Go to Publish the Rough Drafts
Publish the Rough Drafts
Fostering creativity and killing perfectionism one article at a time.
Note from the editor

Fostering creativity and killing perfectionism one article at a time.

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Kat Claussen, L.Ac, E-RYT
Yoga teacher & acupuncturist - I write about manifestation, mindfulness, entrepreneurship, and alignment with your authentic Self.
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Mike Sansone
Hi :-) - At our core, we all want to laugh, be listened to, and want to be loved. Managing Editor/Owner of Reaching Hearts & also Leading With Love publications
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Chelsea G. 🏆
B.S. Food and Nutrition. I'm here to help it all make sense. I got a late start in life, but I'm finally out of hiding.
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Observer. Listener. Learner. Learning to write well. Personal experience = personal stories. My good life is now : )