The Hermetic Principle of Mentalism

How to paint your reality with your thoughts

Saleem Rana
8 min readAug 31, 2023


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Ever feel like life is a ship sailing aimlessly, with circumstances in control? Same here. However, discovering the Hermetic Principle of Mentalism has been eye-opening and empowering.

It’s an invincible shield against hardship, highlighting our potential to shape reality through conscious energy channeling — a hidden superpower. Ready to grasp this transformative force in your journey? Let’s explore this principle together.

What is The Hermetic Principle Of Mentalism?

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The Hermetic principle of Mentalism is the first of 7 Hermetic principles. It states that all reality originates from the mind — a unifying consciousness or intelligence that exists throughout the Universe. It’s like a key to freedom, unlocking limitless possibilities for shaping our existence. Understanding this principle helps us comprehend how our thoughts and emotions influence the creation of our physical realities.

Why It’s Your Ticket to Freedom

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Understanding the Hermetic Principle of Mentalism unlocks a world of freedom. It breaks the chains that limit your life and personal growth. Imagine living beyond societal norms, where your mind becomes an enabler instead of an inhibitor.

By consciously controlling your thoughts, you can shape your reality and create a life aligned with your true self. Practicing mental inclinations based on this principle empowers you to manifest desired outcomes, making it a powerful tool for spiritual awakening and transformation.

The choice to embrace this freedom lies within each of us. Tapping into it truly opens the gate to freedom.

How it Works

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According to the Principle of Mentalism, the Universe exists within your mind. Your emotions, thoughts, and actions shape reality based on your mental picture. It’s like our conscious perceptions reflecting our inner vision of existence.

Applying the Hermetic Principle of Mentalism is similar to working with the Law of Attraction. You project thoughts and emotions into space, like casting pebbles into a pond, creating ripples across its surface. These ripples evoke various responses from the Universe, which is resourceful in delivering experiences aligned with your thoughts.

Connect With Your Higher Self

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You need a calm mind and an open heart to connect with your higher self. With that in mind, here are some ways to connect with your higher self:

  • Embrace solitude, practice mindfulness, and value moments of silence.
  • Increase awareness of your thoughts and feelings without judgment.
  • Meditation is essential for cultivating a profound relationship with your true essence. Listen to the subtle messages from within, offering guidance and reassurance.
  • Journaling can help document these inner dialogues and track your progress.
  • Visualize meeting your higher self in a realm beyond the physical.
  • Simplify your surroundings and thoughts to achieve mental clarity and deepen your connection to your higher self.

What are Some Synonyms for the Higher Self?

Exploring different terms for the “Higher Self” provides diverse perspectives on this mystical concept.

Here are some common synonyms:

  • Inner Being
  • Divine Self
  • Soul
  • Spirit
  • True Self
  • Essential Nature
  • Inner Light
  • Eternal Essence
  • Unified Field of Consciousness
  • Spiritual Identity

What Techniques to Use

Understanding The Hermetic Principle of Mentalism starts with connecting with your Higher Self. Here are some effective techniques you can use:

Meditation: Dive deep into your mind and quiet your thoughts to perceive things at a cosmic level.

Positive affirmations: Repeat uplifting mantras to attract positivity and prosperity.

Emotional response control: Mastering your emotions leads to a smoother life journey.

Creative visualization: Picture your desires vividly as if they’re already true to manifest them.

Create an energy shield: Block negativity to maintain serenity in your space.

Practice mindfulness: Stay present for fuller experiences and remove unnecessary burdens.

Foster relationships with nature: Connect with nature for mental growth and expanded consciousness.

The World is Your Canvas

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Harnessing the power of your mind is crucial for creating your reality. Thoughts are not mere abstract concepts; they possess real power. By aligning with the Universe’s energy, each thought becomes a brushstroke on the canvas of existence.

Recognizing this connection is vital: your mental state directly reflects in your physical world and experiences.

Repeat positive affirmations daily to internalize beliefs that foster growth and achievement. Consider them as repeat orders to yourself or the Universe for your wants.

Practice mindfulness and creative visualization to etch desired outcomes into your conscious self. For example, visualize abundance when seeking financial prosperity.

Remember, it’s more than wishful thinking; active faith fuels powerful manifestation.

Let your thoughts guide purposeful actions and decisions, manifesting destiny from the inside out by consciously using thought energy. A

Remember to envision it first in your mind before seeing it materialize in the physical world. You have the innate ability to influence your destiny.

12 Ways to Apply Mentalism in Your Daily Life

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Applying the Hermetic Principle of Mentalism in daily life can greatly improve our perspective and the outcomes we manifest. Here are some practical steps to incorporate this practice:

Embrace a growth mindset: Acknowledge that you can improve through dedication, hard work, and a positive attitude.

Harness the power of thought manifestation: Always believe that our thoughts can become a physical reality.

