First Game

Jacob Huber
Professionalism in the Workplace
2 min readSep 24, 2017

I work as a high school football coach and I decided to try and work on being more professional during the game. I had been in the booth for three games so far and had watched how the coaches acted. This week I was on the sideline and tried to see if I could act similarly to the way they did. I stood back and clapped after good plays and didn’t yell at kids but rather talked to them about what they were seeing. I would say the results went very well as I felt I was under control and even the other coaches said they liked how I carried myself. Where I do need to improve is my volume in my voice. I know this because there were multiple times where I was trying to get a players attention and he didn’t even look over and I assume he couldn’t hear me. Next time I am going to relay in what I want to say to the nearest defender on the field. One of the biggest parts of me learning to be a coach is to talk to and bounce ideas off of the head coach and the other coaches pictured below. He has been an incredible teacher and role model for how to study and how to carry myself around the game and practice field. This past week he won coach of the week given by the Buffalo Bills for both our result on the field and the character he showcased. I know that I am going to keep getting better and will keep acting more professional every single game because of him.

One quote that I found really important was by Will Gaulin that said “ Communication is one of the most important skills in the business world that there is.” This is a key aspect in professionalism as I believe professionalism is using all the soft skills you have and are developing in a way that your colleagues can observe in a mature manner. I look forward to reading the other posts that Will does and will continue to read his page.

Gaulin, W. (2017, September 22). Its All About Communication — Will Gaulin — Medium. Retrieved September 24, 2017, from

