read post from my blog this year so far as been when I wrote about Baylee not wanting to grow up. This is another one of those “out of the mouth of babes” stories.

Yesterday I went out back to the garage to load the car with some things for work. Coming back I heard a kid’s voice calling…

The Second Question (Processing 2010 — pt 2)

I wrote Part 1 of this post back at the beginning of the year. Been sitting on Part 2 for over a month now. Guess it should be posted before 2012 comes around.

My 2010.