10 Things That Might Surprise You About Me

#8: Being me all the time gets boring.

Maarten van Doorn



Usually, I want to write things that create value.

What I’m sharing today has no such aim.

I was tagged by James Jordan in his post ‘10 things about me’. He challenged me to write a similar article. I was hesitant because I seek to produce essays that inspire others to think deeper and ‘10 things about me’ listicles don’t align with that goal.

James took his inspiration from the original post by Tim Cigelske (“Hello, world! 10 Things About Me”). I feel Tim when he confesses:

“I miss getting to learn more about a blogger’s life, journey and motivations. What’s their story?”

As a reader, I, too, love getting a peek behind the scenes and learning a bit more about the people I read. With that in mind, I decided to take up James’ challenge.

Here are 10 things about me:

1. I really like to work

I spend almost all my time on my PhD-research and my Medium blog. I see reading and writing as “my work” and it’s a labor of love.

I’m OK with “working all the time” or being a workaholic, or whatever.



Maarten van Doorn

Essays about why we believe what we do, how societies come to a public understanding about truth, and how we might do better (crazy times)