Do You Think Unconditional Love Exists?

My reflection on a recent post

Trip Kimball


Photo by Liv Bruce on Unsplash

Reading a recent post on unconditional love got me thinking. Does the idea of unconditional love seem remote or unrealistic to most people? Does unconditional love exist in our world?

The short answer, for me, is yes. But perhaps this prompts another question—if an unconditional love exists, where can it be found and is it sustainable?

If an unconditional love exists, where is it found and is it sustainable?

I have a theory about life, love, and God

I believe God sends at least one person into our life who loves us unconditionally. I can’t prove my theory empirically but have found and continue to find proofs of it experientially.

As I reflect on the idea of unconditional love, my first recollection is of my maternal grandmother. She loved me unconditionally…no matter what. Even when I was wandering and trying to find my way in life in the ’60s as a quasi-hippie with the requisite long hair, beard, beads, and glazed look in my eyes.

She found ways to keep me engaged in something productive—gardening, painting, building or fixing something. She even figured out a way to get me to go to church. She…



Trip Kimball

I’m a seasoned pastor, missionary, and writer committed to making what is abstract and conceptual, simple and clear. I also write at–