“The Thursday 3” from the peeps @ “The Productivity Revolution”

Deepika Singh
The Productivity Revolution
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1 min readOct 18, 2018

👋 Hola productivity champs!

Sharing three interesting reads that you may enjoy reading this week 😃

5 Simple reasons why reading makes you a better leader

How reading makes you a more adept and articulate communicator.

Is Achieving Your Goals Killing Your Business?

An interesting perspective on how setting goals is harmful!

A CEOs quest for intrinsic happiness and how not to waste your life

Pleasure or Fulfillment — What do you want more?

Your 18K+ subscribers' strong publication — “The productivity Revolution” is now open to contributions. If you love writing on productivity/ leadership/ life/ motivation or entrepreneurship, feel at ease to send your submissions to dee@plash.in so I can add you as a writer to the publication.

Since its the GDPR era,thought I’d take a moment to share a note on the newsletter. Sending this letter is a feature provided by Medium to help us connect with you — our publication followers and share news and updates on what we’re up at the Productivity Revolution.

Our team does not have your email IDs or personal data except for a list of your Public Medium profiles which again we cannot export. :)

so yeah, we focus on one thing alone — Good content for you ! :)



Deepika Singh
The Productivity Revolution

Passionate about life, family, friends, mountains & startup growth !! Tweeting stuff that interests me @dipicasingh