Day 28 of #productidea — Newsletter for non-fashionistas

Javier Escribano
#productidea 30 day challenge
2 min readApr 4, 2016


This is part of my #productidea 30 day challenge on which each day I write about a new product idea.

Eight years ago I thought on building a fashion community to rate your clothes. In an independent way, Chicisimo has executed something similar really well (if you are a woman who like fashion, it’s a must app!). The funny thing is that I don’t know why I got interested into that as I’m completely not a fashionista. I even paid for a logo to a Swiss designer!

Several years ago the profession of personal shopper became fashionable. Despite its success on magazines, only wealthy people could afford it. It wasn’t a cheap service because it involved a lot of hours, so personal shoppers needed to charge well.

Many people — specially men and including me — are currently almost outside of the fashion industry. We visit shops as little as possible, just to buy what we need. However, most of us want to dress stylishly, we just don’t want to waste time in shops. That’s why we prefer online shops.

Mixing both concepts I wonder if it would make sense a newsletter for non-fashionistas with clothes recommendations made by personal shoppers. We could have different newsletters depending on your style. Each newsletter will have recommendations of new clothes you could buy online (specially if there are good deals!) and articles to improve your style. Of course, a website could be built aggregating all products and articles shared on the newsletters, in case you need to buy something between newsletters.



Javier Escribano
#productidea 30 day challenge

CPO at Ontruck. Co-founder of TouristEye (acquired by LonelyPlanet). 500Startups alumni