A Game of Phones

Yuna Wang
@ Promoted
Published in
1 min readAug 3, 2022

Hi, I’m Yuna Wang, mistress of bad puns and mobile engineering at Promoted.ai. Earlier in my career, I was a tech lead/manager on Google Maps for iPhone, where I led a team of 12 developers. Maps was one of the biggest apps at Google, with tens of millions of DAU and hundreds of thousands of lines of code. From riding transit for a user study in Sao Paolo to piling 5 people into a Jetta for the first ever Google Maps CarPlay session to bugs that brought the secret service to our offices, working on that team was a humbling, thrilling, and enlightening experience.

Now that I’m at Promoted, I want to continue being a champion for excellence in mobile, not only at our company, but also at our partners when it’s needed. In that spirit, I’d like to share some of my experience as an iOS developer.

Many engineering leaders underestimate the difficulty of building for a mobile marketplace. If your eng leadership doesn’t have experience in mobile, then even if they’re amazing and talented senior engineers, they can still make critical mistakes early on in your app’s development. Many of these mistakes are very difficult or costly to walk back, even years after a successful launch. In my next series of posts, I’ll go over the mistakes I have seen most often, and talk about what I would have done differently.

Posts in the Series

  1. A Game of Phones
  2. Mobile Multiplatform
  3. Lessons Learned from Google Mobile: Apps Need Instrumentation



Yuna Wang
@ Promoted

Mistress of bad puns and mobile engineering at Promoted.ai. Former tech lead/manager at Google Maps for iOS.