Once You See “God’s Hand,” You Cannot Unsee It

How to recognize “God’s Hand” and let it propel you toward growth and greatness

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
8 min readMar 30, 2024


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“This will kill me today”, I held onto the railing — as nukes exploded inside my skull.

Flashing a tortured smile to the receptionist, I pulled out my jump rope.

The bouncing motion proved oddly therapeutic — and I entered a deep trance. In my mind, I became Yoma from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure

Until my coach’s “All, get in!” broke my flow — and sunk my heart.

Yoma jump-roping (Source: Tenor)

But his next few words left me smiling ear-to-ear — and awe-struck:

“Let’s start with Agility Ladder drills today!”

Was it mere chance that he chose the bouncy migraine-soothing drills today — after 2 weeks? Just a coincidence that my migraine ended exactly as the drills did?

My skeptical Aristotle-parroting past self would’ve said yes. But I knew (and had seen) better…

This was “God’s hand”— subtly helping me out.

“God” Has Nothing to Do with Religion or Beliefs



Neeramitra Reddy

Truth See(k)er ✦ 3M+ Views ✦ Soulful 360° Self-Development✦ Building manximize.com ✦ 📩 neeramitra.writes@gmail.com