Wyvern Weekly Dev Update #6: 22/01/18

Project Wyvern
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2018


This is the sixth in the weekly Project Wyvern development update series. If you missed the last update, find it here.


  • 1.28 million WYV tokens have been claimed out of 1.86 million available. Ethereum gas prices are pretty reasonable at the moment, so now’s a good time to claim your tokens if you haven’t already.
  • The Wyvern Exchange alpha webapp has been released, running on Ethereum’s Rinkeby testnet. Check out the UI at exchange.projectwyvern.com. Expect partial functionality; we’ll be pushing changes over the next week as we finalize the UI/UX. Feedback welcome!
  • We’ve released the first draft of wyvern-schemas, a common repository of nonfungible asset schema specifications that will be used by the Wyvern Exchange. Take a look at an example schema. Since the Wyvern Protocol supports any asset that can be transferred with an Ethereum transaction, all you’ll need in order to add a new asset to the Wyvern Exchange is a schema file for the asset you want to add.
  • We’ve also released the first draft of wyvern-js, a user-friendly Typescript library for interfacing with the Wyvern Protocol smart contracts, which is already utilized by the Exchange web application.


  • WYV now shows up correctly on Etherscan, and our pull request to add it to MyEtherWallet has been merged.
  • Unfortunately, users who held Wyvern on CoinExchange prior to block 315000 are still unable to withdraw it, as the exchange has not yet completed the token port. We’ve offered to provide technical support, but communication latency has been high. We’ll keep pursuing a solution — if anyone has personal contacts at CoinExchange who could help push the process forward, please email team@projectwyvern.com


— The Project Wyvern Team

