Weekly Update — October 19

Published in
4 min readOct 19, 2018

Welcome one and all to the latest update on the Publica project!

Let's get you up to speed with things you don't want to miss.

New listing on Swap.Online

We are happy to announce that Publica has been listed on Swap.Online — a decentralized marketplace for crypto assets powered by Atomic Swap!

Swap.Online is a browser-based multicurrency wallet with a built-in peer-to-peer atomic swap exchange feature. The platform is completely decentralized and anonymous — the KYC/AML procedure is not required, meaning that no one can freeze your assets, put your orders on hold, or block transactions.

According to Swap.Online, the platform outperforms existing exchanges, in terms of speed, on average 2 to 10+ times, resulting in a usual processing time of 1 to 2 minutes.

One of the main benefits for PBL token holders is the availability of new pairs!

Publica’s PBL token will be listed among digital assets — ETH, BTC, EOS, TLOS, BCH, USDT, SWAP, LEV, DRT, SYC2, ARN, GUSD, KN, YUP, JOT, NOXON, BXB, DCN, MBRS, SCT, NEXO, BTRM, BNTY and SENC.

Swap.Online apply no transaction fee and no limits on transactions, however, it is still required to pay miners for confirmation of a transaction.

Check this tutorial to learn more about how to perform an Atomic Swap.


Last week we announced plans to answer all the questions coming in from the community.

To do that we have prepared a form for you to fill out and ask your questions.

We will group questions based on their respective topic areas and answer them accordingly, but to do that it is important that you submit your questions.

We encourage you to be more active and use the chance and get thorough answers to your questions.

Geth Node Stability & Reliability

For those interested in what goes on behind the scenes on the technical side we have a new article written by one of the devs behind Publica.

The article goes in detail about Geth nodes in blockchain programming and is a really good read for those not afraid of getting their hands dirty in the tech side of things.

Read the full story here:

Crypto Investor: A Survival Guide

We want to shine a spotlight on a Book ICO that is currently being run on Publica which we personally find very appealing.

“Crypto Investor: A Surval Guide” by Eric Le Goff

Eric — a seasoned stock trading veteran with a hefty amount of understanding and experience in cryptocurrency trading — wants to get his vast knowledge and skills out to the people.

Cryptocurrency trading is no cakewalk and Eric is just the person to guide you through it!

From Eric's Book ICO page: “This book is about investing into cryptos while acknowledging the need to be ambitious in its modesty. Markets as a whole are tricky, crypto is no exception. 20 years of investment in stock markets with ups and downs led to successful application of the principles I expose in this book.”

Show Eric your support and get his book at a bargain price!

The conclusion of “Around the world” campaign

Last week we concluded the “Around the world campaign” and awarded all those who claimed the rewards. Thank you for all those who participated and showed their community spirit.

Thanks for being with us another week, we hope you find value in the updates that we put out and we appreciate any and all feedback from our community. See you next week!

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