Meet the Team

Michael Haupt
Project 2030
Published in
5 min readSep 9, 2017

Project 2030 is a complex multi-disciplinary nonpartisan global endeavour, requiring specialists from a number of disciplines. This is the team which will make the project happen.

All Team members will share certain characteristics:

  • Passion for the vision set forth in A Celebration Society, with recognition that it is a scaffolding and not a blueprint;
  • Openness to evolving personal beliefs based on best available evidence;
  • Openness to exploring avenues of personal growth towards readiness to live in a future Celebration Society — as we will expect of others;
  • A bias towards testing, experiments, measurement of key variables, and continuous improvement — both internally and in our guidance of the work emerging from the 2020 Event.
  • More?

Operating Team

Advisory Board

This board is the nuts and bolts transformational business/societal disruption expertise. This will include people who know how to execute transformational, large projects and who have proven development competencies. (Financial, Project Management, Legal, Marketing, etc.)

The Advisory Board will be supported by project teams, some of which will exist until a pre-determined conclusion. These may include the following, by way of example:

Systems ​Team

We are proposing to catalyse and guide a whole systems reboot for humanity. This must be guided by whole systems thinking, at the architectural level. Two persons who have demonstrated such abilities are Bernard Lietaer and Daniel Jeffries. We want a robust team with diverse perspectives.

​Problem Resolution Team

All substantive organizations have mis-communications and arguments, both internally and externally. These are to be welcomed, provided they don’t become personal attacks, and that they resolve quickly into a new consensus.

We need experts in communications/conflict resolution, such as Non-Violent Communication, and a skilled win-win negotiator (attorney or other).

Skeptics Team

These are people who would love for us to be right, but are intensely skeptical, evidence based, and open to questioning any and all assumptions. If what we propose to do survives their onslaught, it has a chance.

Board of Holistic Reflection

This board is the Yin counterpart to the traditional, Yang Board of Advisors. The Board of Advisors are responsible for setting direction, establishing vision, and other active functions. The Board of Holistic Reflection is receptive, taking what is produced by the Board of Advisors, and nurturing it to its fullest potential.

The Board of Holistic Reflection will look at all of the ramifications of a given strategy, not just to the bottom line, but the holistic impact in all relevant domains, including environmental, social, health, happiness, etc. Where minor changes to a strategy may improve the holistic impacts at slight or no cost, such changes to the strategy will be part of the final implementation.

Where no such changes to the strategy can be found, or improvements in one area are offset by increased negative impacts in another, the Board of Holistic Reflection will recommend that the strategy be re-envisioned for clear overall benefit. Where business conditions require actions to be taken immediately, as soon as possible after the action is taken, the Board of Holistic Reflection will determine if the action should be allowed to stand as is, or if there is some mitigating action that should be taken for enhanced overall benefit.

History is littered with decisions by corporate and governmental boards that maximized a particular value, such as profit, at the expense of other values, such as the entity’s long-term reputation or environmental consequences. (e.g. Ford Motors’ decision on Pinto sales, and Exxon’s decision to withhold environmental findings from public awareness). A new kind of society cannot afford such shortsightedness, and this Board will be constituted and empowered to avert it, by veto if necessary.

  • Jennifer Dunne, Chair: technologist, communicator, intuitive wisdom
  • Rohit Sharma (not yet approached): disruption expert; developer of forecasting methods
  • Others to be added

The Core Operating Team

Michael Haupt, Cape Town, South Africa

Michael Haupt is the author of Postcards from 2035, a speculative fiction describing life in 2035 as experienced by the author’s real-life daughter, who will be 21 years old in 2035. It’s a mix of fact and fiction — faction. The book describes one possible positive outcome of the radical transition the world is currently experiencing.

Michael’s 22-year corporate career involved program delivery of multi-million dollar technology projects in 16 cities on 6 continents. In 2004 Michael developed an interest in marketing and self-taught himself by investing more than $150k in marketing education from some of the most successful marketers on the planet. More recently, Michael helped two Silicon Valley technology start-ups raise over $2m by telling their story more effectively. Michael has a solid track record and enviable testimonials of getting stuff done, in many disciplines and is now committed to telling a new story for humanity.

Michael lives with his 3-year old daughter in Cape Town, South Africa.

LinkedIn, Twitter, Website, Book

Jonathan Kolber, Denver, CO

Jonathan Kolber is the author of A Celebration Society, a detailed, workable solution to the looming threat of technological unemployment.

It provides a scaffolding for a society based on sustainable, technological abundance.

In 1996, Jonathan co-founded Hide and Seek Technologies, which developed and licensed the world’s first limited-play CDs and DVDs. Movies using this technology were sold in airport kiosks, at 7–11s, and delivered with pizzas.

From 2004–2008, Jonathan researched and wrote Agora Financial’s Emerging Capital Report, an international investment advisory about bleeding edge public tech companies. The subscription price was $995/year. During his tenure, readership doubled.

Subsequently, Jonathan edited the book New Money for A New World, which carefully documents the storied history and promise of complementary currencies, little-known tools that are at least as powerful as cryptocurrencies.

Seeking to understand the roots of economics, he closely studied and rewrote Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations, uncovering some surprising views held by Smith, with significance for modern society. He reduced this 1,100 page book by 77%, preserving all of Smith’s original ideas, which were kept separate from Jonathan’s notes, unlike other condensations of this book.

From 2012 to 2015, Jonathan served as co-CEO of Midas Financial, where he focused on developing better systems for customer acquisition and service.

During that same period, he researched and wrote — with significant help from his wife — A Celebration Society.

Jonathan lives with his wife Jennifer Dunne in Denver, CO.

LinkedIn, Twitter, Website, Book


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