The Hermetic Principle of Vibration

Feel the vibration.

Saleem Rana
13 min readOct 19, 2023


Photo by Rhett Wesley on Unsplash

The Hermetic Principle of Vibration explores the intricate relationship between energy, frequency, and manifestation

I believe in magical thinking and find meaning in ordinary events. When strange coincidences or premonitions occur, it feels like the universe is sending me a message.

So, when I first came across the Hermetic Law of Vibration, it confirmed my belief in hidden forces beneath the surface of reality. This esoteric principle suggests that everything vibrates at specific frequencies, emitting unique energy.

By fine-tuning our intuition, we might gain insights that are otherwise inaccessible. The universe whispers only to those who vibrate at the right frequency.

It’s a romantic idea — we are like radio towers constantly transmitting and receiving hidden messages. Yet, we often go about our lives unaware of the unseen signals passing through us.

But is any of this real? Or is it simply a captivating tale that appeals to my belief in magic? I often find myself moved by certain sights, sounds, or encounters without knowing why.

But maybe I’m just attributing personal significance to random events. Still, I wonder if the esotericists are onto something. What messages might we be missing because we tune into the noise of the media events and entertainment industry?

I don’t expect scientific proof of mystical vibrations anytime soon. But, the possibility continues to captivate me — the idea of reality as an immense orchestra, constantly playing symphonies that we rarely take the time to hear as busy, distracted, absent-minded humans.

I haven’t fully attuned my intuition, but occasionally, in moments of stillness, I sense a haunting melody resonating through everything.

My Own Experience With Raising My Vibes

I have spent years studying ancient wisdom, driven by an insatiable curiosity about the meaning of life.

Although it was hard to believe, frequencies have a tangible effect on my life — something I discovered after conducting numerous experiments on myself.

My curiosity about the subtle energy of people and places soon became an obsession when I realized how these frequencies influence my life. Everything seems connected by them.

Vibrations theoretically affect everything, from the tiniest particles to the grandeur of the universe itself.

I have received all kinds of unintended miracles simply by meditating regularly, focusing on letting go of my self-identity by repeating a mantra until my mind slips into temporary silence.

These miracles range from receiving unexpected large sums of money to resolving intractable health problems. I did not specifically try to manifest these things — they just showed up in my experience as natural events.

By raising my vibrations through meditation, wonderful things happen — from insights to synchronicity.

I now have a working hypothesis: Perhaps each person’s vibrational frequency determines their experiences and how much they can learn from exploring this other inner dimension.

The potential rewards are amazing for those willing to explore practices like mindfulness, meditation, and positive imagination. Each experience offers new insights into ourselves and our environment, unlocking creative forces that reveal previously unseen realms filled with possibilities and wonder.

This train of thought may sound nonsense to those immersed in our scientific literature. Still, authors like Deepak Chopra are right when they talk about the quantum realm, where all possibilities are available to those open to the idea.

What is the Hermetic Principle of Vibration?

The Hermetic Principle of Vibration is a fascinating aspect of hermetic laws found in ancient and medieval writings known as Hermetica. This principle and others are intricately connected, but it stands out due to its potent nature.

According to this principle, everything in our universe, visible or invisible, vibrates at different frequencies. This reflects the powerful motion and energy that exists all around us.

1. Definition and origins

The Hermetic Principle of Vibration originates in ancient Egypt and Greece within the tradition of Hermeticism. This philosophy, which dates back centuries, asserts that everything, from thoughts to feelings, possesses its unique vibration.

The Kybalion, a foundational text, explores this complex idea. According to this doctrine, everything is in constant motion and vibration, and nothing remains at rest. Even today, this principle continues to shape our understanding of the fundamental rhythm of the universe.

2. Relation to ancient and medieval Hermetica

By unveiling seven key principles, including vibration, The Kybalion serves as a vital guide for students seeking a profound understanding of the constant motion of the universe.

During those periods, mystics developed a deep understanding of the rhythmic dance between humans and nature. They explored the idea that everything, from thoughts to emotions, carries its unique frequency or vibration.

