For The Little Things Of Life

Gratitude Journal — Day 25

Ravyne Hawke
Promptly Written


Some days, like today, I am overcome with gratitude over the simplest and smallest of things. Like waking up from a nap to find Mr. Shugs McGroo sleeping on top of me with his paws stretched out around my neck. Or the generous nature of my spouse using tuning fork therapy on me when s/he notices I need to rest (for some reason, the tones put me sound to sleep). Or an early morning email from a newfound friend who feels like I’ve known him all my life.

I am grateful for the delicious cup of coffee that began my day and the iced herbal tea that will end it. I am grateful for the dinner of roasted vegetables, with a side of strawberries for dessert. And I am grateful for the almond-nog with a shot of brandy that has relaxed me and deadened the pain in my limbs.

I am grateful to read so many fantastic stories and poems from the gifted writers of PW and around Medium.

I am grateful to all my family and friends who wished me a blissful day of gratitude (most of them know I do not celebrate Thanksgiving much like I don’t celebrate Columbus Day — all due to the fact that I feel blessed to have Indigenous blood coursing through my veins and I celebrate them rather than the Europeans who stole everything from them).

And finally, I am grateful to the Creator for giving me one more glorious day upon this Earth to connect with others, to exchange love, peace, and kindness with them all around the world.

These little things of life make it worthwhile.

©2021 Lori Carlson. All Rights Reserved.

This is in response to the November Monthly Theme prompt — Keep a 30-day Gratitude journal. I am aiming to commit to this. Wish me luck!

I’ve amassed a nice size list of work that leaves me in awe. I used to write appreciation lists, but I no longer have the time. I still keep the list though and it continues to grow. Check it out and maybe you will find a few awe-inspiring stories you’d like to keep too!

Lori Carlson writes Poetry, Fiction, Articles, Creative Non-Fiction, and Personal Essays. Most of her topics are centered around Relationships, Spirituality, Life Lessons, Mental Health, Nature, Loss, Death, and the LGBTQ+ community. She is the Owner/Editor of Promptly Written and Not For Bedtime Stories. Check out her personal Medium blog here.



Ravyne Hawke
Promptly Written

Writing Coach, Poet, Fiction Writer, Essayist, Artist, Dreamer | “Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it is the Ocean” ~Thich Nhat Hanh