Final Chapter — Completing a Gig

Rahul Bhattacharya
Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2018

Ok till now we have covered a lot. Any one new to this blog, please refer to my previous blogs on what is Prolet and how it works. Till now we have covered how we can democratically create teams, bid on teams etc.. Now say our team has worked hard and finished whatever was required from the Gig, and we are ready to submit and get paid. That again has to be done in spirit of Prolet, democratically.

Initiate a Completion Request

Any one in the team at any time before the end date of the Gig, can create a completion request. He needs to go to the detail page of the project and click on “REQUEST COMPLETION”. He enters the URL of the project artifact, that the team has created and clicks on Submit. Again as this is on the blockchain he needs to pay a tiny transaction fees, through Metamask.

Now the other user in the team, when he logs in, he sees a pending vote under “Project completion requests”. Say now he approves the request.

Once the transaction is successful, the Gig status will become “COMPLETION REPORTED” and will change color from green to blue. The Gig owner will also see 2 buttons “ACCEPT & PAY” and “REJECT SOLUTION”. Lets say the Gig owner looks at the artifact link and likes the solution. He clicks on “ACCEPT & PAY”. A popup opens up asking the Gig owner to rate the team. He gives them a great rating and clicks “COMPLETE”.

Once the transaction goes through, project status will show “COMPLETED” and the color will change from blue to red. If the team members go to their profile they will see their rating has changed (rating is computed by calculating the average rating from all finished projects). Also this project will be listed as finished project. If he checks his funds, he should see 0.5 ether added(team reward was 1 ether divided between 2 team members).

One important thing to note, that this rating becomes important, when the user applies for membership into other teams. The team members can look at this rating to decide if they would approve/deny the membership request. Also the Gig owner while deciding which bid to accept, can look at each team’s members ratings and skills, to decide how strong the team is. Therefore eventually this can be a better alternative to current interview processes to evaluate applicants.


In the last few blogs we went through the end to end lifecycle of a democratically managed project in Prolet. Prolet is currently running on and as i mentioned its in the Rinkeby test net. Its a very early proof of concept version and therefore has lots of bugs, but i am working on ironing them out as fast as possible. If you like what you see please don’t forgot to clap/follow etc. Please leave comments if you would like things to be altered, improved upon etc.

Also remember i always need help to sustain coding on these projects.

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Rahul Bhattacharya

Author of skywayfinder app to navigate skyways. working on different things including blockchain, iot, Kafka, k8s