This understanding empowered them to believe in their ability to control these vibrations, much like tuning an instrument. The impact of this ancient wisdom extends beyond time, resonating in modern hermetic teachings today.

3. Relation to other Hermetic principles

The Principle of Vibration is closely related to the other 7 Hermetic laws, which are the fundamental principles governing the universe. Like instruments in an orchestra, each law has a unique role but contributes to the overall harmony.

Take the Law of Polarity, for example. It states that everything has two opposite poles. This law directly relates to vibration, where higher frequencies correspond to positive polarity and lower frequencies correspond to negative polarity.

The Kybalion’s concept of correspondence, “As above, so below,” also aligns with this principle. Vibrations exist at all levels, from atoms to universes. What’s more, the Law of Cause and Effect states that every thought wave (cause) has a vibrational ripple effect in our lives and the universe (effect).

Understanding one principle helps unravel the others in this intricate web of Hermetic philosophy.

How The Law of Vibration Works

To understand the Law of Vibration, we must first grasp that everything around us is always in motion. From the smallest atom to the vast universe, constant movement generates energy waves known as vibrations. Each vibration has its frequency, indicating the rate of back-and-forth or oscillation.

1. Understanding motion and energy

Motion is all about movement and direction, while energy is the force that powers this motion.

Everything in the universe moves and vibrates at a unique pace due to a certain energy level. Even seemingly stationary things are actually in motion on a microscopic level because of constant vibrations.

According to the Hermetic law of vibration, our thoughts and emotions also have their own frequencies. By tuning into these vibrations, we can better understand and harness our personal energies for growth and self-mastery.

2. The concept of frequency

Understanding frequency is a crucial part of the Hermetic principle of vibration. Frequency refers to the number of vibrations or cycles an energy wave completes in a specific period, measured in Hertz (Hz).

Like musical notes, everything around us vibrates at its unique frequency. This includes solid objects like tables and chairs and abstract concepts like thoughts and emotions.

This idea is rooted in the Hermetic Law of Vibration, which states that nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.

So, when we talk about raising our vibrations, we aim to increase our personal frequency levels to align with higher energies. This practice helps many people cultivate positive attitudes in life.

Deciphering the Meaning of the Law of Vibration

Exploring the Law of Vibration uncovers its profound impact on the universe and our daily lives. This principle reveals that everything is constantly in motion, and we are all part of this universal dance.

It’s like a cosmic rhythm that affects our thoughts, feelings, environment, relationships — every aspect of existence. Understanding these vibrations and their influence empowers us to harness their power for personal growth.

1. Its impact on the universe and everything within it

The Hermetic Principle of Vibration influences personal growth and development, resonating throughout the universe. This concept is fundamental to ancient teachings.

According to this belief, everything has its unique vibrational frequency. From atoms to galaxies, everything is part of a cosmic dance. Our thoughts, emotions, and spiritual essence are all subject to vibrations as taught by hermetic laws.

Just imagine countless celestial bodies in perpetual motion due to unseen forces. Every living entity also bristles with energy waves according to nature and mood. The world around us is not static but filled with vibrant energy stirred by the law of vibration.

2. Its effect on our daily lives

The vibrations around us shape our daily lives. Focusing on positive vibes creates a ripple effect, improving our mood and attracting good situations and people.

On the other hand, negative vibrations drain energy and bring unpleasant experiences. The Hermetic Law of Vibration is an unseen force guiding events and emotions in our routine.

We constantly interact with diverse frequencies from living beings and objects, each with its unique vibrational signature according to the 7 Hermetic laws.

These interactions influence what we attract or repel in life, so aligning ourselves with higher frequencies for a harmonious flow of events throughout the day is crucial.

Practical Applications of the Hermetic Principle of Vibration

Photo by Mike Lewinski on Unsplash

Now, let’s explore how you can apply the Hermetic Principle of Vibration in your daily life for personal growth. We’ll discover techniques to raise your vibrational frequency and harness the energy around you.

