Ola productivity people ! 😃

Here’s me again sharing this week’s six articles that you might like to read ! 😄

How to differentiate yourself in a crowded SaaS market

This is an honest tell-all account of how Alore CRM being a bootstrapped, 3 months since launch, 5 person startup in a crowded CRM market, managed to differentiate itself in the early adopter community. It will give you plenty of ideas to shorten your journey of making your business stand out.

How not to waste time at networking events

Notes on helping you decide which networking events to attend and maximize your gains from the attendance.

Living like an academic athlete

This article talks in detail about intensive discipline and how we can learn from the athletes about establishment of goals, objectives, routines, and self-restraint performance.

2 super simple things I did to reboot my productivity

This article shares two super easy hacks to quadruple your productivity

How Successful People Learn: 5 Simple Rules Everyone Should Follow

This is a note on ways a leader can benefit with the right habits and mindset

5 Awesome Interview Questions to spot a Hustler

Productivity is also saving time by hiring the right people for your business. Here are some questions that you can ask to spot the right candidate who fits your company culture like the perfect pair of shoes.

“The productivity Revolution” is now open to contributions. If you love writing on productivity/leadership/life/motivation or entrepreneurship, write to deepika@plash.in so I can add you as a writer to the publication.

You can also submit your link here !!

Cheers !




Deepika Singh
The Productivity Revolution

Passionate about life, family, friends, mountains & startup growth !! Tweeting stuff that interests me @dipicasingh