Wyvern Weekly Dev Update #2: 26/12/17

Project Wyvern
Published in
2 min readDec 26, 2017


This is the second in the weekly Project Wyvern development update series. If you missed the inaugural update, find it here. Updates will usually be published on Mondays; this one was delayed a day due to the holiday.


  • SmartDec, who was contracted by Project Wyvern to review the WYV ERC20 token and Wyvern DAO Solidity contracts, has gotten back to us with a few minor issues which we’ve since fixed in the repository. The other auditor has yet to respond; we’re in talks with a third, but given the positive result of the first audit we’re going to set a token port date: block 315000, in about a week and a half. You can follow the countdown at port.projectwyvern.com.
  • We’ve updated the Project Wyvern landing page to highlight the Wyvern Exchange and provide a simple overview of expected exchange functionality. Check out the new site at projectwyvern.com and let us know what you think. An exchange beta UI will be forthcoming around the time of the token port, but we want to make sure the port goes smoothly before releasing the exchange.
  • The Wyvern DAO web UI (desktop only for now) is now running on Ethereum’s Rinkeby testnet. If you’d like to test it out, you can get some testnet DAO tokens at faucet.projectwyvern.com — you’ll need Metamask installed and connected to Rinkeby. Once you have testnet DAO tokens, you can vote on this example proposal, play around with vote delegation, or create your own proposal.


  • The Project Wyvern Slack has been discontinued. Find our Riot chat by searching “Project Wyvern” in the Riot.im room directory, directly joining #projectwyvern.matrix.org, or clicking this webapp link.

Happy holidays and best regards,

— The Project Wyvern Team

