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Progressive Web Apps
Progressive Web Apps
Progressive Web Apps Related Articles, Posts and Studies. Discover AngularJS, Ionic & ReactJS progressive web app themes at https://pwathemes.com.
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I’m trying to make a Progressive Web App! Part 5: 100% PWA

In my previous post in this series, I finally got a working service worker up and running. I made it happen thanks to the life saving node module sw-precache.

Progressive Web Apps — Part III: Standalone web application

In the previous post I showed how the files of a web application can be cached locally to shorten the start up time and enable offline use.

Progressive Web Apps — Part II: Add offline support for a web application

In the first part I described how progressive web apps will change the way mobile applications are made. In this second part I will go into more details with working code samples for implementing offline…

Progressive Web Apps in Ionic

I have been aware of Progressive Web Apps (PWA) for quite some time now beacause I am closely following the development of the Ionic Framework and they have been very actively supporting this idea.