(Improving) Dyssomnia in People With Autism

Approximately 19–25% of the Dutch population has sleep problems (dyssomnia), compared to 40–80% of people with autism.[Source (Dutch): Wessels, L., Wijnker-Holmes, B., Wierda, M. & Begeer, S. (2015). Voorspellers van slaapproblemen bij volwassenen met…


The Role of (in)Active Neurons in Creativity

Less deactivated neurons → higher semantic distances → more creativity?

Everything written in the following is speculative.

Pyramid of Maslow: This Will Make Your Articles Triumph Easily


Pyramid of Maslow: How This Proven Model Will Make Your Articles Triumph Easily


Uncertainty-Reducing Behavior: What It Is and How To Deal With It The “Right” Way

Psychology and Neuroscience

Part One: Cocktail Party Effect and Selection Theories of Attention