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Product Breakdown
Interesting Product and UX Learnings. Follow us to be notified of new Breakdowns!
Note from the editor

Product Breakdown analyzes a different product every week, and lists notable product and UX learnings. We believe that the best way to master good product practices is to learn from others.

Go to the profile of Amar Virk
Amar Virk
PM @ Facebook | ex-Uber | Cornell | University of Auckland
Go to the profile of Ankit Prasad
Ankit Prasad
Product Manager at Google. Previously Earnest, Yammer, Harvard, Duke.
Go to the profile of Ankit Prasad
Ankit Prasad
Product Manager at Google. Previously Earnest, Yammer, Harvard, Duke.
Go to the profile of Amar Virk
Amar Virk
PM @ Facebook | ex-Uber | Cornell | University of Auckland