Phase 1: Global Educational Marketing Campaign

January 2018 to February 2020

Michael Haupt
Project 2030
4 min readAug 26, 2017


A new story for humanity

“I can only answer the question ‘What am I to do?’ if I can answer the prior question of ‘What story or stories do I find myself part of?’” — Alasdair MacIntyre

The objective of this campaign is to inspire a minimum of 1 billion individuals with a vision of a bright alternative future. It is required to reach at least a billion people because only once 10% of a population is committed to an idea, is it inevitable that it will eventually become the prevailing opinion of the entire group — in this case; the planet.

No traditional marketing techniques will be used. Instead we will use the power of celebrities and their followers to conduct a coordinated social media campaign. The intention is to get people talking, looking for “the next big thing”. The question that drives our thinking behind a campaign like this is:

“Can the world’s culture be shaped by a skilled conductor, where social media is the orchestra?”

Nothing on this scale has ever been done. It will require significant resources as well as extraordinary leadership and management. The audacity alone should help to create a massive, “viral buzz”.

Example: some of the 100 individuals with the largest Twitter followings simultaneously tweet that “something big is coming” with a unique hash tag. This teaser campaign can unfold over many months.

The first objective is education: showing followers that the system is broken, and that it is possible to build a new system without fighting the existing one. The third objective is to generate $325 million through a crowdfunding campaign. The third objective is to get at least a 200 million sign-ups for one’s Human Unique Identifier (HUID).

The campaign will culminate with the launch of the 1st Global Reboot Humanity Symposium.

We have many successful product launches to model. One campaign that particularly inspired us was the book and movie release of The Secret in 2006. The product wasn’t necessarily the appeal, but the marketing campaign was impressive. We anticipate eclipsing the results of their campaign many times over.

Marketing Service Providers

We anticipate retaining the services of the following individuals, chosen because of their exceptional track records in building and marketing digital products and because of their desire to do good.

  • Mike Koenigs, San Diego based marketing consultant to celebrities and best-selling authors.
  • Ed Rush, San Diego based CEO advisor and business builder who has worked closely with Mike Koenigs.
  • Pamela Hendrickson, San Diego based expert on creating digital products. Previously Vice President of Content & Product Development at the Anthony Robbins Companies and has also worked with Mike Koenigs.
  • Rhonda Byrnes, the creator of The Secret. Since she has chosen a more private life, we will have to reach her through Janet Attwood, who runs a network of activists.
  • Sebastian Buck, CEO of Enso, an agency that produces mission-driven branding.
  • Srdja Popovic, Serbian political activist. author of Blueprint for Revolution and founder of The Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS).
  • Stewart Brand, author of The Whole Earth Catalog and ecological activist.


Phase 1a: Icons (2017)

The objective of this phase is to identify, approach and engage one to five iconic global personal brands to add their names to the Symposium so as to increase credibility. Examples include:

Phase 1b: Affiliates (2018)

The objective of this phase is to get on board at least 1,000 affiliates, starting with the already identified 300 groups and individuals already active in the social space. On the advice and guidance of the team, we may extend the affiliate program to existing established internet marketers, who have significant reach.

Phase 1c: Public (2019)

The objective of this phase is to reach at least 1bn individuals and generate at least $325m in revenue in the run-up to the launch of the Symposium.


The public engagement with the Symposium will generate the majority of the anticipated $325m income, on a freemium model with the following products available:

  • Free, unlimited access to streaming video of the event;
  • Downloadable video’s and PDF’s;
  • Shipped, physical items like DVD’s, books and reports;
  • A full-length documentary after the event;
  • Training programs, both online and in-house;
  • Consulting services;
  • Crowdfunding in the form of donations.

Ideas for Incentives

  • All expenses paid trip to attend the Symposium
  • Thorough coaching course to prepare leaders for 2030

Phase 1d: Symposium Planning (2018–2020)

The objective of this phase is to prepare an awesome, awe-filled celebratory week-long deliberation for 500 of the brightest and most passionate social activists and technology experts. The event will be a no-expense spared luxury tented safari in South Africa, live-streamed to the followers of the marketing campaign.

Subsequent Phases

  • Phase 2: Preparing Leaders & Tech
  • Phase 3: Building a Celebration Society


Find out about our progress to date, see the FAQ’s or the full Project 2030 proposal.


