How to Vote in the Wyvern ERC20 Poll

Project Wyvern
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2017


As mentioned previously, Project Wyvern is holding a tokenholder vote to determine the future development direction of the project — we’ve put together what we think is the best path forward, but the final decision is up to you, the tokenholders and stakeholders in the protocol.

We’ve received a few questions about voting and wanted to offer clarification on our motivations, as well as explain the process and cover step-by-step what you need to do in order to vote with your WYV.

Motivation / Poll Implementation

First, this is an off-chain poll — the current Wyvern implementation does not offer any form of on-chain governance. As developers, we’re simply choosing to honor the wishes of the Wyvern tokenholders. That’s part of the reason why we want to move Wyvern to the Ethereum chain, where viable on-chain governance is a real possibility.

Second, although this poll is off-chain, it is trustless — anyone can verify the results themselves (and we’ve put the code we’re using to display current voting statistics up on Github, so it’s easy to do so if you wish). Each user voting in the poll must prove ownership of their Wyvern address by signing their vote, true or false, to support or oppose the proposal. Votes are counted according to the current Wyvern balance of each address (not at the time of voting, so votes from a Wyvern address which then sends its coins elsewhere will no longer count).

How to Vote

You’ll need to have your Wyvern in a wallet that you control directly — so if you currently hold Wyvern on an exchange, move it to your wallet. If you need to install a wallet, you can find information on available wallets on our website.

The next step is to decide how you wish to vote! Read over the official proposal and check out the information page for the proposed WYV token. Feel free to ask any questions you might have on our Slack or via Twitter.

Once you’ve decided, you’ll need to sign your vote with your Wyvern address to prove your stake. Your vote will have a weight proportional to the amount of Wyvern you hold. Sign the message “true”, if you wish support the proposal, or “false”, if you wish to oppose it. If you’re running the QT wallet, check out this guide to signing a message; if you’re running wyvernd in Docker, you’ll need to use the “signmessage” command.

Finally, submit your Wyvern address along with the base64-encoded signature you just created on — in a few seconds, the webpage should update and the new totals should reflect your vote!