This journey not only helps you understand an ancient philosophical principle but also transforms your well-being on mental and spiritual levels.

1. How to harness its power for personal growth and development

To harness the power of the Hermetic Principle of Vibration for personal growth and development, it’s important to understand your own vibrational frequency and learn how to elevate it.

Start by observing your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. These are energy forms that vibrate at different frequencies. Positive thoughts generally vibrate at higher frequencies, while negative ones resonate lower.

Next, focus on uplifting activities like meditation, reading inspirational books, spending time in nature, or practicing gratitude to raise your vibration.

Surrounding yourself with positive influences — people who inspire you and environments that uplift you — will naturally increase your vibrational frequency.

By consistently applying these techniques, you can align yourself with better opportunities and experiences according to the law of vibration in the universe.

9 Techniques for Raising Your Vibrational Frequency

Photo by MARK ADRIANE on Unsplash

Adopting positive practices that align with the Hermetic Principle of Vibration is important to raise your vibrational frequency. Here are a few techniques to consider:

  1. Focus on Positive Thoughts: Just like the Hermeticists believe, our thoughts have their own vibrations. Practice optimism in your thinking.
  2. Manage Your Emotions: When controlled and directed positively, emotions raise our vibrational frequency. Instead of suppressing or venting emotions, try to release them. I’ve found that Emotional Freedom Technique has proven to be particularly helpful.
  3. Practice Mindfulness Meditation: This technique helps you center your focus, allowing you to tune into your personal vibration and consciously raise it.
  4. Nourish Your Body: A balanced diet provides the necessary nourishment for your body and contributes to higher energy levels.
  5. Engage in Physical Activity: Regular exercise helps maintain high vibrational energy.
  6. Surround Yourself With Positive People: The people you spend time with influence your energy field. Choose to be around those who uplift you.
  7. Spend Time in Nature: Going outdoors more often revitalizes the soul and strengthens your connection with cosmic energies. I usually go to a park near my home with a lake.
  8. Explore Creative Pursuits: Engaging in activities that bring you joy promotes higher vibrations.
  9. Foster a Growth Mindset: As emphasized in the book, cultivating a growth mindset enhances brain function and elevates vibrational frequencies.

The Importance of a Balanced Vibration

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Having a balanced vibration is not only key to well-being but also essential for harmonious living. It’s about understanding that polarity, the interplay of opposites, is integral to this delicate balance.

By recognizing and embracing the duality of all things, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities and intricacies of life. This awareness allows us to navigate challenges gracefully and find equilibrium amid chaos.

1. How polarity plays a role in maintaining balance

Polarity is crucial for maintaining balance, especially in vibrations. It’s based on the idea that everything has two opposite poles, just like a magnet with north and south sides. This duality appears in every situation, whether good or bad, positive or negative, or health and sickness.

Understanding polarity helps us find equilibrium by emphasizing the importance of balance between these opposites. Navigating between polarities brings stability in times of change.

If you’re feeling low due to negative thoughts, introducing positive thinking can counteract this imbalance and restore harmony with the natural vibrational rhythm of the universe.

2. Understand the duality of all things

The principle of duality is present in every aspect of existence. Like the Yin and Yang concept in Eastern philosophy, everything has two interconnected but opposing aspects.

In our daily lives, we naturally acknowledge this when we understand that there’s no day without night or joy without sorrow. This concept goes even deeper on a metaphysical level, where every vibration, including thoughts and emotions, has a dual nature — positive or negative frequency.

By becoming aware of these vibrations’ polarity, you can consciously shift your focus towards positivity and attract better experiences. This practice is essential in Hermeticism for self-mastery and spiritual growth.

3. Grokking the link between vibration and manifestation

According to the first principle of Hermeticism, consciousness is fundamental. This contrasts with the current scientific view that consciousness emerges from matter.

To manifest your desires, you need to communicate with your subconscious mind. As a conscious being, you must connect with your unconscious self. This thought and feeling of vibration creates a ripple effect through time and space.