Practice conscious creation: Be mindful of your thoughts and emotions, which are crucial in creating your desired reality.

Understand the influence of the mind: Remember that your mental state can influence physical events and outcomes.

Explore cognitive influence: Examine how your thinking patterns impact your feelings, behaviors, and overall well-being.

Tap into your inner power: Identify and utilize your innate potential for personal transformation and spiritual development.

Foster mental influence: Recognize that your mental state shapes your perception of reality and how you engage with the Universe.

Participate in reality creation: Actively shape your world by controlling the manifestations of your mind.

Build a mind-body connection: Strive for harmony between your physical body and mental state to achieve overall wellness.

Master thought control: Nurture empowering beliefs and let go of self-limiting ideas to manage life’s challenges effectively.

Cultivate positive thinking: Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations reinforcing a constructive outlook on life.

Practice mindfulness: Pay attention to present-moment experiences with openness, curiosity, and flexibility to gain insight into your surroundings and improve your quality of life. Realize that mindfulness can significantly alter interpretations, reactions, and responses to the situations around us.

The Challenges of Pursuing The Hermetic Principle

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Embracing the Hermetic Principle can be challenging. Roadblocks often appear as limiting beliefs buried deep in our subconscious.

Overcoming these obstacles requires personal introspection.

It’s essential to remember that we each have unique paths. Finding alignment might involve trial and error, but it holds immense power once achieved.

How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

Boosting your self-concept is the first step to overcoming limiting beliefs. Here are some effective strategies:

Identify your limiting beliefs: Ask yourself why you haven’t achieved certain goals yet.

Challenge your limiting beliefs: Examine them with logic and real-life evidence.

Replace limiting beliefs with positive ones: Repeat affirmations like “I am successful” or “I can do anything” to reshape your perception.

Surround yourself with positivity: Stay optimistic and focused on your goals, avoiding negative thoughts.

Seek professional help if needed: Therapists can solve deep-seated issues that may be the root cause of these beliefs.

How to Align With Your Unique Path

Embarking on your unique path may feel challenging, but embracing the journey is crucial. The Hermetic principle of mentalism serves as a guiding compass, helping you find direction and purpose.

Start by recognizing and letting go of limiting beliefs that hinder your growth and manifestation of thoughts. Shed light on your fears and insecurities, laying the foundation for inner strength.

Break free from societal expectations and embrace clear intentions with unwavering belief in their realization. Align your thoughts with your desired reality, igniting your consciousness like vibrant fireworks. This mind-body connection opens doors to unparalleled possibilities on your spiritual journey.

Unleash your creativity through conscious visualization, using positive thinking as a powerful tool to create magnificent realities. Empower your soul, nurture mindfulness, and transform your perception of the world around you.

Let your existence be a testament to the limitless potential within you as you navigate the layers between physical presence and the vast Universe.

The Universe will talk to you via spontaneous insights and synchronicities.

How to Get Messages from Your Spiritual Guides & Angels

Sometimes, the insights you receive are so unique that it’s hard to believe they originated from your habitual thinking.

Many people who practice Hermeticism credit their spiritual guides or angels as giving them these life-changing insights.

Firstly, I want to stress the importance of paying attention to your guides or angels. They act as a compass, pointing us towards higher wisdom and deeper understanding.

Listening to your spirit guides and angels is vital for aligning your steps to mastering the Hermetic Principle of Mentalism. These entities offer wisdom and insight, helping you overcome mental blocks that hinder spiritual progress.

Their messages appear as signals in everyday life or during meditation, teaching us what to embrace or let go of for optimal growth. Keep an open mind and let their gentle guidance positively influence your thoughts, creating a reality that resonates with higher consciousness and spiritual fulfillment.

How to Interpret Synchronicities

When you embrace the principle of mentalism, you’ll encounter numerous synchronicities. While often amazing and transformative, they can also mislead if misunderstood. Considered as divine signals from the Universe, their purpose is to guide our path rather than dictate our future outcomes.

However, problems arise when people interpret every small event as a ‘sign.’ This leaves no room for doubt and leads to irrational connections between unrelated events, searching for meaning that may not exist. This obsession with finding connections hinders natural spiritual growth. It’s important to balance our focus on synchronicity with personal effort in self-development.

Unlock Your Reality

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Steering our reality with the Hermetic Principle of Mentalism unlocks boundless potential. By understanding the fundamental nature of the mind and its power, we embark on a profound exploration that leads us to master the art of conscious creation.

This diligent and transformative journey navigates through the realms of self-empowerment, mindfulness, and the practice of positive thinking. Through these practices, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our ability to shape our own reality, allowing us to tap into the limitless possibilities that await us.

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Saleem Rana

I'm Saleem Rana. I'm interested in human flourishing and aspire to help readers discover how to be the best version of themselves..