How to Overcome Your Creative Block

Be brave and don’t give up.

Froyle Davies


If you have been creating for any length of time, even a short while, you would have struck the pain of disappointment and the feeling of failure. Something has gone wrong. Your manuscript wasn’t received, your article was rejected again from the one publication that you wanted, or like me, your artwork completely flopped and for no good reason.

So how do you cope with this frustrating experience? How can you push through the disappointment of this failure to arrive at your next brilliant idea? Here is my best solution to help you break through a creative block and to empower your next idea;

Rip the problem to shreds.

Throw a fit, have a tantrum, and start again.

You know you want to, so you may as well get it out of your system. Let all the frustration and disappointment go, scream, yell and throw something (preferably soft). It’s a very normal part of the creative process, and everybody experiences this moment at some point on their journey to greatness.

Rip it to shreds

Lee Krasner, an Abstract Expressionist painter (1908–1984), was painting at a time in history when women were not considered good artists purely because of their gender. Krasner pushed past the prejudice of



Froyle Davies

Art, Creativity, and Inspiration. Stories to encourage you. Visual artist and hostel manager, living in New Zealand.