Drunk Light

A poem about the sun forgetting to rise

Paul Leonidou
Promptly Written


Photo by Robson Hatsukami Morgan on Unsplash

The sun is still drunk. It’s forgotten to rise –
To light up the day and paint blue in the skies.
The onset of dawn is pushed back and delayed,
The birds of the morn are defied and dismayed

And nature is waiting for morning to break
But morning’s unbroken. The night stays awake
And night’s getting tired and longing for sleep
With dreamers to follow and shadows to keep.

And twilight grows nervous; she’s still centerstage;
She’s run out of words to recite from the page.
Her time in the spotlight, by now, should be done
She cannot think clearly, Lord, where is the sun?

The world is still waiting and holding its breath
And time’s hanging frozen and frightened to death.
The sun must awaken and take to the sky
Or rituals crumble and nature will die.

We call on the sun-gods to light up the day
Oh, Helios, why has your light gone away?
Surya, Mithra, Arinna they speak,
‘So this is what happens when we oversleep!’

I wrote this poem when I got an idea about the sun overlseeping and forgetting to wake up. The next day, I looked at Christine GravesWeekly Prompts and the poetry prompt was: Set your senses free — The mountains at dawn. I love it when ideas connect like this on their own.

Paul Leonidou ©2022



Paul Leonidou
Promptly Written

London based singer, songwriter and composer for tv and advertising. Bipolar - sharing my experiences, creations & poetry.