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Personal Development

Prosperity & Success
Prosperity & Success
Real-world articles on manifesting prosperity in your life
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Double Up for Personal Development

Home | Blog | Double Up for Personal Development

By Randy Gage in Critical Thinking, Success, Prosperity.

The human body — your human body — needs exercise every day. It needs cardiovascular stimulation to remain…

One Step Closer…

Home | Blog | One Step Closer…

By Randy Gage in Critical Thinking, Success, Prosperity.

The world of personal growth and self-development sometimes seems to be eternally omphaloskeptic. Everyone is special and enjoys the contemplation of their…

Inner Peace and Outer Peace

Home | Blog | Inner Peace and Outer Peace

By Randy Gage in Prosperity.

We live in tumultuous times. There are wars and natural disasters, political divisiveness and hate. It can be hard to remember that peace is always possible…

The Virtue to Lead…

Home | Blog | The Virtue to Lead…

By Randy Gage in Critical Thinking, Success.

I just finished the 1,248thbook I’ve read on leadership. (Give or take one or ten.) Leadership books are actually a cottage industry these days. Too bad so many of…