A circle of lights

A late-comer to the Coffee Challenge; Why I am pro-shout-out movement.

Neera Handa Dr
Promptly Written


Photo by Bart LaRue on Unsplash

I’m a later comer in most things in life. And I’m late for this competition/challenge, yes, late by a day. My usual story.

Well, I’m not in the race, but I just wanted to still say that why I’m a shout out supporter, because I am.

What a great thing it is, to give a ‘Shout out’, to celebrate someone.

It is a salute to acknowledge someone, and tell them publicly, that they are great!

My introduction to the positivity of the word, ‘shout’ had itself come as a surprise when being very new in Australia, I was finding out new meanings of many words in the ‘cultural’ context of this country.

One evening, after class, my classmates decided to go to the pub, close to our university and being new in the country, and the culture, I was reluctant to go, when a friend said to me, “come on, I’d shout you a drink!” and totally confused me. And later, I also found out that after a round of drinks, it becomes someone else’s shout!

It naturally meant, I will buy you the drink, and then it is your shout, meaning it is your turn to buy the next round of drinks!



Neera Handa Dr
Promptly Written

Top writer in poetry & Sustainability, compulsive writer, reading, writing just about anything. I write daily, have published a PhD, a book & academic articles.