Our Values

Our framework, principles, standards of behaviour and what is important to us

Michael Haupt
Project 2030
6 min readAug 26, 2017


These values are held by everyone involved in Project 2030.

Evolutionary & Inevitable

The rapid developments in crypto-economics and technology are important elements of humanity’s evolution. The focus of our consciousness is shifting from national to global. Technology, guided by the minds of rare individuals is birthing inevitable global governance platforms, which will ultimately supersede those of the nation state.

Shared Vision

There are dozens, hundreds or even thousands who share the same vision of planetary governance. The obvious conclusion is that the vision doesn’t belong to any individual, but is part of our planetary consciousness. We each have been given different glimpses of the vision and for those who feel called, our task is to weave separate strands of this vision together.

Read more about the noosphere.


The natural state of the universe is abundance and we need a new social contract which reflects that reality for every human on the planet.

Read more about abundance.

Direct and Participatory Democracy

We recognise that representative democracy is failing, and we commit to building a global democracy platform upon which all residents have the opportunity to participate in decisions that affect their lives and their communities.

If individuals want to take an active role in government, they must have that opportunity. Government participation needs to be simplified as much as possible, so that democracy is not onerous. Government needs to be transparent, and free of moneyed influence, parties, and gridlock.

Read more about real democracy.

Political Agnosticism

We recognise that many of the world’s problems have arisen due to a battle of ideologies. We commit to transcending every known worldview, be it capitalism, socialism, communism, or any other scarcity-based historical “ism,” by building a politically agnostic system of abundance that serves the needs of every living creature on this planet.

Instead of deriving observations from beliefs, as most “isms” do, this system will be as empirical as possible. It will derive commonly held beliefs, and especially public policy, from scientific experiments and best available evidence. Further, such policies will always be open to amendment as new evidence arises.

Read The Confession of Agnosticism.


We recognise that every human on the planet is currently enslaved to a system that most are unaware exists. (We call it The Scarcity Game.) We commit to creating a social contract which celebrates true liberty, and social systems which enable and protect that liberty.

We believe that liberty should be maximized within the context of a social contract that each competent adult has voluntarily accepted, and also accepted the responsibilities and consequences of their actions.

We believe that true liberty can only exist and endure when people know that their basic needs will be met, and that they can rely upon their fellow residents to uphold a common set of social values.

Read more about liberty.

Ecological Regeneration

We recognise that the environmental damage caused by measuring national progress by GDP has caused lasting, and in some cases irreparable, damage to the planet. We commit to designing a social contract which rewards rapid ecological regeneration.

We understand that truly sustainable ecological systems — using that phrase in the widest possible sense — are both resilient and efficient, with a greater emphasis on resiliency.

Read more about regeneration.

Peaceful World

We firmly believe that total world peace is achievable and we commit to building education systems that encourage harmony instead of division.

When differences arise, as they always do in societies, people must be given the tools to peacefully resolve conflict. These tools may include Non-violent communication, Challenge Day, and access to fair, impartial, and swift judicial process when needed.

Read more about world peace.


We accept the way things are in the world. We don’t seek to judge others, only the consequences of their actions. By better understanding the full context of actions and consequences, across all people and things affected, from personal to planetary, we believe that people will be able to make wiser decisions.


We recognise that there is much work to do and that time is not in our favour, so we work with determination and efficiency — yet also a light heart. We do not plan as is commonly practiced and we do not set arbitrary deadlines.

Recognizing that discontinuous phase transitions can and do happen unexpectedly — shifting a known system into something entirely different — we allow space for “miraculous” solutions to emerge.


We accept that this work is our calling and life-long purpose. No challenge or obstacle will sway us from achieving our vision. At the same time, we recognize that there are many paths forward, and that better paths may appear at any time. We are inspired and daily reminded of the words of Calvin Coolidge:

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” — Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States (1923–29)


We accept that we are purely the vessel and that this work is not about us. We remove our egos from every interaction, and if something is ever said that could be misinterpreted as boastful or egotistic, we accept that it is merely part of getting to know each other, or the often-imperfect process of human communication.

We accept that each and every one of us brings certain strengths and weaknesses to the party. We seek as allies people who recognize and confess this about themselves. We recognize that where one is weak, another is strong, and that the tapestry woven together is a wonder to behold: strong, flexible, and beautiful.

Individually, we are weak and limited beings, though we can still do great things. Together, however, we are a mighty and unstoppable force of Nature.


Leaders will emerge based on demonstrated vision, authority, or other skills and character. Leadership is a service, not an entitlement. Any individual’s ability to lead is directly related to other individuals’ willingness to follow.


While our multi-disciplinary work is complex, we strive for elegant simplicity in everything we produce. There is a lovely quote, often attributed to Einstein: “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.”


Beauty is something we often take for granted, except when we miss it.

There is Pattern Language, a field of architecture that identifies and includes patterns of construction, design, and community that people find pleasing. One example is the Golden Ratio, commonly found in ancient architecture.

We recognize that beauty is a matter of symmetry, and of conscious breaking of symmetry. We recognize that fractals are common in Nature, and we seek to emulate such Natural beauty when not impractical to do so.

Natural beauty will pervade our cities and villages alongside graceful architecture, with respect for ecosystems fused with safety and comfort.


We know that the most important knowledge is what we don’t know that we don’t know. We also know that what we do know is but a tiny fraction of what we don’t know. We approach the unknown with excited openness, and a sense of wonder. We hold strong opinions, but always open to amendment from better evidence.


We reluctantly accept that the current system is beyond repair and commit to imagineering an entirely new social contract from the ground up. We affirm, in a non-secular way, that certain kinds of experiences give us awe, and that awe is worth cultivating as a regular experience — whether through natural beauty, community celebrations, or spectacular artificial creations.


We leave room for, and indeed embrace, those of faith who themselves acknowledge others’ paths as equally sacred. We likewise embrace those whose only sense of the spiritual is found in Nature or the exalting behavior of human beings. All are welcome, if they will commit to uphold our shared values.


While we value rational and analytical thinking, we also recognise the value of intuition. We are comfortable making decisions based on qualified concepts arrived at without the use of reason, when there is evidentiary history to support the accuracy of such intuition.

Read more about intuition.

Purpose over Profit

The issue of money and profit is a complex topic, with many diverse viewpoints being held. However, we are unanimous in our placing of purpose as the first priority for our activities. Money and profit are a welcome consequence of our activities, but not the primary reason for our activities.


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