Singapore LGBTQ-Affirming Counsellors and Support Channels To Reach Out To For Help

Kyle from Prout
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2020
Photo by Ruan Richard on Unsplash

For LGBTQ+ folk in Singapore who need to reach out to queer-affirming channels and providers for help, we have compiled a list of such channels here.

This post is a continuation of “Where To Get LGBT Support & Counselling In Asia: Hotlines To Call To Find Help”, expanding on LGBTQ-affirming providers in Singapore that provide other services instead of helplines.

This list includes providers that offer counselling services and befriending support. These providers are sometimes staffed by volunteers, so do take note of this when reaching out.

Prout is also working together with Singapore LGBTQ+ community groups Pink Dot SG and Sayoni to crowdsource an extensive list of LGBTQ-affirming mental health professionals from folks who have received the care and services of such professionals.

If you would like to get advice specific to your case, please drop the following profiles a direct message on Instagram to find out more:

Stay anonymous but connected with LGBTQ+ news and events in Singapore and Asia every Monday and Thursday. Join our Telegram channel at

Singapore LGBTQ-Affirming Support Providers: List of Channels

  1. Oogachaga

Oogachaga provides counselling for LGBTQ+ folk in Singapore in the form of WhatsApp, email and face-to-face services. For more, please visit their link here.

2. Brave Spaces

Brave Spaces provides counselling for LBTQ+ women in Singapore in the form of a helpline. For more, please visit their list of services here.

3. Sayoni

Sayoni currently is working with Brave Spaces to organise a Relief and Resilience Fund which includes an online peer support group and face-to-face counselling sessions for LGBTQ+ folk in Singapore affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Click here to apply for the Relief and Resilience Fund for LGBTQ+ Persons.

4. Alicia Community Centre

Alicia Community Centre, part of The T Project, provides professional counselling for transgender folks in Singapore in a face-to-face setting. For more, please visit their link here.

5. TransBefrienders

TransBefrienders is a befriender service for transgender folks in Singapore considering or facing issues with transitioning in Singapore. To apply for befriending support, please visit their link here.

6. Heart Knocks Counselling

Heart Knocks Counselling provides counselling sessions for LGBTQ+ folk in Singapore in either face-to-face or phone call settings. For more, please visit their link here.

7. provides a peer-led programme for GBQ+ men in Singapore under 25 called Pink Carpet Y. For more, please visit their link here.

8. Young Out Here

Young Out Here is working on providing an open support group called Our Queer Conversations for LGBTQ+ youth in Singapore. For more, please follow them on Instagram for the launch announcement.

9. SGRainbow

SGRainbow provides a peer-led programme for GBQ+ Malay and/or Muslim men in Singapore in the form of Jejaka. For more, please visit their link here.

10. The Healing

The Healing provides counselling for LGBTQ+ folk in Singapore that are dealing with issues that are about and/or intersect with Muslim faith. For more, please visit their link here.

Is there another LGBTQ-affirming support provider in Singapore that we haven’t covered? Let us know in the comments below.

Stay anonymous but connected with LGBTQ+ news and events in Singapore and Asia every Monday and Thursday. Join our Telegram channel at

