Wyvern Weekly Dev Update #5: 15/01/18

Project Wyvern
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2018


This is the fifth in the weekly Project Wyvern development update series. If you missed the last update, find it here.


  • ERC20 token redemption has gone smoothly so far. At the time of this post, 1.11 million WYV tokens have been claimed out of 1.86 million (the total supply at block 315000 of the old chain) available — about 60%. You can check the current statistics on Etherscan (totalRedeemed / maximumRedeemable). The Ethereum gas market continues to fluctuate, but prices have been more reasonable the past few days. If you’re not in a hurry, we suggest simply submitting a transaction with the gas price you’re willing to pay and waiting (make sure your Ethereum wallet is configured to rebroadcast the transaction until it is mined).
  • WYV has been added to the Parity Ethereum wallet token registry. If you use Parity, any WYV you hold should show up as follows:
(your amount may differ)
  • Our pull request to add WYV to Metamask has been accepted; as soon as Metamask releases a new extension version the Wyvern logo will show up whenever you interact with the Wyvern token contract or Wyvern DAO contract.
  • The first Wyvern DAO proposal has been passed unanimously. This proposal, suggested by MCFX2 in the Wyvern developer chat, changed the threshold required to submit future proposals to the Wyvern DAO to just 10 WYV — so if you have at least that much, you can submit a proposal yourself. Even if you don’t, you can still create a proposal suggestion using the WDP repository on Github and ask someone to submit it for you. The process is still a bit onerous at the moment, but the DAO is fully functional. We’ll be releasing additional documentation and tutorials over the next few weeks.
  • The Wyvern DAO is now listed on StateOfTheDApps.
  • Exchange beta coming later this week. The smart contracts are ready, we’re just finishing up the web frontend. Stay tuned!


  • We’re still working with CoinExchange to facilitate porting user balances to the new ERC20 token. They have been receptive, but seem to be extremely busy with general technical issues. The exact timeline is in their control, not ours — so if you have questions about it, please contact them.
  • Per request, Wyvern now has a Telegram announcement channel.


— The Project Wyvern Team

