Weekly update —August 24

Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2018

Hey, Publicans! Great to see you with us! Let's get you up to speed!

Publica on the Nasdaq billboard in Times Square

No it's not photoshop — this is for REAL!

A sight to behold - without a doubt! Publica together with our new partners — Morgan James Publishing was featured on the big Nasdaq billboard in New York Times Square.

We are super excited about this as it is both pleasant to see Publica's name in such an iconic place and it could bring a lot more people to Publica!


Publica mentioned in Forbes

Publica got a pretty huge mention in an article on Forbes!

Recently Publica shared center stage in the article “Can Blockchain Disrupt The E-Book Market? Two Startups Will Find Out”

We are really elated to see Publica getting noticed by more mainstream media!

Make sure to read the article and share it with others!

As a side-note we also wanted to remind you that last year Publica was mentioned in a FORBES article on how to build a more authentic connection with consumers.

Hopefully this trend continues!

Book ICO list

The Book ICO platform rolled out recently and with it authors have started running their own Book ICOs. It is exciting as they are the very first ones to do so in history!

To help you show your support to them we have compiled a list of all the currently running Book ICOs and you too can take part in history as the first supporters.

Check out the list here!

And don't worry we will update the list as more Book ICOs appear.

Crypto Currently — Episode #2

We are also happy to share with you the second episode of Crypto Currently.

We are continuing to bring you the most interesting blockchain and cryptocurrency technology use cases. In this week’s episode of Crypto Currently Anastasia will update you on traditional adoptions of the technology that are happening every week.

Enjoyed this week’s episode? Show us your love in the comments section!

We put in quite a bit of work in these episodes and we really appreciate the feedback you’re giving us and want to encourage you to keep it coming!

Thanks for being with us, giving your feedback, running your Book ICOs. Don't forget to show the same support for our community's authors!

Publica.com is the first publishing platform to use blockchain technology to innovate how books are funded, distributed, bought, and read.

Join our Telegram group or Discord server to chat directly with the team members and Publica community

And also don’t forget to follow us on social media!

Official Telegram Announcement Channel: https://t.me/publicaio
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Publica
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialPublica/
Medium: https://medium.com/publicaio
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Blockchain revolution for the publishing economy.