According to Carl Jung, two things can happen. Firstly, you might receive an inspired idea that perfectly solves a problem you’ve been struggling with. Alternatively, synchronistic events may occur, leading you in the desired direction.

Another perspective is that you are a character in a virtual drama called “Leela” in Vedanta. If you’re experiencing distress, you can seek help from your higher self, your I AM, or your divine self.

Using thoughts, feelings, and images, you can impress your ideal reality onto the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is a gateway to connect with your higher consciousness, sometimes called the superconscious.

In sum, the lower self communicates with the higher self through the subconscious mind. The message you impress on the subconscious mind is relayed to your superconscious mind, ultimately resolving the distressing problem you were facing.

4. Does this manifestation process always work?

Unfortunately no. If you worry, fear, doubt, or feel impatient about your ability to manifest your heart’s desire, your subconscious mind picks up on these vibrations and manifests them instead of what you really want.

Adding a clause is one way to eliminate this self-defeating automatic vibration.

So, if, for example, you desire to manifest $10,000, and you feel that there is no way that you could receive such a large sum of money based on your limited resources in life, then affirm in the following way:

“I am manifesting $10,000 despite feeling worried, scared, doubtful, and impatient.”

Final Thoughts: Embracing the Hermetic Principle of Vibration for Spiritual Growth

The concept of “syncing our vibrations” with the universe to gain mystical insight has gained popularity among modern spiritual seekers. It draws from the ancient Hermetic Principle of Vibration, which suggests that everything pulsates at specific frequencies.

Supporters claim that aligning our personal energy fields with “cosmic vibrations” unlocks higher states of consciousness, enabling us to perceive hidden connections between all things. By tuning in, we supposedly tap into hidden truths about reality.

I must admit, I find this idea intriguing. Certain experiences may resonate more deeply because they reveal underlying patterns in existence. When synchronicities occur, could it be the universe subtly nudging us?

On the other hand, as humans, we are inclined to seek patterns and perceive intentionality where there may be none. Still, I strive to remain open-minded, attuned to the whispers beneath the noise of everyday life.

There may well be unseen energies flowing around us that defy rational comprehension. While I maintain skepticism about claims of “raising vibrations,” I also recognize that life’s profundity extends beyond mere mathematical equations and collected scientific data.

So, I seek balance — exploring magical hypotheses while acknowledging the limitations of my earthly senses. There could be frequencies resonating within us, as untranslatable as whale songs in the vast sea. If so, I can only continue to listen for their echoes.

If the idea of this hermetic principle resonates with you, I’ll leave you with two suggestions to pursue your own inquiry:

a. Learn to let go and flow with the vibrations of the universe

Letting go means surrendering control and aligning with the natural rhythm of the universe. According to the Hermetic Principle of Vibration, everything in the universe vibrates at its own frequency.

Recognizing this truth helps us understand that everything is constantly in motion. When we let go and allow ourselves to vibrate naturally like everything else, we find harmony within ourselves and our surroundings.

It’s a state of bliss where growth becomes effortless. Instead of trying to impose our will on the vibrations, we become like musical instruments perfectly tuned by them. This way, we avoid conflict with the universal forces at play.

We coexist peacefully and harness these vibrations for personal development, achieving balance much faster. The magic begins when you let go!

b. Incorporate this principle into your daily life for a deeper understanding of self and the world around you

Understanding and harnessing the power of the Hermetic Principle of Vibration can open doors to personal growth and self-awareness. To connect with this principle, start with mindfulness. Pay attention to your thoughts, emotions, and reactions, as they are all vibrations sent into the universe. Practicing this awareness requires consistency, patience, and dedication.

It’s not just about understanding — actively seek ways to raise your vibrational frequency for positive outcomes. Engage in activities that bring joy and peace while reducing negativity. Strive for balance in your environment and relationships, as it aligns you with the universe's flow.

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Saleem Rana

I have an M.S. in Marriage and Family Therapy and am passionate about personal development and helping readers flourish through insightful, empowering content.