Go to Public Media in the Age of Autonomous Vehicles
Public Media in the Age of Autonomous Vehicles
Exploring the opportunities autonomous vehicles present for public media. Icon credit: Self Driving Car by Luis Prado from the Noun Project
Note from the editor

Exploring the opportunities autonomous vehicles present for public media. Icon credit: Self Driving Car by Luis Prado from the Noun Project

Go to the profile of Kristen Muller
Kristen Muller
Chief Content Officer,Southern California Public Radio
Go to the profile of Liz Danzico
Liz Danzico
Part designer, part educator, full-time dog owner. Creative director @NPR. Chair @svaixd. Bobulated.
Go to the profile of Umbreen Bhatti
Umbreen Bhatti
I run the Athena Center at Barnard. Previously, I ran KQED’s innovation lab.