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Day 13 of #productidea — Follow the Mediterranean diet on an easy way

Javier Escribano
#productidea 30 day challenge
2 min readMar 19, 2016


This is part of my #productidea 30 day challenge on which each day I write about a new product idea.

Most nutrition or diet apps make you add what you eat and its calories. You need to be really into nutrition to keep doing it for more than 3 days. I don’t really know how many calories each dish has, and it’s an information I shouldn’t know exactly.

I should know how many times a week I should eat vegetables, fish, red meat, pasta, sugar.. and how many times a day I should drink water or eat a fruit. Those are human measures we can all follow. Number of calories? No way.

The idea is to build an app on which to add the type of food you’ve eaten each time. It will be counted for your weekly objective. For example, if you have just eaten a fish you would tell the app that you have eaten fish (it will know you need to 1–2 times more this week). For the sake of simplicity and engagement, the app won’t ask for type of fish or calories. Knowing what you’ve eaten, it can recommend you to eat vegetables if you haven’t eaten enough this week or remind you to eat another fruit.

A nutritionist friend told me the app could help improve the weekly eating habits. As the user engages more, we could start giving tips like try to not drink sodas, breaded fish, choose salad over french fries as a side dish, etc. The key thing is to be progressive on how many info you ask or give, you want the user to be engaged daily. If you ask for too much, the user will stop using it.



Javier Escribano
#productidea 30 day challenge

CPO at Ontruck. Co-founder of TouristEye (acquired by LonelyPlanet). 500Startups alumni