The Crescent Moon at Midnight

Poetry prompt response

Alistair J. Kraft
Promptly Written


Photo from credit to Cheolmin Kim

The crescent moon at midnight
is a sly smile, patient,
aware of being watched by
the eyes of so many lovers.

Ah, but the crescent at four a.m., that
is more wistful, mysterious,
shining down on the broken, the sad,
the dreamers who only dream
with open eyes focused distantly
at light made cold with the hour.

The crescent moon is the light
of the wakeful lover, the wrecked and


Thanks for the prompt Christine Graves

Been a while, but I hope it satisfies.



Alistair J. Kraft
Promptly Written

Poet, writer, pet parent, goth, unrepentant 90s kid and unabashed geek