Mike and Gary discuss Dr Strange

Proper Villains
Published in
6 min readNov 7, 2016

Instead of filling the Internet with yet another boring movie review, Mike and Gary have transcribed their post-movie thoughts in a completely raw, rambling and long-winded post for your enjoyment (aggravation). Today they share their thoughts on the brand new Marvel film, Dr Strange. Beware — #spoilers ahead.

Where does Dr Strange rank among other Marvel movies for you?

I think, for now, it solidly sits top 5… I wasn’t a huge Dr. Strange fan before the film came out, but the story/writing and the effects made me a believer.

He’s not a typical Marvel hero. He hasn’t lost his parents. He isn’t fighting some vendetta. He just loses his sense of self.

I look at him like Thor or the Hulk… they don’t have complex back-stories. And as a result, their movies and cinematic storylines can suffer (i.e. don’t love the Thor movies, and the Hulk has struggled to be a standalone film hit). But I think the writers nailed a solid origin story here.

And he didn’t come about his powers in some science experiment gone wrong or secret government project. It’s really more about hard work, discipline and skill.

Exactly. This could have been all about the effects. Ooooh. Magic! But while the effects were amazing, and helped a lot, I think the story held up.

Overall, Marvel has the formula. The same way Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg have figured out how to make their DC characters succeed on TV, Marvel can’t help but succeed with their properties.

I’ve seen a lot of people slag it for leaning too much on the ‘origin’ story thing, but I think it works here. It’s not revolutionary but it certainly sets up the motivations and characters nicely.

I don’t think you can understand Mordo and is character journey (not to get too spoiler-y) without it.

They ‘get’ their properties. They understand the characters. And they won’t let a director muck with that. I agree… this was an origin story and that was essential. We needed it. Needed the build up and development.

Movies like Suicide Squad missed the mark. They are fun and explosive, but I don’t think the director(s) take the time to truly understand the characters. Doctor Strange seemed true to the source material, while optimizing for the big screen at the same time.

Strange could have also really suffered and/or mucked up the bad guy… Marvel does struggle with bad guys sometimes, but I think Mads Mikkelsen did a great job here. He is a great antagonist. The Ancient One/Tilda Swinton also provided some good conflict. Layer in Dormamu and I think the formula really came together.

Where do you think it fell down, if at all? #Spoilers

If I had to pick a flaw, it would be with the one-dimensional bad guy. As good as Mads Mikkelsen was as Kaecilius, I would love to see more depth to a bad guy beyond him wanting more power. Captain America Civil War achieved that with amazing effect in Baron Zemo and his motivations. Would like to see something more interesting than the power-hungry antagonist.

Agreed, although I think that’s why they needed layered antagonists and other conflict. Dormamu as the penultimate evil, Mads as the here-and-now big bad who is motivated by relatively simple triggers. Power. Immortality. Debunking the hypocrisy of the Ancient One …

Good point re: Zemo. A more subtle antagonist, rather than a super-powered, all-encompassing one?

I think you can have both, but the best bad guys are the ones you almost want to root for, right? Loki was one (from Thor and Avengers).

For sure. Someone you can relate to, in a way… Mads was close, for me. But you’re right.

As far as other things to pick on, I think the Rachel McAdams character was essential, but I feel they didn’t use her as well as they could have. She needed to be there, but I feel like she was hampered by the storyline. Sure, she was the humanizing factor for Strange, but I think she played too much as the token love interest.

How would I have used her better? That would likely have added another hour to the movie :wink: She did help him understand that he was more than just his career, but it seemed a little thrown in.

Yeah — for all the controversy around white-washing the Ancient One in Tilda Swinton, I think the big issues was another marginalized female character. #Spoilers — she’s a super-qualified ER doctor, and yet she couldn’t even save Dr Strange on the operating table without his spirit-form coaching her through it.

As great an actress as Rachel McAdams is, was she integral to the story?

Hm. Integral. I don’t think the movie would have been as good without her. I don’t think he would have been able to come to his know-thyself moment without her. I think it could have been better if she was a stronger character, kind of like (Rosario Dawson’s) Night Nurse in Daredevil… but you’re right. McAdams is a heavy hitter for this role. Could someone else have pulled it off? She was definitely cute/winsome, but I didn’t really believe that they would have been together for all of my talk of her being necessary for his self realization.

In a movie filled with heavy-hitters, who were your standout performances?

(Benedict Wong) and Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor) for sure. CumberBIATCH did a great job, but some English actors can really pull off the American accent… some I can completely forget that they’re English, like Andrew Lincoln (Rick from The Walking Dead). But CumberBIATCH was difficult for me.

I really liked Tilda Swinton. I think she’s exceptional, and versatile in a way no other actor is. I have zero problem with her casting in that role and she owned every scene she was in.

I agree. Although I almost feel like she is now typecast in that weird androgynous character mold. Constantine? Either way. She was great. I totally agree.

I will say — of all the casting choices — I think there were stronger candidates for Dr Strange. Cumberbatch felt like a safe choice.

As far as where this one sits on my list of favourite Marvel Movies, I’m torn. It’s different than Ant Man. Better? Worse? They are such completely different stories and experiences. As I said, it definitely sits on the top 5 from an enjoyment and story-well-told perspective.

Marvel is suffering from its own success. Apart from 1 or 2 missteps, there haven’t been any real flops. So when one comes out that’s good — or even great — people feel let down.

Civil War had a complex story line, was packed with characters and turned the super hero trope on its head. So when you follow it up with something that goes back to the formula, people don’t feel wowed. I guess that’s fair.

Totally agree. And I think they’re being true to the properties and the Marvel Universe storylines they’re working with. Unlike Bryan Singer and the X-Men, I feel that the storylines that are being pumped out in the Avengers universe are true(r) to the properties and super appealing to fans and neophytes alike.

So what are your closing thoughts on Dr Strange? Recommend it?

Would recommend highly. It’s a must see as far as Marvel Superhero movies go… I think, like Ant Man, it does an amazing job of introducing a character not many are familiar with and builds a great origin story that will help support the other storylines they are pursuing.

I think Ant Man is a great comparison — a more obscure character that could have failed miserably but becomes a pretty compelling new addition to the Marvel Studios family. While it doesn’t reinvent the superhero mold a la Civil War, it’s definitely entertaining. Plus — completely new action scenes we haven’t seen before.

And something they can definitely grow/expand upon… Movies like Suicide Squad are designed, it seems, to be one off hits. Which is fine, but I think comic fans appreciate (and expect) a larger story arc.

So to recap - Dr Strange = good but F the DC Universe and Suicide Squad ;)

Def didn’t love Suicide Squad, much to my dismay! Loved the characters. Hated the story and how they were all brought together. That said… Like Marvel on Netflix, I’m loving DC on the CW! Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, Legends: all good.



Proper Villains

Digital Marketing consultant and Principal at East End Digital. Blogger, speaker and lover of tech, gadgets and vinyl (records).Snapchat me — garyaedgar