Cultivating a Relationship

Growing a beautiful relationship as a team

Christine Graves
Promptly Written


Photo by Pierre Herman on Unsplash

As I perused Ravyne Hawke’s latest Monthly Theme post, I couldn’t believe the number of ideas that just started popping up. Now keep in mind, I’m not just saying this because she’s the boss and I’m a kiss-ass. I’m serious.

Though the whole piece set off some cool vibes, it was the last of her sparks that really caught my attention. It was about Cultivating Relationships. There was just something about those words that caused my muse to stir.

Write a poem or essay on the theme — Cultivating relationships

I’m a country girl living in rural BFE, (go ahead, look it up). I know a thing or two about cultivation. I have corn and bean fields surrounding my house. So here’s my take on cultivating a relationship.

First and foremost, you’ve got to start with a solid foundation of fertile soil. Make sure that you’re willing to put in the time and effort that it will take to grow a deep and meaningful relationship. It takes a lot of hard work and everyone involved MUST be willing to do their part.

Next, you’ve got to till the soil. Get rid of all the crap that can damage your relationship. Sticks and stones can, and will, cause severe damage and need to be tossed out. Your foundation needs plenty of kindness and…



Promptly Written
Promptly Written

Published in Promptly Written

Promptly Written is the place to find prompts for all your writing needs. Monthly themes and weekly prompts will be made available. Snag only the ones you like. Write whenever, wherever the mood strikes you.

Christine Graves
Christine Graves

Written by Christine Graves

Mother, grandmother, poet, storyteller, crafter, history freak, and classic smartass. EIC: Enticing the Muse, Amusing Responses, and In Another Reality.