These 10 AI-Generated Writing Prompts Are LIES

“AI DIDN’T Make Me Do It” Writing Prompts Part 3

Dr. Casey Lawrence
Promptly Written
Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2023


Photo by Caitlyn de Wild on Unsplash

Artificial Intelligence has a long way to go when it comes to factual accuracy. ChatGPT loves to spit out true-sounding statements that are demonstrably incorrect, like that sailfish are the fastest marine mammal. The sailfish is not a mammal, but that won’t stop ChatGPT from doubling down and defending or repeating its false claims when it lacks necessary context or background information. In effect, ChatGPT is a bullshitter — and a pretty persuasive liar!

For today’s installment of my promptilicious segment “AI Made Me Do It,” I’ve asked ChatGPT to “lie to me” in order to generate 10 factually incorrect statements that can be used as writing prompts.

Part 1: Prompts About Artificial Intelligence
Part 2: Prompts About Love

Keep reading, because there’s a piece of cake with your name on it at the bottom of this article!

How This Works

  • Use the following prompts to write anything you’d like: a short story, flash fiction, poem, article, creative nonfiction, etc. Use the prompt in its entirety or change whatever you’d like; it’s up to you!
  • Submit your response here at Promptly Written (please follow the submission guidelines) where it will be edited by yours truly, Casey Lawrence**, to other any publication, or self-publish it.
  • If you publish your story somewhere on Medium other than PW, make sure to include a link to the prompt at the bottom of your story and tag me (Casey) so that I don’t miss out!
  • Have fun!

“AI Made Me Do It”: 10 Writing Prompts that are LIES (maybe)

  1. There’s a portal to another dimension in your sock drawer.
  2. The world’s most famous works of art are actually forgeries, and the real masterpieces are hidden away somewhere.
  3. Stars are just tiny holes in the sky that let us see into another dimension.
  4. The Earth is actually flat and controlled by a secret society of Flat Earth enthusiasts.
  5. The monsters under the bed are real and are plotting to take over the world.
  6. The Bermuda Triangle is actually a portal to an alternate universe.
  7. The world’s most famous landmarks are actually portals to other dimensions.
  8. The world’s oceans are home to underwater aliens.
  9. Dreams are actually glimpses into parallel universes.
  10. Cats can understand and speak every human language fluently, they just prefer not to.

AI generated the above prompts. I select the prompts to include in the post from several chats, and exclude any I find boring, offensive, or derivative (i.e., too close to existing IP or another prompt).

For unknown reasons, several of the “lies” it decided to tell me involved portals to other dimensions/universes. The AI must like speculative fiction! I think these are some of the best prompts I’ve gotten it to come up with. Let me know in the comments if you’d like me to try “AI lies to me” again in a future post! (Maybe with fewer portals.)


Here are ten AI-generated ‘micro-prompts’. You can use them as part of your response to the prompts above, or as writing prompts in their own right!

  1. Flying pigs
  2. Alone together
  3. Sweet sorrow
  4. Two suns
  5. Cold fire
  6. Lawful evil
  7. Clearly murky
  8. Act natural
  9. Open secret
  10. Wise fool

If you have topics you’d like me to suggest to ChatGPT for creating writing prompts, put them in the comments!

P.S. The cake is a lie. I’m sorry you had to find out this way. 🍰

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**To respect my time, note that I will only edit small issues, such as minor spelling and punctuation mistakes, tags, or formatting. If a story requires extensive editing, I will leave a Private Note and reject the piece for you to edit. You may resubmit the piece once it has been properly edited according to the Promptly Written submission guidelines.



Dr. Casey Lawrence
Promptly Written

Canadian author of three LGBT YA novels. PhD from Trinity College Dublin. Check out my lists for stories by genre/type.