Weekly update— June 1

Published in
4 min readJun 1, 2018

While the air has been buzzing with the announcement of the first Book ICO and we are just as excited as our community, we've had some more exciting announcements just at the end of the week, so here is the recap!

iOS Release

Recently the community has been fairly vocal asking about the status of the iOS app and we were happy to announce the release of Publica e-reader app iOS version this week!

You can get it on the App Store right now!

Publica iOS e-reader app!

Exciting for both us and the community.

The iOS version has slight differences from the Android version in this stage — namely you can't buy books on the iOS e-reader. Fret not, a solution to this is the release of the Publica Web store, where you can buy the books and the read them on the iOS or Android devices.

Read the full announcement here.

Web store release

The second exciting announcement for this week was the release of the web version of the Publica store.

While this by no means is the final version of the store and many changes will be made over time, the release at this time will allow the iOS users to utilize this to buy books!

Publica Web Shop

Read the full announcement here.

World’s first book ICO.

We'd be surprised if you've missed it — we recently announced the World's first Book ICO!

The American bestselling author Matthew “Nomadic Matt” Kepnes is running the Book ICO for his upcoming book — “Backpacker's guide to Europe”.

The ICO will start NEXT WEEK, on June 6th. That is less than 6 days left!

If you haven’t done that already, we encourage you to go to the ICO announcement page and subscribe to the Book ICO so you wouldn't miss it when it comes.


With the new options to purchase and read books on Publica we have prepared a bunch of tutorials that we believe you will find useful if you are new to the crypto space. We also plan to add more as time goes on.

We are always open to feedback and we encourage you to tell us what you think about the tutorials, what can be improved upon and what another subject would you like to see covered!

  • How to buy books on the Publica platform:
  • How to create a MetaMask account:
  • How to buy Publica's PBL tokens:
  • How to create a cryptocurrency wallet:
  • How to import an existing cryptocurrency wallet to Publica's e-reader:
  • How to import an existing cryptocurrency wallet to your MetaMask account:

This has been a great and eventful week, we hope you enjoyed the recent developments and we hope to see you back here next week!

Join our Telegram group or Discord server to chat directly with the team members and Publica community

Website: https://publica.com

And also don’t forget to follow us on social media!

Official Telegram Announcement Channel: https://t.me/publicaio
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PublicaIO
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialPublica/
Medium: https://medium.com/publicaio
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/publicaio




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