Day 26 of #productidea — Increasing access to your brain memory

Javier Escribano
#productidea 30 day challenge
2 min readApr 2, 2016


This is part of my #productidea 30 day challenge on which each day I write about a new product idea.

Let’s add the third part of the idea that started with “Bringing the experience of reading Medium to the whole web” and “Personal Wiki”.

As I already commented, I read many interesting articles and books. I share some of them on Twitter and I save the best ones because I will likely apply their learnings on the future.

When I read an article again, sometimes I realize I didn’t interiorize all its learnings the first time. I remember having read them and be surprised, but I didn’t have those learnings on my mind. The brain still represents a mystery to us, it shows and hides experiences from us and we don’t know why. It’s true though that the best way to learn is to experience it, not only to read about it.

Once we save quotes and articles on our personal wiki, is there a way to have easier access to those ideas? Will we interiorize them better if we read them more times?

We could build a tool which will remind us everyday of learnings we have read or lived. Imagine receiving an email every morning/week with a quote you are inspired, a learning you saved in the past and an article you may find interesting today. If I am currently into SaaS, I could indicate it to the tool and I will receive learnings and articles about SaaS. Of course, it can aggregate learnings and articles from other users and be a discovery tool also.

There are many complex decisions to make while designing the product, but I believe it could facilitate us to learn better. We may need to stop reading new content everyday and instead, process what we have already read.



Javier Escribano
#productidea 30 day challenge

CPO at Ontruck. Co-founder of TouristEye (acquired by LonelyPlanet). 500Startups alumni