How To Use An Apple Pencil

Or, ‘why don’t they include instructions’?

Julian Cosky
Productivity Matters


Photo by Lucas George Wendt on Unsplash

Think back to the “good ol’ days” of buying yourself new technology. The latest Walkman™, radio-cassette recorder, television or VCR.

Each one was beautifully packaged and included an instruction manual.

How to use the various functions that are built in, to help you use it and get the best from it.

I used to read them from front to back, and back again.

Then, the age of the personal computer and instruction manuals started to disappear.

Home appliances still contain User Manuals, as well as a ream of paper containing all the Safety and handling instructions and warranty information.

My Dad despaired that there were no instructions to use an iPad, or a laptop!

Now; I can understand why they’re not included; but he’s also right when it comes to the basic operation.

How can someone be expected to know what to do if there isn’t even a basic printed guide supplied with the device?

I extrapolate this discussion to one of the simplest of Apples devices….

Apple Pencil

I recently bought an Apple Pencil 2, with my iPad Mini.



Julian Cosky
Productivity Matters

Husband. Father. Business Analyst. I’m also a Cub Scout Leader. Writing on Medium allows me to be me!