Why Achievement is Never Enough

Get back to the why

Thomas E. McDaniels


I was reading a post from Casey Botticelli.

Casey’s post was focused on writers who had achieved recognition and financial success at Medium.

Here is the actual post from Casey.

Shannon Ashley, Ayodeji Awosika, and Nicolas Cole were in the top 10. Both the writers and the article captured my attention. I have read several great posts from these accomplished writers.

I never realized that reading Casey’s article was leading me down a trail of negativity. Depression was the result. Depression is rare for me. Also, I dislike drama and I am not dramatic.

99% of the time my emotions are in check and my temperament is steady. One of my strengths. But this was an exception.

The post started like this:

This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions that Medium writers ask. And it is a worthwhile question to ask. After all, whether it was under the…

